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  • Check out the members plugin by Justin Tadlock for this behaviour.

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Just bumping to see if the support thread is still being monitored…



    Any update on this?

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Can I hire you to help me populate the right value in my gravity forms function when adding associations? I just need this done and I can’t figure it out. Let me know.

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    I ended up just changing the association field to a plain text field that will store the ID of the foreman. Since the user won’t be accessing the wordpress admin, the fancy association UI wasn’t needed. I would’ve liked to have figured this out but I have to move on to other things.

    Thanks again for all your help.


    Thread Starter tomwhita


    I got it!!!!

    I used:

    $foreman_association = carbon_get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'foreman_association', 'association' ); $foreman = get_user_by('id', $foreman_association[0]['id']); echo esc_html($foreman->display_name);

    I’m still hung up on inserting association values though. I’m trying to insert a user association when I submit a form to create a new project. The gravity form has a drop down field with the display name of the foreman and a value of:

    "user:user:' . $User->ID . '"

    This doesn’t work at all. I can’t find any documentation for gravity forms about submitting values as arrays. Can you suggest anything else?

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Once you have the ID, get_user_by($id) will work properly and retrieve the user object. Note: association data is returned as an array, so you would probably have to call $project_users[0][‘id’] in the get_user_by() call.

    I don’t undertand. Here is what I’ve tried. This doesn’t work:

    $foremanid = carbon_get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'foreman_association', 'association' ); $foreman = get_user_by( $foremanid[0]['id'] ); echo esc_html($foreman->display_name)

    Please help. I’m so close to being finished with this feature.



    Thread Starter tomwhita


    I really appreciate your patience with me. I’m trying to push my limits as a developer a little…

    The way I’ve been able to create an association when submitting a form is by sending the unserialize value. Like this:

    '"post:project:' . $post->ID . '"' But like I said, the association doesn’t show up in the Admin panel. Though i’m able to see associated data on my page template if I pull it using:

    $args = array(
                        'post_type' => array('document'),
                        'post_status' => array('publish'),
                        'meta_query' => array(
                                           'key' => '_doc_project_association',
                                           'compare' => 'LIKE',
                                           'value' => '"post:project:'.$post->ID.'"',
                      $docs = get_posts($args);

    When I try to use:

    array( 'post:project:$post->ID' ) to set the field variable, it does not work.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Also, can you go one step further in the get_user_by() reference. For example, would it be get_user_by(project_users->ID)?

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Thanks. I’m having lots of fun with this project so far ??

    I have successfully managed to insert an association value using a gravity form but the association is not shown in the carbon fields UI in the admin. Do you know why this might happen?

    Also, how do I now retrieve data from an association field in a usable way? For example, I have associated users with the custom post type “Project”. How can I show the display name of the user on my page template?


    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Thanks again. I actually added the documents before changing the data setting and so they were still storing the ID. I updated them and everything works.

    I really appreciate your help.

    I have the same problem….trying to use gravity forms and + CPT plugin to allow front end creation of a CPT with hidden meta fields. Did you find a resolution?

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    This is great. Thank you so much.

    Just one final question…How do I echo the url of the file in ‘doc_file’?

    I’ve already changed the field declaration to:

    Field::make('file', 'doc_file', 'File (PDF)')
                ->set_value_type (url),

    And I’m attempting to call it via:

    $docs = get_posts($args);
       foreach ($docs as $post) :
       $doclink = carbon_get_post_meta ($post->ID,'doc_file');
    <div class="mdl-list__item">
    <span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content"><i class="material-icons mdl-list__item-avatar ion-document-text"></i>
     <span><a href=<?php echo $doclink; ?> target="_blank">
    <?php the_title(); ?></a></span>

    It outputs a link but its the link to the “project” post in the loop. I want to link to the file that associated with the project.

    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Container::make('post_meta', __('Document Information'))
                Field::make('text', 'doc_description', 'Description'),
                Field::make('file', 'doc_file', 'File (PDF)'),
                Field::make('association', 'doc_project_association', 'Assign To Project')
                'type' => 'post',
                'post_type' => 'project',
    Thread Starter tomwhita


    Thanks. This makes sense. I wasn’t able to find the answer in your docs. Was it in there? Perhaps I missed it.

    I changed the code to your preferred solution and it works. I also added an esc_html. Below is the complete solution for showing a field value within a loop in case anyone is interested:

    Assumes you’ve already fetched the posts:

    <?php $yourfieldvariable = carbon_get_post_meta($post->ID, 'your_field_key'); echo esc_html( $yourfieldvariable ); ?>

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