Forum Replies Created
For what it’s worth, I have come up with an anti-spam solution that has stopped ALL but a couple of spams from getting through. No Akismet, no spam folder to look through EVER, and only 2 plugins needed:
G.A.S.P. (Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin)
Spammer BlockerWith these two enabled, I get zero automated spam, and the rare human-submitted spam that makes it through, requires just one click to ban that spammer’s IP.
This has become my automatic go-to for every blog I install, in terms of stopping all spam dead in its tracks.
Oh but to respond to the original topic… I never did get a satisfactory answer to what was causing it in my case, but it also seemed to go away on its own…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mailchimp List Subscribe Form] Submit button not workingI’m having the same exact issue with my plugin. Did you ever manage to resolve this? My belief is that it’s because my plugin’s form is winding up “nested” inside the form that goes to post.php.
Wow, is nobody else ever seeing this?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to exit from plugin execution mid-stream?Turns out the answer was simply to use url_to_postid like this:
$keyword = get_post_meta( url_to_postid( “https://”.$_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ), ‘_wpg_def_keyword’, true );
Works perfectly even from init.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to exit from plugin execution mid-stream?I understand all that. And as you can see in the code snippet I posted, I can get what I need using the_content without an issue.
The problem is, it is then echoed TO THE SCREEN every time, and does NOT get returned.
So again I ask – how can I keep it from being echoed, and how can I get the value to return to the calling function so I can use it?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to exit from plugin execution mid-stream?Been fighting with this all day & night and no matter what I try, the result of my function is always echoed and never returned to be used in the function that called the add_filter. What am I missing??
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to exit from plugin execution mid-stream?Turns out $post only seems to be available to hooks running on the_content. I can now get the value I need from $post, but unfortunately the value is also always echoed to the screen. Despite me returning it, it’s being displayed and I’m not sure why.
How can I retrieve the $post->ID value I need from my the_content filter or action, without it printing to screen?
add_filter('the_content', 'return_post_id'); function return_post_id() { global $post; $keyword = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wpg_def_keyword', true ); return $keyword; }
This is always echoing $keyword when I only want it returned.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to exit from plugin execution mid-stream?I narrowed part of my issue down to $post not being available within my function, despite being called as a global.
I’ve been searching all morning but am not finding exactly why this is. I expected if I did global $post; then I could access $post->ID but for some reason it doesn’t pass at all.
Is there some limitation to passing $post within a function called by a hook?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to prevent WP from logging out on browser close?I would’ve thought SOMEONE would have a suggestion on this. No? It’s still a big problem for me as members are getting half-logged-out and it’s causing quite a bit of confusion. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to prevent WP from logging out on browser close?Wow does nobody know how to disable the logout-on-browser-close?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbP Signature] [Plugin: bbP Signature] How to use bbPress Signatures plugin?Aha! OK I was only viewing the profile, not editing it. Now I get it, and the plugin is working well. Thanks for this, I really needed this feature!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbP Signature] [Plugin: bbP Signature] How to use bbPress Signatures plugin?Yes I’m using the bbPress plugin, no problem there.
I don’t understand, what is “the front end user edit page”? I’ve gone into the normal “edit user” page in the admin area and I see the description, but there is no box for signature.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t save any new posts or pagesOK this is FREAKING NUTS!
I’ve seen weird things like this before so I decided to begin pasting in my post (saved in a text file) one paragraph at a time, to see if there was a bad character or something weird in it.
No problems at all until I got almost all the way to the end, with this paragraph:
Once you’ve read all this and feel that this is
something you will benefit from, simply head over to:Once I hit that paragraph, the redirection hit. So I started breaking it down word by word. Everything is fine until I get to the word “from”. In fact, this will save fine:
Once you’ve read all this and feel that this is
something you will benefit fro
But this will trigger the redirect on save:Once you’ve read all this and feel that this is
something you will benefit fromOnly a single extra character, but it’s a specific one… it forms the word “from”
I’ve seen this before in another app one time that was using MySQL, and the offending word was “for” because MySQL was somehow picking it up and treating it as a command rather than text. Don’t ask me how, it made no sense then either.
Is “from” a command of some sort in MySQL, that is breaking something? I’m certainly not aware of it but then I’m not a heavy duty database guy. I can complete my entire post and save it perfectly fine, so long as I have the word “fro” instead of the word “from”, in that SPECIFIC paragraph. “from” does appear numerous times in the whole post, I have no idea why it only freaks out over this specific one. I have also retyped it by hand to ensure there are no bad or invisible characters being pasted in.
Totally bizarre… any takers on this one??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t save any new posts or pagesYep I’ve deactivated the only 2 plugins I’m using as described in the original post. No change. I have also replaced both the plugins and mu-plugins folders with empty ones to rule them out entirely, no change at all.
The theme is just Kubrick with modifications to the graphics. It’s been in operation over 2 years without a hitch until this started. Nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell, I’m enough of a PHP dev that I can usually tackle basic stuff though I’m not intimately familiar with WP.
On that note, I’m not sure what version I’m running. It’s WPMU but I don’t see where the version number is listed. If someone can point me to it I’ll gladly report back. I know it’s not the original version I used years ago, it has the more modern interface but not the current breed of WP GUI.