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  • Well, for the refresh/clear cache/delete cookies… I sometime have this issue to… I just log out everywhere (WP, FTP, etc.), I close every program, close my computer and wait a few minutes before restarting everything… I don’t why it happens…

    For your coupon, if you want to offer free shipping for everyone who order over 500/-, you don’t need the coupon… just set the Free Shipping method…. ??
    If you’re not offering the free shipping for everyone who order over 500/-, then you have to check the “activate the free shipping” option in your coupon AND set the Free Shipping method (don’t forget to check the option “Coupon code”).

    And on my site, I offer different shipping methods. And Free shipping for orders over 150$. It is weird as when the cart reach 150$ or more, customers still have choices between “local pickup”, two shipping companies, or Free shipping…. But if they choose Free shipping or local pickup, nothing is added to the order total…

    On my site, I set the shipping method Flat Rate to 50$. Then in my Free Shipping method, I checked the Coupon Code option, and I created a free shipping coupon of 50$ (with the “activate free shipping” option checked).. and it works well.. without the coupon it is 50$ for shipping, and when entering the coupon I see -50$ just before the order total…

    For both problems I don’t know what to tell you…

    But I found you can get support on Adroa on :

    Maybe you can try there…

    For your products…

    You have to go to Products > Categories.
    You need to create all the categories you need (ex. group 1, group 2, group 3, etc.)
    Then when creating your products you assign them the good category (on your right when creating your product).
    So when clicking on your Shop link, you’ll see a page with all the groups and when clicking on a group, you’ll see all the products this group contains.

    Is it what you wanted to do!?

    Just modify the .po file (woocommerce-en_GB.po).
    Via ftp you will find it in Plugins/Woocommerce/Languages.
    Search for the expression “update cart” or “cart” and you will me able to change all the terms, sentences, expressions you want to change…

    Normally, everything that is added to the sidebar is Widget…

    In your WP admin, (I’m sorry I don’t have the English word), if you place your cursor on “apparence”, just above Extensions, you will see Widgets.
    Click on Widgets.
    On this page, you should see on your right Primary. If it is not developped, click on the little arrow at the right and you will see all the widgets installed in your sidebar. Just delete the ones you don’t want…

    Hope it helps!

    Went on your site again.
    I added a product in the cart and now I have the product and the Flat rate is showing accurately.
    I went back on you shop page. I added another product (different) and the Flat rate is still showing accurately…
    I add a third one, and everything still ok..
    In the cart, I added one quantity to the first product (for a total of 2) and updated the cart and everything is still ok!!!

    So your cart is working well!!!

    On chechout page, I have no message under Your order – Shipping. The only message I have is this one (because I haven’t entered any billing address):
    Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.

    I emptied the cart, and try to register to test the cart once registered.. but I can’t… even if I enter a password an error message is appearing telling me to enter a password.

    In your WP admin:

    Canvas > Theme Options > Styling and Layouts > Widgets

    The first option you have is Widget Background Color…

    I use the French translation…
    This message appear for all Woo plugins and I actually have no problem using any of their plugins/extensions….

    no need to fix this… everything is working fine even if this message appear! I’m working with CSL too to translate everything in French, and until now I had 0 problem even it this message appear for all Woocommerce plugins…

    As you bought the extension… why don’t you send a support ticket on Woothemes site??? Click on Contact just beside “My account”, and click on Send a support ticket. ?? They will answer you in less than 24h!

    By the way, the error message will not disapear but you shouldn’t have any problem usin Woocommerce!

    1. does your language was already in the list?
    2. if not, I guess you Add a new language…
    3. if I’m right, you have to click on Rescan, a box will appear, then click on scan.
    4. Once it’s done, click on modify, you should see all the terms to translate… and you will have to translate them all….

    2b. if your language was already there, then proceed to step 3 and 4; none, some, a lot, almost all or all terms will be already translated.

    If no files appears… then I don’t know what to tell you as it is what I done for another Woocommerce extension and it worked…

    Maybe this one could suit your needs :
    AWD Weight/Country Shipping for WooCommerce

    In Woocommerce > Setting > Shipping, is this option “Hide delivery fees until an address is entered” checked? If yes, maybe that why your shipping flat rate is not showing at the checkout page. Try to uncheck it!

    janhasse : he needs to see your website… to help you with your issue… then he will be able to tell you what to modify in which file…

    Thread Starter touteptite


    Resolved with a ticket on Woothemes site.
    Can post the code if someone need it!

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