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  • I modded the events calendar plugin you can see it in action here:

    Plugin Author tnorberg


    Hello there,
    Sometimes with this player and with some other mp3 players the loop feature sometimes gets stuck and does not progress properly. So in answer to your question this is a little bit of flaw within the flash portion. has updated their mp3 players but I did not want to use their players anymore because then I could not pick and choose what I wanted for my mp3 player.

    I built this specifically for my site and it took a lot of programming. I don’t remember exactly how I did it for that plugin because I have yet to look at that code since 2009.

    Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience,

    I just redid some of the plugin to just hack it a little. Added my own template to utilize the calendar. I didn’t want to create a whole new widget but none the less it works.

    In custom template_page.php:

    <div class="layout-cell sidebar1">
    <div class="block-body">
    	<div class="blockheader">
    		<h3 class="t" style="font-size:22px">Custom Event Schedule</h3>
    		<h3 class="t custom-date"><?php echo date("M") . " " .date("Y"); ?></h3>
    	<br />
    	<br />
    	<div class="blockcontent">
    	        <div class="blockcontent-body">
    		        <?php echo do_shortcode("[calendar]"); ?>

    in custom_plugin.php:

    add_action("wp_footer", "add_custom_tcn_javascript");
    function add_custom_tcn_javascript(){
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		(function($) {
    			$("#aec-calendar > .fc-header").hide();
    			var monthName=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
    			if($(".custom-date").length > 0){
    			$(".fc-button-prev").live("click", function(){
    				var oldDate = $(".custom-date").html();
    				oldDate = oldDate.split(/ /);
    				var x = 0;
    				for(x in monthName)
    					if(oldDate[0] == monthName[x])
    						var newMonth = parseInt(x) - 1;
    						var newYear = parseInt(oldDate[1]);
    						if(oldDate[0] == "Jan")
    							var newMonth = parseInt(x) + 11;
    							var newYear = parseInt(oldDate[1]) - 1;
    				$(".custom-date").html(monthName[newMonth] + " " + newYear);
    			$(".fc-button-next").live("click", function(){
    				var oldDate = $(".custom-date").html();
    				oldDate = oldDate.split(/ /);
    				var newMonth = 0;
    				for(x in monthName)
    					if(oldDate[0] == monthName[x])
    						var newMonth = parseInt(x) + 1;
    						var newYear = parseInt(oldDate[1]);
    						if(oldDate[0] == "Dec")
    							var newMonth = parseInt(x) - 11;
    							var newYear = parseInt(oldDate[1]) + 1;
    				$(".custom-date").html(monthName[newMonth] + " " + newYear);
    			$(".fc-button-today").live("click", function(){
    				var newDate = new Date();
    				$(".custom-date").html(monthName[newDate.getMonth()] + " " + newDate.getFullYear());
    }// END if statement


    .content-layout .sidebar1 {
        border-right: 1px solid #6CACE6;
        max-width: 200px;
        width: 200px;
    .blockcontent {
        margin: 0 auto;
        min-height: 1px;
        min-width: 1px;
        position: relative;
    .blockcontent-body {
        color: #666666;
        font-family: "Century Gothic";
        font-size: 12px;
        padding: 7px;
        position: relative;

    Not really the best scenario but a fun implementation to say the least. I def could have done it better and not my best work but it was fun doing it.

    Let me know if you have any questions or would like an explanation or whatever.

    This is what mine looked like after it was done:

    Thread Starter tnorberg


    This lets the login form check box be utilized correctly. The checkbox does not work with previous code implemented.

    Other than that you guys ROCK!

    Your welcome just trying to help out my fellow WordPresser’s


    Ok so I think that I may have fixed it. It was mainly the sections that were renamed specifically by linkedin.

    1st (Line 132):
    replace <div class="hresume">
    with <div id="content" class="resume hresume">
    2st (Line 138):
    replace <body class="public-profile">
    with <body class="en member v2 public-profile" id="pagekey-nprofile-public-success">
    3rd (Line 151):
    replace <div class="hresume">
    with <div id="content" class="resume hresume">
    4th (Line 152):
    replace <div id="contact-settings">
    with <div class="section" id="profile-contact" style="display:block">

    Although this might not be the best way to implement a plugin based off of HTML scraping because you are at the mercy of the site developing the software or displaying the information. We might need to look into something a little more effective (using API from LinkedIN perhaps). Was trying to understand the API a little better but was running into some dead ends and would like to have more time to look into it but at this time do not. Any takers might need to contact the developer about this and maybe come up with something a little more full proof.

