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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] No posts are loadingHi Darren,
I think I know whats wrong here.
ajax-load-more.php, line 246
You register the ALM script with a jQuery 1.1 dependency.wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), '1.1', true );
However there are developers like me who use Foundation or any other piece of software which need a different jQuery version than 1.1. So people like me deregister the default jQuery version which gets registered by WordPress as default and register our own version.
This setup prevents your script from getting registered.
If I change your code in ajax-load-more.php, line 246 to:
wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( '/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js', __FILE__ ), '', '', true );
The JavaScript gets loaded and everything works.
But changing Plugin files is not the way to go, cause I’ll loose this changes at the next update. Also deregistering your script and register it by myself is not working, cause alm_localize get’s not set as you do it in ajax-load-more.php line 264.
Of course I could just copy your whole alm_enqueue_scripts function and register the script with the function, but also thats not clean.
Suggested Solution:
I suggest to provide an option for devs in the plugin settings to choose if the JavaScript should be loaded depending on jQuery or not. Should be not more work than 30 minutes or so.
Actual i fixed this by changing your plugin file, so I can use your plugin but that’s only an hotfix and not the way to go.
Has this already been merged to ALM core? I’m trying this plugin and facing the same issue with Adminize. However i need that plugin, but editing plugin files is no choice cause they are lost on every update and thats no clean solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] No posts are loadingUpdate:
I deregister your script and registered it by myself (without jQuery dependency).
wp_deregister_script('ajax-load-more'); wp_register_script( 'ajax-load-more', plugins_url( 'ajax-load-more/core/js/ajax-load-more.min.js' ), '', '', true );
Now I get the following error in the JavaScript console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: alm_localize is not definedJavaScript is included now.
Ok looks like that comes from deregistering your script and registering it by myself. If i just remove the jQuery dependency in your ajax-load-more.php it is working. But thats not the way to do it right.
So how can i register your script correctly by myself without jQuery dependency and with the localize settings etc?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] No posts are loadingHey dcooney,
I’ve included wp_footer(); in my footer.php. I’m using the popular JointsWP as base for my theme. Here are the last lines from my footer.php:
</div> <!-- end .off-canvas-wrapper --> <?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html> <!-- end page -->
So as you can see I’m using it like jeromeramone but no JS is included…
Just switched to a default theme Twentyfifteen and the JS gehts included.
Do you have any idea what breaks the JS inclusion?Code of my enqueue script, which breaks the JS inclusion (cause if I remove the content of file your JS is loaded):
<?php function site_scripts() { global $wp_styles; // Call global $wp_styles variable to add conditional wrapper around ie stylesheet the WordPress way // Removes WP version of jQuery wp_deregister_script('jquery'); // Adding scripts file in the footer wp_enqueue_script( 'site-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/scripts.min.js', '', '', true ); // Register main stylesheet wp_enqueue_style( 'site-css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/style.min.css', array(), '', 'all' ); // Comment reply script for threaded comments if ( is_singular() AND comments_open() AND (get_option('thread_comments') == 1)) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'site_scripts', 999); ?>
Ok found out that “wp_deregister_script(‘jquery’);” causes that issue. JointsWP is doing that because Foundation needs a specific jQuery version.
How can i make this play nice with your plugin? It depends on jQuery and it looks like that the Foundation jQuery gets included later than your plugin JS or something like that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] No posts are loadingHey dcooney, thanks for the quick reply. I updated my reply, cause i noticed that the css gets included but the js won’t. Unfortunately I can’t share a link cause I’m on localhost.
How is the shortcode supposed to be implemented? Currently my index.php uses custom shortcodes (similar to your shortcode) to output post from different categories, sticky posts, etc.
Can you give me an example of an working index.php? But even then I don’t know why the JS is not includes :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Infinite Scroll - Ajax Load More] No posts are loadingHi there, just wanted to try your plugin, but I’m facing similar issues.
