Forum Replies Created
Oh, the update on my site now says:
Compatibility with WordPress 3.9.1: 100% (3 “works” votes out of 3 total)
Therefore, I’m marking this as resolved.
Thank you, Brian.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t worry (especially with Disqus), but I just had a bad experience when I went ahead and updated a plugin, which will remain nameless, saying it wasn’t yet compatible up to 3.9+. I’m trying to form the habit of waiting for authors to specifically stating it’s been successfully tested and found to be compatible or that I at least ask. I also routinely check the votes that it works with the current version of WP. I don’t know where that stands now, but it was at zero before I posted. In this case though, on your rather obviously sound experience, I’ll go ahead and update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smooth Slider] Ignores "Maximum Height of the Image" on static front pageI did the following:
Changed the version number to 2.4 and updated to 2.5.
Set all of the sites (it’s multisite) to default.
Added my custom css to the box on the settings page and saved the settings.
Cleared my server cache.
Cleared a different browser cache and loaded the static front page and a single post in that browser.
It worked fine.
Now, please assure me that any new updates will not wipe out my custom css in the box on the settings page. I’m assuming it won’t since it’s in MySQL where plugin file updates shouldn’t touch it, but I’d like to be sure.
Thanks for your help, Slidervilla.
After you answer about the custom css, I will assume this topic is resolved and you’ll set it as such.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smooth Slider] Ignores "Maximum Height of the Image" on static front pageI figured out that updating deleted my custom skin subdirectory. Reloading it took care of the static front page issue. I tried setting it to default, but the images still rendered full height rather than the 150px setting, which was and still is honored for single posts and pages.
I’m not sure what else to tell you. If you have a spare developmental blog, I assume you could recreate the problem.
I’ve also overwritten the default subdirectory with the custom subdirectory’s contents to get the same indented margins I’m using on the static front page.
It would be nice were such margin settings available on the settings page.
Static page:
A single post:
Running the script/url from the browser address line doesn’t throw the errors.
Cron Command
*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/curl ….My hosts returned “curl: (3) <url> malformed.”
One host rejected the time settings. The hosts’ panels set times via dropdowns.
I substituted wget for the “*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/curl,” and it then worked fine.
One host wouldn’t allow https in the url. It did accept http without the s.
Once the cron job was up and running properly, the setting page stopped showing any errors at the bottom.
I hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My Content Management] My Content Management Support PolicyHi Joe,
The plugin is working fine. I have an update suggestion.
If an answer is long for an FAQ and a user scrolls down while reading that long answer and then the user clicks the next question, the long answer closes/collapses leaving the user way down the page and is not taken to the question he or she just clicked. The user has to scroll up to find the top of the newly opened answer. Example: 2nd question here:
My suggestion is that when the next question is clicked, the user be taken to that question regardless of how long the previously open answer may be.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Cannot move between website dashboards in Multisite.Oh, and to navigate while this problem prevailed, I had to manually enter the URL’s to get to the admin for each subsite:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Cannot move between website dashboards in Multisite.I just went through this issue, and this support thread helped me.
What I had to do in addition to what ccolotti said was hit the save button concerning each sub-site.
My sub-sites are subdomains, not subdirectories or subfolders if that matters concerning anyone else’s situation.
The settings page per subdomain/sub-site did auto populate the hostname field with the correct subdomain. It wasn’t until I clicked on save for each site’s settings that the network-admin menu was finally correct for the entire network.
I’m glad I don’t have hundreds of subdomain sites.
Because you said you’ve tested and had no issues and because we are in a new WP version, I re-activated BWPM, cleaned my Hyper Cache, cleaned my browser cache, and visited my sites and checked the slider and the source code. The slider appears to be working, and the code indicates that BWPM is also working.
It’s also working in all of the major browsers.
Therefore, unless the same issue pops up, I suppose we may consider this particular issue resolved. I am marking it as such.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hyper Cache] [Plugin: Hyper Cache] WordPress MU CompatibilityHi Peter,
Is your code generic to all WP multi-sites?
Where would I place your code to implement it?
I’m an advanced user but not a programmer (learning).
I am using Hyper Cache and do go through the process of deactivating on every site before updating the plugin. Also, when I add a new blog, I’m having to manually match the configuration settings of the plugin of the existing blogs to the new blog. These are chores I’d rather avoid if I’m able to utilize your “fork.”
Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the plugin’s author.
It’s a good plugin. It’s work very well for me for years now. I tried the other major caching plugins with some success (not as efficient or effortless).
Your ideas/code, which I’m sure you have working on your MS, would be very welcome additions.
In the meantime, anything you’re able to explain here would be greatly appreciated by most, if not all, Hyper Cache multi-site administrator non-programmers (perhaps some programmers too).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [P2] [Theme: P2] Whoops!I narrowed it down to Windows XP SP3 running Opera (11.61). I’m not going to fuss with this any further. As of the date and time of this comment, it is not resolved. Please don’t mark it resolved until P2 works in Opera on XP. I’m likely not the only one. Peace!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [P2] [Theme: P2] Whoops!I deactivated the “More Privacy Options” plugin, but that didn’t help. I reactivated it and set it to allow full traffic. That didn’t help either. I still received the pop-up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disabler] [Plugin: Disabler] Still curlyVery fine:
I deactivated all of them except “Disabler” and then reactivated and checked each.
It turned out to be “Shortcodes Ultimate,” which fortunately, has a setting: “Disable custom formatting
“Enable this option if you have some problems with other plugins or content formatting.”I enabled it, and now both plugins are playing nicely with each other!
Thank you for your quick and right-on-the-mark question. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it. I’ve been through plugin incompatibility issues before. Oh well, I’m glad YOU did.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Publishing post problemI was wrong. It wasn’t a WordPress-version issue, per se, unless one counts a new version of WordPress that breaks a plugin a WordPress-version issue. I don’t.
So, it was the “Global Translator” plugin, version 1.3.2.
Deactivating it solved my problem.
I like that plugin. I hope an update comes out for it soon.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Publishing post problemMaking the mod_security change did help, but it did not completely solve the problem. It turned it into an intermittent problem narrowed to publishing/updating rather than saving drafts too and other actions.
It’s annoying and definitely is a WordPress version issue. I never experienced it before the last (two?) versions. As of this comment, WordPress is at version 3.1.