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  • tonytrainor


    The anomalies between the various stats packages popular with WordPress users are curious, to say the least. My StatPress setup reports double the visits recorded by WordPres Blog Stats. And the StatPress individual page views total seems exagerratedly high by comparison. Hpwever, I tend to believe StatPress because it refers to specific view and the total visitors is consistently in keeping with what I imagine a visitor’s behaviour to be on a site that has a lot of text and demands some investigation.

    At this point I would suggest that maybe WordPress Stats is either under-logging, or over-logging by being closely linked with the global dashboard. Do readers of this forum think that the program might be counting as hits the times when our blogs appear at the top of other people’s dashboards as suggested links. Maybe we are being credited with visits that are merely mentions of links to our sites?

    My theory is probably bogus, but something is clearly askew. At this moment I will continue to use WordPress stats because I love the interface, and StatPress because I can see details of spiders and RSS feeds. If Google Analytics wasn’t so remote, I would go with that, but it’s something of a headache and I have to devote half an hour to giving it any serious consideration. Analytics also reports straight zeros for all of my key words, and that can’t be right because I’ve tried to dedicate some time to the theme and wording of my blog. Maybe the answer is to extend WordPress stats to grab more detailed behaviour, such as spiders and URLs, so that we can at least take an average from the various programs available.

    Hi, I’m running 2.7, having upgraded a week ago. Today I tried to open a series of sub pages, six in all, from links on my main page but I get a blank page and the message, “You do not have permission to preview drafts.”

    These sub pages are not drafts. They have all been published in the past and are inaccessible as from today. I tested my site as a visitor, logging out of admin, and still the pages appeared as blanks. The title and comment boxes sections were visible at the top and tail of each page, but all the content that you’d see in the edit box was missing.

    I can still open the subpages in the dashboard editor, in visual and html view, and the material is there. However, they cannot be previewed or visited.

    Could it be that when I originally linked the pages, I linked the main page to the preview URLs? I can’t see that being a problem in that my sub pages only became blank today. Although my content exists in edit view, I don’t want to cut and paste it on to new pages and lose all my existing search links.

    The one thing I did today was load the Feedburner plugin for WordPress, which I’ve since disabled and can’t imagine that this is the problem.

    I wondered if there might be a hitch with page autosaves from the past replacing my saved material with a big nothing. Is the autosave function writing blank space over actual pages that still open but only in edit view? When I try to preview from the dashboard page/post editor, I also get a page devoid of content

    Any ideas?

    It’s a great question, but I think the answer is to move the comments up! is there any way to put the comment form under the last post, other than by inserting an add-on form of the kind that never seem to go with Tarski. I think your point is so interesting and might explain why I’m getting healthy traffic but zero comments… visitors can’t find the box, or don’t realise that each shorter page still has one at the end.
    Please add on to this if you find a lucky solution.

    Another thought, I’ll search for a solution using the term, concertina menu… I saw it somewhere

    I guess you understood I meant menu bar and sidebar… duh, sorry Steve

    You mean a drop down menu for the sidebar? I would like the same, along with its equivalent for my sidebar. Take a look at my tarski site and you’ll see 28 chapter pages of my book that look like a shopping list – it’s pathetic. in answer to your question, I don’t know how to do a dropdown because we can’t use javascript on WordPress. I don’t know how old your post is, but did you find a PHP code, a solution? It would be a pity for a delicate theme like Tarski to appear cluttered.

    Why not embed a Global Translator plugin? It’s not perfect, by no means, but it’s fun. I would have read your site with a generated version in English.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: even plainer design?

    Use text widgets for blocks of text and pictures. And anchor the posts you like the look of.

    You should include a facility/reminder to visitors that they need to install custom fonts to view your language, or enable the download. All I saw were little black boxes where there should be characters. And your pictures? I had to scroll down before I saw any. They deserve more space. Select the best and present it at the top of the blog,

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: How am I doing??

    “Your ideas are important…?” looks like that single line got buried halfway down your post column, and is destined to descend further,
    One might think of it as a passing thought that passed away.
    Why not put a feedback text/form in a header, or at least somewhere that doesn’t change its position. Rather like politics, isn’t it?

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