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  • Check your Events log. It might be there. But my guess is that wordpress is trying to create something in your $TEMP directory (look in your profile for where $TEMP points to) and it does not have permission (like previous). Also triple check your Documents and Settings (Library in Win7??) directories and see if wordpress is tossing something there. I take it you’re not using the admin account on the box?

    windows?? sorry. i’m out then. hopefully someone else more versed in the subtleties of windows permissions can help, esp with some of the newer updates they’ve put on. bleah. ??
    since you’re the host of this site, judging from above, i’d check that
    1) you’re calling this from the right directory (wordpress has a way of being applied to a virtual directory and not a real one) and
    2) check the permissions on the subdirectories that IIS/Apache/whathaveyou is able to get to them (probably obvious)
    might i suggest grabbing an old system and tossing Fedora or Ubuntu on it? your sysadmin life would most likely become MUCH easier….. ??

    The rest of the GRANTs should be okay for now. I’d make sure the install runs first then tweak it.
    Make sure you point the webbrowser to or whatever your particular site address is. That’s where it sets a temporary username for your wordpress admin account. The username will initially be ‘admin’ until you get in and start adding regular users. By the way, I would set up an separate user as an admin besides just the admin account.

    try just
    GRANT ALL ON wordpress.* to wordpress ;
    and no other qualifiers. I think the key will be the wordpress.*, which will allow access to all wordpress database properties.

    It looks like you have the same issue I had. Depending on your version of WP that you installed, one installs almost seemlessly, another requires a bit more MySQL work. In the latter case, you have to add the wordpress database and the user to MySQL directly.

    So, in the wp-config.php file, you have
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wordpress’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘shhhhh’);
    (change this to suit your needs)

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    Then, as root, execute ‘mysql’
    You should be presented with a prompt of
    At that point, execute the following lines
    mysql> create database ‘wordpress’;
    mysql> create user ‘wordpress’@’localhost’ identified by ‘shhh’;
    mysql> grant all on wordpress.* to ‘wordpress’@’%’ ;

    Again, I suggest using a password of your own creation, as long as it matches above. Once you get it up and running, change the priviliges to match your needs. You can restrict it until it quits then back off to get it working again.

    Good luck and good blogging ??

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