Forum Replies Created
I’m unable to replicate this issue this morning (filed under: no idea why) so gonna mark this as resolved for now.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Compact WP Audio Player] soundManager is not definedWell, it’s not really “resolved” so much as circumvented.
Is there any chance you’d consider getting this to work with Autoptimize?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Compact WP Audio Player] soundManager is not definedThe theme is calling wp_footer.
In the meantime, I think I’ve narrowed this down to a conflict with Autoptimize.
If you exclude “soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js” from being aggregated by Autoptimize the console error goes away.
Not sure what it’d take to allow that JS to play nicely but for now that’s been my solve.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [.TUBE Video Curator] Select Category per Playlist?This is a capability, but at present, it’s not really exposed on the frontend.
Copying below from this ticket.
Okay, I’ve pushed an update (v1.1.8) of the plugin that provides support for “source” specific terms IDs, meaning you can associate specific terms with any channel or playlist.
To do so, you will need to set a post_meta value for tube_source_term_ids which will be a comma list of term IDs.
NOTE: there’s no “frontend” for this at this point, so you’ll need to add the postmeta via database or call to update_post_meta for the desired source.
To find the post ID of a source, go to TUBE Curator > Your Channels & Playlists and click on the source you’re working with. The post ID will be in the address bar. The process is similar for finding a term ID, but you’ll need to browse the appropriate taxonomy/ies.
So if the source post ID were 418, and you wanted videos from that source to use terms 542 and 610, you’d set up the postmeta like this…
update_post_meta( 418, ‘tube_source_term_ids’, ‘542,610’ );
Then, these terms will be applied during video creation in admin and via CRON-based imports.
Please give this a shot and update here.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] How to edit the body tag?1) This code is tested on working at the of a functions.php file of a .TUBE child theme
2) You will need to modify what’s being set in line 3 to match the attributes your popunder and float ad require. The scrollspy stuff is just for example
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] How to edit the body tag?Give something like this a shot in your child theme functions.php or a little plugin…
function custom_body_attributes( $classes ){ $classes[] = '" spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar'; return $classes; } add_filter( 'body_class','custom_body_attributes', 999 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap & Google News] Ability to set news sitemap URLDropped a rewrite rule in the functions file and flushed the permalinks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap & Google News] Ability to set news sitemap URLAll set with this solution.
Thank you for the prompt, helpful reply.
Can you drop a homepage link so I can finesse you some CSS?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] make navbar not followPlease mark as resolved.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] right sidebar?See if this will get you there…
There is no need to edit the templates to do this.
Instead, put something like this in your functions.php…
add_action( 'tube_after_masthead', 'my_run_of_site_top_ad' ); function my_run_of_site_top_ad(){ ?> Your Ad Code Here <?php }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] make navbar not followEasiest would be to stick this in “Additional CSS” tab of customizer…
body { padding-top: 0; } .navbar-fixed-top { position: static; }
Also, semantic thing here, but “fixed” is how works by default, where it doesn’t scroll up with the page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [.TUBE Video Curator] Privacy-enhanced YouTube embeds for GDPRAt present, there are no plugin updates planned (though there are some local updates that may get pushed to production at some point).
Here’s a snippet you can drop in the functions file of your theme or a simple plugin that will swap out for on the oembed result…
add_filter( 'oembed_result', 'youtube_nocookie', 10, 3 ); function youtube_nocookie( $data, $url, $args ){ $data = str_replace( '', '', $data ); return $data; }
Hopefully, that’ll do the trick for you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [.TUBE] WordPress theme TubeSorry, there is no demo content.