Forum Replies Created
@tristan083 “To better assist, could you please share the direct URL to the page you’re having difficulties with?
This behavior refers to any event single view on any account and all of the latest TCE versions! It is not a specific issue. I will add 2 links of screenshots to show what I mean.
The problem is the rendered HTML-code of single-view template. But it seems that the rendered code does not only depend on the single-view template. My questions is, how to build a meta section with the expected layout so that all rows filled 100%?
The unused space is hatched in purple: with 4 columns, with 5 columns – There should be no unused space!The latest Ninja Forms Legacy plugin caused Fatal Errors with WP 6.0 on PHP 8. I had to do a full backup restore with the same forms of a previous version of the website with WP 5.7. Then I could convert the 3 codebase, export the forms. In the website with wp 6.0 I had to completely remove the nf plugin and all data, then reinstall the latest version, after that I could import the exported forms into the website with WP 6.0. Then I had to change the IDs of each form in the shortcodes because the form IDs had changed after import. Eventualy everything worked as expected.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Show Hooks] Why was this discontinued on also like to know why the show hooks plugin on was closed for download?
@cubicinfinity the developers offer a pro version of the show hooks plugin here:
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Permanent connection errors to thank you the healt checker gave me the right path to solve the problem.
All the local sites that had the server configuration problem (no secure connection) didn’t have an entry in the windows hosts file.
I knew that there has to be the host resolving to entries but I thought that a wildcard entry for localhost should work like: *.localhost – but it seems it aint. After including: name.localhost – the issue is gone.Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Permanent connection errors to www.remarpro.comToday I have setup a new installation of WP on localhost. Configuered with vhost.conf in XAMPP/apache as name.localhost. Almost everything is working fine, in spite of the access to (for expl. plugin-install.php) not working as not on any other local site I have installed on my development environment.
I thought it could depend on my local apache web server. So installed all the newest versions in the XAMPP package with PHP 8 aso.Internetconnection is quite fine: downstream:↓ 111,9 Mbit/s upstream:↑ 32,0 Mbit/s
I can reach: w.o. problemsBut the secure connection issue to persists.
I’m getting crazy. I have no idea left what I can do.Does anyone have any idea, whats going wrong?
Regards Tom
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Permanent connection errors to thank you for your reply. I checked every point you mention in your reply. I have read the wpbeginner article. Nothing of it solved the problem.
My (Vodafone) internet connection has no problems:
DSL: connected ↓ 111.9 Mbit / s ↑ 32.0 Mbit / sIf I deactivate WP_DEBUG, the error messages are minor, but the problem persist in the background and at some special places it becomes vissible.
Remark: On remote linux web servers I have no connection issues with (wp-admin/update-core.php)
I have no idea whats going on. I need further more support with this issue!
Regards Tom
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Tom.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to set WPLANG by browser languageMaybe helpful for someone else too. This little code in my plugins function file does the trick:
function maybe_set_locale_to_german( $locale ) { $l = t3c_get_user_lang(); if( $l=='de_DE' ){ $locale = 'de_DE'; } return $locale; } add_filter( 'locale', 'maybe_set_locale_to_german', 1, 1 ); function t3c_get_user_lang(){ static $set_lang = ''; $server_lang = filter_var( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $browserlang = substr($server_lang, 0, 2); if( $browserlang == "de" ){ $set_lang = 'de_DE'; } return $set_lang; }
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by Tom.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to set WPLANG by browser languageHi Fahim, you didn’t read my post above. I know WPML very well and I’m the owner of a lifetime licence. I could use WPML but that would be overkill. In this case I want a very small and lightweight solution. By the way WPML puts very much data in tables. I have another website using WPML, there is a table with a size bigger than 1 GByte. No – WPML is here absolutely no solution. But thank you for your time to answer.
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by Tom.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Bug register_widgets using php namespacesOK this is working with namespaces and autoloading the class files with Justins autoloader.
in the plugin file (global namespace):add_action( 'widgets_init', array(new \TC_RP\Widgets\RPWidget, 'tcrp_register_rpwidget') );
in the RPWidget.php file:
namespace TC_RP\Widgets; class RPWidget extends \WP_Widget { function __construct() { ... } ... public function tcrp_register_rpwidget(){ register_widget( $this ); }
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Bug register_widgets using php namespacesThank you Justin @greenshady for your feedback. In my case as shown above I could register the widget but not save it in a widgets area. I’ll get in your code and test it and come back here tomorrow.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Bug register_widgets using php namespaces@joy OK you are right in the code without using namespcaces creating an instance of RPWidget class is quite not necessary.
It comes from my original code with using namespaces. In this code I’m using an autoloader (like Justin Tadlock’s ) to require the file RPWidget.php.
Definitly it is not working using namespaces and autoloading.I’cant believe that the developer don’t correct this behavior, I had to deactivate the plugin completely, otherwise no access to backend possible.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No wp-admin access anymoreThank you Tim, I’ll have a look at this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Loco Translate] loco removed all capabilities in spite of translator’sNo – It was not loco. I made a big mistake and forgot it. Details in thread linked above.
My apologize for the wrong suspicion.