Using the default shortcode (content editor or in template like jeromeramone) [ajax_load_more] and don’t see any output. However the div is inserted into the HTML, but the Script is not loaded (only the css). wp_footer(); does exist in my footer.phpForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photoswipe Masonry Gallery] Thumbnails appear grayed out and do not workUpdate from me:
Dean sent me an older version, tested it and got the same error.I disabled all plugins and switched to a default WordPress theme and everything works. After that i disabled all plugins and switched to my custom theme and the following error occurs:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < (index.php line 613)
That is the JavaScript which gets outputted inline by the plugin (note the figcaption and a tag at the last line, What are they doing there?):
<script type='text/javascript'> var container_1140_1 = document.querySelector('#photoswipe_gallery_1140_1'); var msnry; // initialize after all images have loaded imagesLoaded( container_1140_1, function() { // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded new Masonry( container_1140_1, { // options... itemSelector: '.msnry_item', //columnWidth: 220, isFitWidth: true }); (container_1140_1).className += ' photoswipe_showme'; // PhotoSwipe var initPhotoSwipeFromDOM = function(gallerySelector) { // parse slide data (url, title, size ...) from DOM elements // (children of gallerySelector) var parseThumbnailElements = function(el) { var thumbElements = el.childNodes, numNodes = thumbElements.length, items = [], figureEl, linkEl, size, item; for(var i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { figureEl = thumbElements[i]; // <figure> element // include only element nodes if(figureEl.nodeType !== 1) { continue; } linkEl = figureEl.children[0]; // <a> element size = linkEl.getAttribute('data-size').split('x'); // create slide object item = { src: linkEl.getAttribute('href'), w: parseInt(size[0], 10), h: parseInt(size[1], 10) }; if(figureEl.children.length > 1) { // <figcaption> content item.title = figureEl.children[1].innerHTML; } if(linkEl.children.length > 0) { // <img /> thumbnail element, retrieving thumbnail url item.msrc = linkEl.children[0].getAttribute('src'); } item.el = figureEl; // save link to element for getThumbBoundsFn items.push(item); } return items; }; // find nearest parent element var closest = function closest(el, fn) { return el && ( fn(el) ? el : closest(el.parentNode, fn) ); }; // triggers when user clicks on thumbnail var onThumbnailsClick = function(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; var eTarget = || e.srcElement; // find root element of slide var clickedListItem = closest(eTarget, function(el) { return el.tagName === 'FIGURE'; }); if(!clickedListItem) { return; } // find index of clicked item by looping through all child nodes // alternatively, you may define index via data- attribute var clickedGallery = clickedListItem.parentNode, childNodes = clickedListItem.parentNode.childNodes, numChildNodes = childNodes.length, nodeIndex = 0, index; for (var i = 0; i < numChildNodes; i++) { if(childNodes[i].nodeType !== 1) { continue; } if(childNodes[i] === clickedListItem) { index = nodeIndex; break; } nodeIndex++; } if(index >= 0) { // open PhotoSwipe if valid index found openPhotoSwipe( index, clickedGallery ); } return false; }; // parse picture index and gallery index from URL (#&pid=1&gid=2) var photoswipeParseHash = function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), params = {}; if(hash.length < 5) { return params; } var vars = hash.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if(!vars[i]) { continue; } var pair = vars[i].split('='); if(pair.length < 2) { continue; } params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } if(params.gid) { params.gid = parseInt(params.gid, 10); } if(!params.hasOwnProperty('pid')) { return params; } = parseInt(, 10); return params; }; var openPhotoSwipe = function(index, galleryElement, disableAnimation) { var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0], gallery, options, items; items = parseThumbnailElements(galleryElement); // define options (if needed) options = { index: index, // define gallery index (for URL) galleryUID: galleryElement.getAttribute('data-pswp-uid'), getThumbBoundsFn: function(index) { // See Options -> getThumbBoundsFn section of documentation for more info var thumbnail = items[index].el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0], // find thumbnail pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect(); return {x:rect.left, + pageYScroll, w:rect.width}; } }; if(disableAnimation) { options.showAnimationDuration = 0; } // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it gallery = new PhotoSwipe( pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options); gallery.init(); }; // loop through all gallery elements and bind events var galleryElements = document.querySelectorAll( gallerySelector ); for(var i = 0, l = galleryElements.length; i < l; i++) { galleryElements[i].setAttribute('data-pswp-uid', i+1); galleryElements[i].onclick = onThumbnailsClick; } // Parse URL and open gallery if it contains #&pid=3&gid=1 var hashData = photoswipeParseHash(); if( > 0 && hashData.gid > 0) { openPhotoSwipe( - 1 , galleryElements[ hashData.gid - 1 ], true ); } }; // execute above function initPhotoSwipeFromDOM('.photoswipe_gallery'); }); </figcaption></a></script>
I think the error is caused by this figcaption and a tag in the script tag. I don’t know how they get there, I think they are not supposed to…
In the plugin php file (photoswipe-masonry.php) the output of this part starts at line 392 and ends at line 617. There is no figcaption or a tag. So how do they get there?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photoswipe Masonry Gallery] Thumbnails appear grayed out and do not workHi Dean,
I’ve disabled any plugins, but still got that error. When i switch the theme to Twenty Fifteen that error in the console is gone.
However I don’t know what in my custom theme is causing that issue with your plugin. Cause even when i disable all my custom scripts i get this error.
Btw I concatenate and comrpess all my JS and CSS into one single file and then load it with
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘site_scripts’, 999);
Btw. why is Photoswipe adding it’s CSS and JS inline instead of using the recommendet wp_enqueue_scripts? Maybe that causes some weird issues with jQuery etc. Cause I deregister the WordPress included jQuery and enqueue my own.
I would like to test the previous version of your plugin, cause before I updated the plugin everything worked fine. Where can I download version 1.1.1?
Also saw that the download link on the plugin page changes if you’re on another tab.
Description Tab:
Reviews Tab: those different?
TobiasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photoswipe Masonry Gallery] Thumbnails appear grayed out and do not workHi Dean,
yes in all browsers. I thought it may be connected to this issue, cause of the issue description (grayed out, not working, if image is clicked link to attachment page).
Can I do anything to help you fix this error? Like disable plugins and test again etc.?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photoswipe Masonry Gallery] Thumbnails appear grayed out and do not workHi there having the same issue. As i remember everything was working fine while using WordPress 4.4.2 with Photoswipe Masonry Gallery 1.1.1.
My thumbnails appear grayed out and link to the attachment page.
JavaScript console shows the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGALOn this line of code:
figureEl = thumbElements[i]; // <figure> elementUsing WordPress (4.4.2) with Photoswipe Masonry Gallery (1.1.2) on localhost (xampp) with a custom theme. Tested in current versions of Google Chrome, Firefox and Edge.