Thank you very much for asking These important questions @luckilyhappy.
These concerns are fully justified: At present, there are not even any drafts of the wording for a successor agreement to Privacy Shield, which the European Court of Justice declared invalid in a landmark ruling in 2020. So it could be years before the U.S. and Europe reach an agreement on this – if ever. In the meantime, it is unfortunatly a legal risk for European companies to transfer personal data to servers in the U.S. This is true even if a data processing agreement is concluded (and even with standard contractual clauses and if all technical organizational measures are specified).
Therefore, I do not understand why Mailpoet quite obviously still does not operate servers in Europe. Please check the possibility to do so, dear Mailpoet team. Because as long as you don’t provide a solution for this, we can’t really use your great service and have to switch to other providers. That is a pity because Mailpoet really is awesome.
I am sorry to be so direct, but this is the recommendation I have received from various IT lawyers by now.