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  • Everything shown on the sample site is done using the tools explained here…

    Just colors, a logo, and a home page image, along with adding a few posts with featured images.

    You can edit the excerpt right in the WordPress admin for that post.

    You may need to go into the “screen options” tab (top right) of the editor to make sure Excerpt is selected to show.

    To do it programmatically, you can use the tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert filter to wipe out the excerpt before it gets saved.

    Drop this in your child theme’s functions.php or a plugin…

    add_filter( 'tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert', 'my_tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert' );
    function my_tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert( $my_post ){
      $my_post['post_excerpt'] = '';
      return $my_post;

    Please mark as resolved if this works for you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by toddlevy.

    Easiest is to just use one of the YouTube thumbnail URLs…

    Then remove / delete the featured image and re-upload the new one.

    NOTE: Assuming YouTube…

    In part because of the way the plugin stores data, and also because YouTube has a variety of “creator” URLs, this isn’t going to be very easy, or at least not as simple as spitting out a custom field.

    You MIGHT be able to get away with this for some…

    $creator = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'tube_video_creator_name', true); 
    $url = '' . $creator;

    If you wanted to be really ambitious, you could use the video ID to hit the YouTube API and get the creator’s Channel URL.

    Below is sample code that gets the duration and stores it in a custom field for the video, which I’d imagine would be trivial to update to get the creator by revising the stuff starting after the “// extract the duration” comment.

    add_action('added_post_meta', 'tube_maybe_get_youtube_duration', 10, 4);
    add_action('updated_post_meta', 'tube_maybe_get_youtube_duration', 10, 4);
    function tube_maybe_get_youtube_duration( $meta_id, $post_id, $meta_key='', $meta_value='' ){
      // Do nothing unless correct key
      if ( $meta_key != 'tube_video_site' ) return;
      // only applied to youtube
      if ( $meta_value != 'youtube' ) return;
      // make sure it doesn't have duration already
      $has_duration = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'tube_video_duration_hms', true );
      if ( $has_duration ) return;
      tube_get_youtube_duration( $post_id );
    function tube_get_youtube_duration( $post_id ){
      // get the video ID
      $video_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'tube_video_id', true );
      if ( ! $video_id ) return;
      // get the API key
      global $tube_video_curator;
      $youtube_api_key = $tube_video_curator :: $tube_youtube_videos -> get_youtube_api_key();
      if ( ! $youtube_api_key ) return;
      // generate the endpoint
      $endpoint = add_query_arg(
          'part' => 'contentDetails', 
          'id' => $video_id, 
          'key' => $youtube_api_key
      // get the raw results
      $results_json = file_get_contents( $endpoint );
      // decode the results
      $results = json_decode( $results_json, true );
      // extract the duration
      $duration = $results['items'][0]['contentDetails']['duration'];
      // get the duraton parts  
      preg_match_all( '/PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?/', $duration, $duration_parts );
      // create HMS array
      $time_hms = array( 
        'h' => (int) str_replace( 'H', '', $duration_parts[1][0] ), 
        'm' => (int) str_replace( 'M', '', $duration_parts[2][0] ), 
        's' => (int) str_replace( 'S', '', $duration_parts[3][0] )
      // calculate total seconds
      $time_total_seconds = ( $time_hms['h'] * 3600 ) + ( $time_hms['m'] * 60 ) + $time_hms['s'];
      // update the post meta
      add_post_meta( $post_id, 'tube_video_duration_hms', $time_hms );
      add_post_meta( $post_id, 'tube_video_duration_seconds', $time_total_seconds );  
      // all done

    The TUBE Video Curator has a lot of settings to control that stuff.

    Iframely may also allow for more control…


    P.S. As the original reply solved your issue, I’d kindly ask you to mark this as resolved.

    A 56×56 square would be guaranteed to work and leave plenty of room for a navbar.

    From there, anything up to 16×9 aspect ratio (e.g. 200 x 112) should work fine.

    And here’s an example where I’m using some CSS to allow a slightly taller logo…

    @media (min-width: 768px){
      .custom-logo {
        height: 60px;
        margin: 8px 0 8px 0;

    How are you putting the video in the post?

