Forum Replies Created
Hi, I’ve sent a feature request to add such a filter for the plugin. When it’s available (or there is a new feature that will let you exclude orders for analytics) we will let you know.
Alternatively, you may use the PRO version of the plugin with the Advanced Reports add-on that has a lot of features to create custom reports with invoices to deduct the order total value from the analytics results.
I will close the ticket, but if you have any questions feel free to let us know ??
Hi Chris,
You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help you.
I will close the thread. If you have any further questions please reopen this or start a new one.
Have a good day!
Thank you @ravinawebential
The logs point that the error is caused by WooCommerce itself and will affect all plugins (WC_Data_Exception: Invalid or duplicated SKU. in G:\laragon\www\wp-ajaxify\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\includes\abstracts\abstract-wc-data.php:900) for example the Phone Orders plugin. There is also wrong syntax (parenthesis) in the code of the Seo by rank plugin.
Try to install a fresh WooCommerce and these 2 plugins. That should help in running WooCommerce entirely and proper plugin activations (including Flexible Invoices).
Let me know if that helped.
I see. If you’re using WooCommerce go to WooCommerce->Status->Logs. With WordPress alone, you can find error logs in the debug.log file in wp-content on the server/ hosting you have your WordPress installed.
You should find the information about the error/notice there. Please send it back if you find it.
thank you for your message. Could you send us an error message/ notice so that we can check it. It could be some missing libraries for example in PHP 7.2 that might have caused the error you’d encountered.
Hi @camiloluna
Of course, I understand. If you’d like me to test it in staging env. or have any further questions, just let me know ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Dropshipping XML for WooCommerce] Import image problemthank you for your message.
Please check if your server has 2 options enabled: fileinfo and allow_url_fopen. Then, check if the import will get the images properly.
If the XML contains xxxxx rather than actual login/password you can:
- contact your provider to give you an XML with your credential already present in the product feed so that the URLs are correct for the Dropshipping XML plugin to fetch images.
- there is a filter to change the data “on the fly” so that you may insert your credentials by yourself (but this filter will work in the PRO only)
Let me know if that helps.
Dzień dobry @matimaz,
dzi?kuj? za wiadomo??.
Wbudowana analityka WooCommerce pobiera dane wszystkich zamówień, natomiast w przypadku ksi?gowania przychodu mo?na u?y? zak?adki Faktury, gdzie znajduj? si? informacje dot zamówień i ich faktur, ale tak?e tych wystawionych r?cznie np. poza zamówieniem WooCommerce.
Czy ta zak?adka, dane dot. faktur lub opcja tworzenia raportu z danymi faktur nie s? wystarczaj?ce?
Mog? przekaza? pomys? na mo?liwo?? oznaczania w jaki? sposób zamówień z fakturami po stronie analityki WooCommerce. Czy takie rozwi?zanie (filtr wykluczaj?cy po stronie analityki przychodów WooCommerce) by?oby pomocne?
W razie pytań prosz? o wiadomo??.
PS. Dodaj? te? opis po angielsku i t?umaczenie, aby inni u?ytkownicy wtyczki mogli znale?? odpowied?:
Good morning, the plugin works perfectly, but it causes additional work (manual subtraction) on the part of the store staff. Well, orders for which invoices have been issued are not deducted in Analytics > Revenue. In practice, this means that a given order will be settled twice by default.
Perhaps a good solution would be to add the ability to filter orders for which an invoice has been issued in Analytics > Settings?
Good morning @matimaz,
Thank you for your message.
The built-in WooCommerce analytics downloads data of all orders, and in the case of revenue accounting, you can use the Invoices tab, which contains information about orders and their invoices, but also those issued manually, e.g. outside of a WooCommerce order.
Is this tab, invoice data or the option to create a report with invoice data insufficient?
I can share the idea of being able to mark orders with invoices in some way on the WooCommerce analytics side. Would such a solution (exclusion filter on the WooCommerce revenue analytics side) be helpful?
If you have any questions, please send me a message.
Hi @wpfibi,
thank you for your message.
You may use filters to decide if SMS should be sent in the first automation and email in the second one. The free filters in ShopMagic lets you do that based on the products in the order or being subscribed to a specific ShopMagic email list. Maybe this will be helpful. You could also use more filters with PRO: List of all ShopMagic Filters – ShopMagic Docs for example custom order field added for example with our free checkout field plugin: Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce – WooCommerce Checkout Manager – WordPress plugin |
Let me know if the above tips and solutions will be helpful.
Hi @luxeeventrental,
I can see the issue is inactive for some time. I will close the issue assuming that it’s fine by now. Of course, let us know if the advice didn’t help you or if you have any further questions. Best,
Hi @camiloluna
Have you had a chance to check the memory usage in a staging environment. It would be great to test with Storefront (default WooCommerce theme) and activate one plugin at the time to check if the memory usage has spikes after you activate the specific plugin. You may also check if there are any plugins that may use more memory for example plugins to synch. with external services or websites or mass managing products, orders, or posts. Let me know if you have any questions and if you’ve managed to check the above points (in a staging env or your site).
Cze?? @piotroxy,
kilkana?cie minut temu opublikowali?my now? wersj? wtyczki, która obs?uguje ju? warto?ci dziesi?tne dla jednostek miary. Zach?cam do sprawdzenia. Je?li b?dziesz mia? jakie? pytania, daj zna? ??
Hi @piotroxy,
we’ve just added the decimals for new units of measure (including an item). If you have any questions, let us know ??
Thanks @darkooo
I am glad you found the way ??
Please let me know if you have more questions about the expiry date (by reopening the thread or start a new one).
You can use for example or GD, as you wish
Hi @darkooo
thank you for your reply.
Please send the screenshots of the PDF coupon template and from the Product Data section with PDF Coupon tab visible settings. Also, send the list of your plugins (or the system status).
I will be able to check/ replicate the issue with your PDF coupons settings in my environent.