Forum Replies Created
Hi @darkooo
thank you for your message and feedback ??
Do you have the latest version of the plugin (1.5.7)?
If you use a caching plugin, try to resave the product settings for the PDF coupon after deleting the cache. Then, try to buy a new product – a gift card.
My colleague has just tested the latest version of the plugin and with 365 days, the expiry date is correct.
Let me know if the caching/ version steps were helpful.
Hi @joni54321
the issue will be continued in the PRO support channel (as you have the PRO version of the plugin).
Still, the WooCommerce Coupons tab will appear after you enable the coupons itself in the WooCommerce main settings (2nd screen) under the Iespejot kuponus option.
If you need further assistance/ questions for the free version of the plugin, please open a new thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Coupons - Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce] TranslationsHi @joni54321
please continue the topic in the PRO support channel (as you have a PRO version of the plugin).
If you have further questions about the free version of the plugin please open the new thread.
Hi @joni54321
the issue is being resolved in the PRO support channel.
If you have further questions about the free version of the plugin please open the new thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Price for WooCommerce] Custom Price for only membersHi @sameel008,
I will close the ticket. We will let you know if the feature is added in the future.
Meanwhile, if you have new questions, let us know by opening a new thread or reopening this one.
Cze?? @piotroxy,
rozumiem. W tym momencie mo?esz wybra? te? ml, ale rozumiem, ?e to niewystarczaj?ce. Przekaza?em pomys? na ulepszenie wtyczki i gdy opcja warto?ci dziesi?tnych zostanie dodana w przysz?o?ci, dam Ci zna? w tym w?tku (otworz? go wtedy).
Doda?em te? pomys? na automatyczne pobieranie ceny produktu z ceny regularnej/ ceny promocyjnej do pól ceny nowej jednostki miary np. przez filtr. Je?li ta opcja zostanie dodana, tak?e poinformuj? Ci? w tym w?tku.
W razie dodatkowych pytań, daj zna? i otwórz w?tek ten lub prze?lij pytania (dotycz?ce innych kwestii w nowym).
Hi @piotroxy,
I understand. You can also choose ml at this point, but I understand that this is not enough. I’ve added an idea to improve the plugin and when the decimal option is added in the future I’ll let you know in this thread (I’ll open it then).
I’ve also reported the idea to automatically download the product price from the regular price / promotional price to the price fields of the new unit of measure, e.g. through a filter. If this option is added, I will let you know in this thread too.
If you have additional questions, let me know and open this thread or submit questions (for other issues in the new one).
mo?esz u?y? mniejsz? jednostk? np. cm dla m lub g dla kilogramów. Czy takie rozwi?zanie b?dzie dla Ciebie zadowalaj?ce? Przekaza?em te? pomys? aby umo?liwi? podawanie warto?ci dziesi?tnej dla jednostki miary. Dam Ci zna? w tym w?tku, je?li ta opcja zostanie dodana w przysz?o?ci.
Co do drugiej opcji, to rozumiem, ?e chodzi?oby o zaczytanie ceny i ceny promocyjnej produktu od razu przy w??czaniu ustawień dla jednostki miary w zak?adce Kalkulatora Jednostek w edycji produktu?
Daj zna?, je?li masz wi?cej pytań. I dzi?kuj? Ci Twój feedback!
Hi @piotroxy
you can use a smaller unit e.g. cm for m or g for kg. Will such a solution be ok for you? I’ve also added the idea to allow the decimal value for the unit of measurement. I’ll let you know in this thread if this option is added in the future version of the plugin.
As for the second option, I understand that it would be about reading the price and promotional price of the product immediately when enabling the settings for the new unit of measurement in the Flexible Quantity tab in the product edition?
Let me know if you have more questions & thank you for your feedback!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Price for WooCommerce] ‘Please enter a valid, positive number’ issuethank you for your reply!
I am glad that it’s working and you’ve found the cause.
Have a good day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Price for WooCommerce] ‘Please enter a valid, positive number’ issueHave you checked the separator?
Let me know if the issue still occurs.
I will await your reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Price for WooCommerce] ‘Please enter a valid, positive number’ issueHi Leonidas (@visionoptika),
thank you for your message!
I have not replicated the issue in my enviroment with the PDF Coupons PRO and Custom Price free. Take a look:
I guess the cause of this could be a separator chosen for WooCommerce. See what separator you have in WooCommerce->Settings->General tab (at the bottom in the Currency options). Let me know.
Could you send me what versions of both plugins you have. Possibly also the system status. I will check what could’ve happened.
Also, please send me the screenshots/ recording similar to mine – so that I can see the settings of both plugins.
Hi @tdrv
Thank you for your review about the plugin and our support ??
I am glad you like the plugin.
Also, thank you for your feedback about new functionalites and ways we can improve our plugin. Your suggestions are important for us as they motivate us to do more.
One small tip: Flexible Invoices has the Sequential Order Numbers function inside Invoices->Settings->WooCommerce->General.
We have also tested the plugin with Price Based on Country.Let me know if that helps.
If you have any ideas/ suggestions to improve the plugin to better meet your needs, let us know ??
Have a good day!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Custom Price for WooCommerce] Simple and effective!Thank you for your review!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress] Rounding the sumHi @igako,
I am closing the thread.
Please reopen it or start a new one if you have other questions.
Let me know if you still have the issue with rounding in your environment (I have not replicated the issue). Also, after updating the plugin to version 5.6.3 or newer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress] Rounding the sumHi @igako
please update the plugin to the latest version 5.6.3 to see if invoices are issued properly.
Let me know if that helped.