    The “correct” way is to simply put the URL to the video inside the post body…

    … NOT the Vimeo iframe / embed code.

    <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <p><a href="">&mdash;disorderly conduct&mdash;</a> from <a href="">Gabe Reuben</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    This is tested and working on a number of sites with the TUBE theme.

    Please give it a shot.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by toddlevy.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by toddlevy.

    Did some Google searching as this isn’t an error I’ve encountered.

    Per Google searches, this is typically caused by a server / firewall / configuration / connectivity issue.

    Please ensure your server is running CURL.

    Please ensure your server can ping the google services.

    May be an SSL thing.

    May be an API key thing.

    You may also need to reboot the server.

    See here for example of potential solutions…



    As far as if you need login credentials of my website, I can provide it to you on you personal contact.

    This is against the WP terms.

    Again, if I don’t have SOME sort of indication of what’s happening it’s really impossible to help / troubleshoot.

    Here’s an approach…

    1) Go to this file

    2) Find this…

    // nested query gets the full description
    $videos_results = $youtube->videos->listVideos('snippet, status', array(
      'id' => $video_ids,

    3) Add this below it, putting in your email address where it says YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE…

    echo '<pre>';
    print_r( $videos_results );
    echo '</pre>';        
    $subject = 'TUBE Curator listVideos results';
    $body = ob_get_clean();
    $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
    $mail = wp_mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers );

    4) Try doing an “Add via URL” with YouTube, but put a “&flush” at the end of your admin URL before you do…


    5) Check your email (possibly in spam) for the email with the subject ‘TUBE Curator listVideos results’ and post the contents here.



    I’ve got this plugin running on all manner of servers with all different number of websites and have no problems with memory issues.

    This has and continues to sound like an API key permissions issue.

    Unfortunately, I’m not really able to troubleshoot server-specific issues as there’s simply no way to know what it might be, and I’m not able to log into your server or website, etc.

    If there are specific errors being reported, either in your error log or frontend, please provide them. Else I’m afraid there’s not much help I can offer.



    Drop this in a child theme functions.php or a plugin…

    add_filter( 'tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert', 'my_tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert', 10, 1 );
    function my_tube_vc_filter_post_pre_insert( $my_post ){
      $my_post['tax_input'] = array('post_format' => 'video');
      return $my_post;

    Please mark as resolved if that works for you.



    Okay, you are mixing up / failing to clarify terms and I think that’s at the heart of the confusion.

    Post Type
    – Defaults are post and page
    – I thought you added a custom one called video

    – This has to do with taxonomies, not post types, and don’t think is what you’re referring to

    Post Format
    – This is a sub-function of some but not all post types and is NOT really used by the plugin out of the box

    What I think you are really asking…

    – How do I import to the default “post” post type, but set the post_format to “video” format?

    Is that correct?



    To confirm…

    1) Do you have a ‘public’ custom post type that’s called “Video” or similar?

    2) If so, on that post type, is ‘supports’ set for ‘thumbnail’?

    If yes to both, you should see a dropdown in the import settings page for post type, where you could select this custom post type.

    Here’s the code that determines importable post types…

      // Returns an array of post types that can accept video imports
      function get_importable_post_types(){
        // get all public post types
        $post_types = get_post_types( array('public'   => true), 'objects' );
        // container for importable types
        $importable_post_types = array();
        // loop through the types
        foreach ($post_types as $type):
          // ensure thumbnail support
          if( ! post_type_supports( $type->name, 'thumbnail' ) ):
          // ignore pages, attachments, and skipped videos         
          if( $type->name === 'page' || $type->name === 'attachment' ):
          // add the type and name to importable post types     
          $importable_post_types[$type->name] = $type->labels->singular_name;
        // make sure there were importable types
        if ( count($importable_post_types) == 0 ):
         return NULL;
        // return the importable types
        return $importable_post_types;


    If you had more than one “valid” post type for use with the plug-in, that setting would show as a drop down instead of set in stone (great choice of words BTW).

    If memory serves, the only reason a post type would not be valid is if it does not have “thumbnail support.”

    Can you please confirm that your “Video” post type does have thumbnail support?



    Go into the plugin’s import settings page.


    There’s a post type selector there.

    Sorry for skipping over that question on the previous reply.

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