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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Ads –?Ad Manager & AdSense] Conditions on Ad GroupsThanks for the quick reply (as always ?? ).
I didn’t realize there’s an “Ad Group” ad-type. I’m first going to play with that before I make a comment on your question.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro] Edit listing detail page’s layoutWe always recommend having a child theme. So, the structure goes like /wp-content/themes/child-theme/single-acadp_listings.php
Interestingly, I copied acadp-public-listing-display.php from the partials directory, renamed it single-acadp_listings.php, and placed it in my child theme directory. I know it’s being used since echo’d some html to the page. However, I’m getting an error since $fields is just an empty string. I know it must be a variable scope issue. I was hoping to use your template and modify it as needed rather than starting from single.php and building up since my themes single is way different than I’d want an acadp listing page to look like. Do you have advice?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro] Edit listing detail page’s layoutWhere do I place the new template file? In Theme folders, Child Theme folder, or somewhere in ACADP folder structure?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro] Categories and LocationIs this on the roadmap?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Duplicate more than 1 at a time?@lopo Would be willing to pay for this. Not sure how much but how can I contact you privately to discuss?
Hi @angelo_nwl,
I had already read those resources and still didn’t know when to use each in events manager.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Duplicate more than 1 at a time?Thank you.
I imagine the most common use case is using the Duplicate Post as a way to use a current post as a template for another post. In which case the author is looking to change the content.
But the other use case @anefarious1 and I (and others?) have is many identical copies of the exact same content. My site is a community board with flyers, events, and other content that organizations want posted repeatedly as reminders. (Which is its own problem but it comes from the readers’ behavior–which I can’t change–not the behavior of the organizations.)
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Duplicate more than 1 at a time?I would like this feature as well. The way I envision it is that in the #submitpost box, next to the #mn field would be a button that says “Add another”. Clicking it would copy the entire div.timestamp-wrap row. Then when you hit publish, they would all have the same status, same visibility. Some would get published immediately and some would get scheduled depending on the date and time you selected.
It would execute the INSERTs all at once.
I’d pay $25 for such a feature.
Thanks in advance for the consideration!!!