Tomasz WP Desk
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I am marking this topic as resolved as we have not received any new replies.
Hello @ltrtuan
I want to apologize to you because the answers I wrote were not correct.
The facts are that we added a fix that sorted out translation issues. But I consulted it with our Developer and found out that custom phrases (those added by admin in the plugin settings) were not and will not be recognizable as translation strings. So the latest fix could not solve your problem in any way.
The answer from the very beginning should be that refund field labels are not translatable and that we do not have a solution to this problem.
Once again – I apologize for the confusion.
Hello everyone
We apologize for the problems with the filter provided. I confirm that it requires small changes.
Please wait for an update from our developer.I know this thread is quite old but please let me know if the problem still persists, as we have not received a response to our previous request.
I am closing this thread for now but we will report back here if we add this feature. Thanks again for this clue!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ShopMagic for Google Sheets] doesn’t work connection anymoreHello @lorianqw
I know this thread is quite old but please let me know if the problem still persists, as we have not received a response to our previous request.
Hello @marketingtech
Our plugin supports stock levels.
If you select the Calculate Inventory option, a unit of the product (e.g. 10 kg) will be treated as 10 items of the product in stock. If you do not select it, then, regardless of the purchased quantity of the unit, the stock level will decrease by 1 item.Please remember that the plugin does not support variations, so customers will not be able to buy apples in packs of 100 g or 250 g, but in the quantity entered in the Increment setting. If the Increment is 250 g, the customer can buy packages of 250 g, 500 g, 750 g and so on.
I am marking this topic as resolved as we have not received any new replies. Please let us know if you need our help again.
I am marking this topic as resolved as we have not received any new replies. Please let us know if you need our help again.
Oznaczam ten w?tek jako rozwi?zany ale odezwij si? do nas je?eli ponownie b?dziesz potrzebowa? naszej pomocy w tym temacie.I am marking this topic as resolved as we have not received any new replies.
Hello @rscooldesire
I confirm that this happens with virtual products in the cart.
I reported this to our Developers. We will try to fix this soon.
We will write in this thread when a version with a fix for this appears.In the meantime you can hide this element (for all products) thanks to CSS.
div.woocommerce-additional-fields h3 { display: none; }
I am marking this topic as resolved as we have not received any new replies. Please let us know if you need our help again.
Hello @mailchef
I confirm that the plugin has none of the listed functions.
This plugin is still growing and we are collecting feedback from its users. So thanks for these comments!
I have passed them on to our developers and we will do our best to expand the list of settings to include these and other new options.Cze?? @agaq
Dzi?ki za opini?!
Je?eli chodzi o problem z edycj? kuponu to zacznij prosz? nowy w?tek na naszym forum pomocy technicznej:
albo skontaktuj si? z nami przez formularz pomocy PRO (je?eli problem dot. wersji PRO): chodzi o drug? kwesti? to faktycznie nie mamy takiej funkcji. Zwykle w takiej sytuacji proponujemy alternatyw? w postaci filtra. Dzi?ki niemu wszystkie produkty s? dodawane do koszyka osobno. Nie jest to idealne rozwi?zanie (filtr dzia?a tak?e na produkty bez kuponu PDF) ale czasami jest ono wystarczaj?ce.
Napisz do nas przez kana? pomocy technicznej je?eli taki filtr Ci si? przyda.Hello @smshahriar
I am sorry but the plugin does not support stock levels for specific product options. Of course stock levels for the purchased product (or its variation) are respected.
We have a T-shirt product and a Color field with two colors to choose from: black or white.
The customer purchases one item of black T-shirt.
The stock level of the T-shirt product decreases by one. But there is no distinction whether it is a black or white T-shirt.