Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA] When accept the page refreshSame issue here. It’s not good page to be refreshed. Is it possible to be disabled?
Please provide an option to not refresh after acceptance.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Using Quiz for Spam protectionWhy you use ‘wpcf7_quiz’ for the key.
I suggest you to use ‘SECRET_KEY’ or ‘secret’ option
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Using Quiz for Spam protectionSpam Bots hack this:
$answer_hash = wp_hash( $answer, ‘wpcf7_quiz’ );Is it possible to change the word ‘wpcf7_quiz’ – it will be a good feature if we can set different word ‘wpcf7_quiz’ as shorctode attribute – for eaxmple: ‘szdS4f$hJmni’
$answer_hash = wp_hash( $answer, $shortcode_custom_word );
will stop spam 100%!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stream] php WarningMore warnings
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/xxxx/public_html/ on line 928
on page
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin Search in Trash?Is not the solution possible?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP-Polls] Stopped Working – No Support// WP poll and qtranslate – translate questions and answers
add_filter(‘poll_template_voteheader_markup’, ‘change_txt22’);
add_filter(‘poll_template_votebody_markup’, ‘change_txt22’);
add_filter(‘poll_result_markup’, ‘change_txt22’);
function change_txt22( $Question ) {
$Question = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage( $Question );
return $Question;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple CSV/XLS Exporter] Not seeing settings siteOK i have the same error.
In my settings display errors are ON.I use PHP 7.1 – There is no error message and I see blank screen on plugin settings page.
If I switch to PHP 7.0 – everything working good!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Aditional sorting options by two meta keysNo one can help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate] HTTPS for Gmap shortcode…I have the same problem. We use ssl certificate and google map not working, because url start with http not with https.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] Bypass resize in subfolderIm using this code:
// Bypass ewww_image_optimizer for ‘SLIDER’ CPT
add_filter( ‘ewww_image_optimizer_resize_dimensions’, ‘ewww_custom_resize’ );
function ewww_custom_resize( $dimensions ) {
global $pagenow;
if ( ( ‘async-upload.php’ == $pagenow || ‘media-upload.php’ == $pagenow ) && false !== strpos( wp_get_referer(),’post_type=slider’ ) ) {
return array( 0, 0 );
return $dimensions;
}And it works good!
If you upload image in CPT – slider, this code skip default setting in ewww to resize images and upload it in full size. ?? For all other uploads ewww resize images to default settings (1000x1000px).
But the code is not completed I need to make it, if you use bulk optimize all images – how to skip this folder ‘slider’. My CPT upload images in uploads/slider.
Is there a way to bypass resizing for CPT or for specific folder?
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-DBManager] Suggestion – Backup from admin toolbarIts very useful when develop site. So user make changes, add texts, products – sometimes need to make 10-20 backups per day when develop site.
And in the process just need to make a fast backup, the button will be available always.
So i suggest under “Database Options” page in the “Miscellaneous Options” section to have a checkbox – Display Fast DB backup button on admin bar.
And by default this option will not be checked for good UX.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subpages Extended] ERROR php 7I fixed them by this changes in class-shailan-walker-page.php
line 14:
function start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array()) {line: 19
function end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array()) {line: 24
function start_el(&$output, $page, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $current_page = 0) {line 62:
function end_el(&$output, $page, $depth = 0, $args = Array()) {you can update the plugin
Yes John Clause i give better solution.
I thing is there a way to use it automatically for all $cfs->get through custom function in functions.php? To cover all fields.
It will be the best solution.
There is a solution – to get translated version of CFS with Qutranslate-x
1. Go to Settgings -> Languages -> Integration
in “Custom Fields” > “class” – add this ‘text’ (no quotes)2. For frontend use this to display correct text language
if (function_exists('qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')) { $yourfld = $cfs->get('yourfld', FALSE, array('format' => 'raw')); $yourfld = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($yourfld); } echo $yourfld;
That is all.
3. Just use [:en]English Text[:bg]Bulgarian Text[:]
Same problem here. Redirection not working for URLs like: