Forum Replies Created
Hi Yordan
Thanks very much for your reply. I am keeping your code snippet in case I decide to take the plunge deeper, but basically I am not a html coder and I’m not sure I want to go to the trouble of creating a child theme, as far as I understand it by reading about it. I’ve decided to simply go through my comments blacklist and remove text strings and words that might innocently be included in an e-mail message. I have added a line to my contact message saying that I have a spam filter that might reject some messages, and if so, to please send a mail directly to me at a given address, disguised enough, I hope, to avoid collection by harvesters. I am glad at least to understand why this was happening and hopefully have put in place a workaround.
Hi Yordan,
You found it! I have a list of disallowed comment words to stop spam comments, and one of the words I once added due to some spam message or other was “ass”. I did not realize that this filter also applied to email. I will remove a bunch of disallowed text strings that could be found in respondent’s names or domains, but I am wondering if there is a way exclude CF7 from this disallowed list under Settings>Discussion, which ideally would only apply to comments submitted in the Comments field of each page. I’m not a coder, so I don’t know if this is something that needs to be done in CF7 or upstream in the Theme itself or WordPress.But thanks for your insight!
The double s in the user name magassia seems to be a problem. I tried [email protected] and it went through. I tried [email protected] and it failed. I tried [email protected] and it went through. I tried [email protected] and it failed, I tried [email protected] and it went through.
This gets stranger…I tried sending a bunch of mails to myself using different hypothetical e-mail addresses but the same user name. For example I tried sending the following:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. All went through successfully. It is not the domain.
Then I switched the user name with the same domains: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. I got an error with all of these. None went through.
Perhaps someone could try could try to send mail to another site using the user name magassia with different domains and see if this is only my problem.
I did deactivate all my plugins and switch to default theme (now twenty twenty one) and I get the same error using the name “magassia”. There must be other text strings that have the same effect, since I have received other reports of people trying to contact me on the CF7 form and having the same problem.
I’m using Themify Phototouch as a theme. My installed plugins are:
1. BackUpWordPress
2. Classic Editor
3. Contact Form 7
4. Down ML – Download Media Library
5. No Right Click Images Plugin
6. Themify Builder (Inactive)
7. Themify Updater
8. Updraft Plus – Backup/RestoreAll are up to date.
Thanks for your concern and help.
Yes, the [your-email] field. For several years I have gotten reports via Facebook that people tried to send me a mail via CF7 and either received an error message or it hung. I tried sending three e-mails from my phone giving different [your-email] addresses. From the Gmail domain it worked, from the domain it worked, but consistently returned an error message from the AOL domain.
To: [email protected]
From: [your-name] <[email protected]>
Subject: Toby Marshall “[your-subject]”
Additional headers: Reply-To: [your-email]
Message body: From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-subject]Message Body:
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Toby Marshall ( the “Contact” page, which contains the mail form