    Corrected Code from “linkedin_hresume.php”:

    Plugin Name: LinkedIn hResume
    Plugin URI:
    Description: LinkedIn hResume grabs the Microformated hResume block from your LinkedIn public profile page allowing you to add it to any page and apply your own styles to it.
    Author: Brad Touesnard
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.3.2
    // Your public LinkedIn profile URL
    $linkedin_url = '';
    $lnhr_enable_cache = false;
     * Please see the readme.txt file for installation details.
    function lnhr_shortcode($atts) {
    	global $linkedin_url, $lnhr_enable_cache;
    		'url' => $linkedin_url,
    		'caching' => $lnhr_enable_cache,
    	), $atts));
    	$caching = lnhr_is_caching($caching);
    	$lnhr_enable_cache = $caching;
    	$linkedin_url = $url;
    	return lnhr_get_hresume($url, $caching);
    /* Backward compatibility: Support for comment code */
    function lnhr_callback($content)
    	global $linkedin_url, $lnhr_enable_cache;
    	if(!preg_match('@(?:<p>)?(?:<|<)!(?:--|–)LinkedIn hResume(.*)(?:--|–)(?:>|>)(?:</p>)?@', $content, $matches)) {
    		return $content;
    	if ($matches[1]) {
    		list($url, $cache) = split(',', $matches[1]);
    		if ($url) {
    			$linkedin_url = trim($url);
    		$lnhr_enable_cache = lnhr_is_caching($cache);
    	$hresume = lnhr_get_hresume($linkedin_url, $lnhr_enable_cache);
    	return str_replace($matches[0], $hresume, $content);
    // Developers: This function can be used in your WordPress templates
    function lnhr_get_hresume($url, $caching = false) {
    	$hresume = '';
    	if ($caching) {
    		$cache = get_option('lnhr_cache');
    		if ($cache !== false) {
    			list($cache_url, $expiry, $data) = $cache;
    			if ($url == $cache_url && $expiry > time()) {
    				$hresume = $data;
    	if (!$hresume) {
    		$hresume = lnhr_get_linkedin_page($url);
    		lnhr_error_check($hresume, $url);
    		$hresume = lnhr_stripout_hresume($hresume);
    		$hresume = balanceTags($hresume, true);
    		if ($caching) {
    			update_option('lnhr_cache', array($url, time()+21600, $hresume));
    	return $hresume;
    function lnhr_is_caching($value) {
    	return (in_array($value, explode(',', 'on,true,1')));
    function lnhr_get_linkedin_page($url) {
    	// Request the LinkedIn page
    		$parsed_url = @parse_url( $url );
    		if ( !$parsed_url || !is_array( $parsed_url ) )
    			$data = "Invalid LinkedIn URL.";
    		$options = array();
    		$options['timeout'] = 100;
    		$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $options );
    		if ( is_wp_error( $response ) )
    			return false;
    		$data = $response['body'];
    	else {
    		$data = "Sorry, your version of WordPress does not support the 'wp_remote_fopen' function. Please upgrade your version of WordPress.";
    	return $data;
    function lnhr_format_block($matches) {
    	$desc = $matches[2];
    	$desc = strip_tags($desc);
    	$desc = trim($desc);
    	$desc = Markdown($desc);
    	// Make links clickable
    	$desc = preg_replace('@(http:\/\/[^\s<>]+)@i', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $desc);
    	$desc = wpautop($desc);
    	return '<div class="' . $matches[1] . '">' . $desc . '</div>';
    function lnhr_error_check($content, $url) {
    //echo $content;
    	$pos = strpos($content, '<div id="content" class="resume hresume">');
    	if ($pos === false) {
    		$pos = strpos($content, 'Profile Not Found');
    		if ($pos !== false) {
    			wp_die('<h1>Profile Not Found</h1><p>The profile <a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a> could not be found.</p>');
    		elseif (preg_match('@<body class="en member v2 public-profile" id="pagekey-nprofile-public-success">
    (.*?)</body>@s', $content, $matches)) {
    		else {
    			wp_die('<h1>Communication Error</h1><p>There was an error retrieving your LinkedIn public profile.</p>');
    function lnhr_stripout_hresume($content) {
    	// Just grab the hResume part minus some extra LinkedIn junk
    	// Kind of lazy, but maybe do some parsing in another version
    	$hresume = strstr($content, '<div id="content" class="resume hresume">');
    	$pos = strpos($hresume, '<div class="section" id="profile-contact" style="display:block">');
    	if ($pos !== false) {
    		$hresume = substr($hresume, 0, $pos);
    		$hresume .= '</div>';
    	// Remove any Javascript
    	$hresume = preg_replace('/<[ \n\r]*script[^>]*>.*<[ \n\r]*\/script[^>]*>/si', '', $hresume);
    	// This is the path to markdown.php
    	if ( !defined('AUTOMATTIC_README_MARKDOWN') )
    		define('AUTOMATTIC_README_MARKDOWN', dirname(__FILE__) . '/markdown.php');
    	if ( !function_exists('Markdown') )
    	$hresume = preg_replace_callback('@<p class="(description)">(.*?)</p>@s', 'lnhr_format_block', $hresume);
    	$hresume = preg_replace_callback('@<p class="(skills)">(.*?)</p>@s', 'lnhr_format_block', $hresume);
    	$hresume = preg_replace_callback('@<p class="(honors)">(.*?)</p>@s', 'lnhr_format_block', $hresume);
    	$hresume = preg_replace_callback('@<p class="(notes)">(.*?)</p>@s', 'lnhr_format_block', $hresume);
    	// Make the links clickable for groups and companies
    	$hresume = preg_replace_callback('@<a href="(/.*?)"@s', 'lnhr_format_link', $hresume, -1, $count);
    	// Markup abbrevations INCOMPLETE
    	$hresume = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9])(CVS)([^a-zA-Z0-9])/', '$1<abbr title="Concurrent Versioning System">$2</abbr>$3', $hresume);
    	// Convert LinkedIn tags to XHTML
    	$hresume = preg_replace('/<\s*br\s*>/si', '<br />', $hresume);
    	// Why does LinkedIn repeat your name so much on the same page?
    	if (preg_match('@<span class="given-name">([^<]+)</span>@', $hresume, $matches)) {
    		$name = $matches[1];
    		$matches = array();
    		if (preg_match('@<span class="family-name">([^<]+)</span>@', $hresume, $matches)) {
    			$name = $name . ' ' . $matches[1];
    			$hresume = str_ireplace($name . '’s ', '', $hresume);
    	return $hresume;
    function lnhr_format_link($matches) {
    	$linktext = $matches[1];
    	if (substr($linktext, 0, 1) == '/')
    		$linktext = '' . $linktext;
    	return '<a href="' . $linktext . '"';
    add_filter('the_content', 'lnhr_callback', 50);
    add_shortcode('lnhr', 'lnhr_shortcode');

    Awesome Bradt you rock that fixed it but how odd!!!
    Anyway Love your linked in resume plugin thanks!

    The solution was to change line 138 in library/filters.php from:

    if (current_user_can(‘edit_posts’)) {


    if (current_user_can(‘edit_posts’)) {

    this is wrong…
    Should be this:

    The solution was to change line 138 in library/filters.php from:

    if (current_user_can(‘edit_post’)) {


    if (current_user_can(‘edit_posts‘)) {

    It works for all other themes right? because mine do.

    I am having the exact same problem if you have any headway on this issue please let me know. I might be able to get in to contact with the theme developer and check to see what is going on.
    email: admin [at]

    ok if you are still wondering if this issue is resolved it took 4 or 5 revisions for me to get around to updating it but I think this next one will do it (v1.2.5). Let me know @ admin [at] if things don’t get better.


    Also if you want to have different songs in different posts all you have to do is open a new folder on your server under mp3-player-plugin-for-wordpress folder and move mp3 files there.

    Then use the playlistfolder shortcode to enable that folder like so:
    [mp3_embed blog_plyrs="3" mp3highs="500" mp3wids="500" playlistfolder="finger" shuffle="yes" id="2"]

    NOTE: new version 1.2.5 will be able to have folders in an Album folder instead of being inside of mp3-player-plugin-for-wordpress folder….Easier to find less confusing.

    Hello the documentation on:
    test mp3 player page Should help…
    Basically telling you how to use the little player as opposed to the larger ones.

    [mp3_embed playlst="" colors="#900345" id="1" nums="1" ]

    instead of
    [mp3_embed blog_plyrs="2" id="1" nums="1" colors="#900345" ]

    Just another note the small player is only for one song, not many.
    Thanks for keeping me on my toes!

    You could always try my plugin? It uses the player.

    My site

    HMMM weird because the only thing that has to do with posts is the shortcode.

    What did you try to do…
    1) sidebar mp3 player?
    2) post/page mp3 player?
    if it is the sidebar player then this kind of thing should not happen.

    I have to ask you what plugins you are using and what has happened before I can troubleshoot.

    If you could please send me an email through my contact page with a temporary login scheme for your site and let me see what you are talking about. It is a possibility that it could be my plugin. But just for sake of argument let me see what you are talking about.


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