Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FeedWordPress] plugin update asapoh- my noisy log fix was to /wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/syndicatedlink.class.php, not syndicatedpost.class.php on line 708 like you mentioned. A similar check should also take care of that count instance.
something like
oldif (count($aa) > 0) :
newif (!empty($aa) && count($aa) > 0) :
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FeedWordPress] plugin update asapAh, ok. I looked at the code and determined the error occurs when there are no deleted posts in the feed. to fix the error i added a check for empty in line 307.
if (count($tombstones) > 0) :
newif ( !empty($tombstones) && count($tombstones) > 0) :
hope this helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FeedWordPress] plugin update asapI found the latest dev version of this plugin on github works for me on php 7.2…
of course, it would be nice if this repository was updated, but hope this helps!
I’m disappointed to find the manual UA code entry removed. We’ll be looking for an alternative since the continued direction of the plugin has diverged from our long time interests in simple management of GA codes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] Not Working with Current WPthat warning (not an error) suggests the single quotes probably didn’t copy/paste correctly. try trying double quotes around both occurrences of page instead. hope this helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Heads Up Bar] Not Working with Current WPthanks, @prunly for the fix.
@mikegratten, changeing that line fixes that php warning/code bug.
elseif ( is_array( $meta_box[‘pages’] ) && count( $meta_box[‘pages’] ) === 1 )
we had this problem too. thanks for the workaround. my suggestion for the plugin would be to make disabling core wp features a plugin setting option that is not enabled by default.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by tmuka.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Broadcast] Plugin not picking up all the sites on the multisiteThanks, this thread answered my question too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] FORCE_SSL_LOGIN noticethanks @aronprins, that worked for me too.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Show StopperThis happened to me today too. Subscribers got notification emails from all past posts. I’m not sure what triggered it, as there weren’t even any new posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] FORCE_SSL_LOGIN noticepretty please! ??
thanks @ecgifford, setting “Track outbound clicks and download links?” worked for me too on a few dozen affected sites.
I’ve noticed this same issue on a handful of sites today after updating too. When clicking a bunch of data is logged to the dev tools js console and the link isn’t followed.
frontend.min.js:1 true
frontend.min.js:1 __gaTracker.loaded
frontend.min.js:1 true
frontend.min.js:1 Event.which: 1
frontend.min.js:1 El:
frontend.min.js:1 <img src=?”https:?/?/?” alt=?”Link” class=?”desktop”>?
frontend.min.js:1 Will track: true
frontend.min.js:3 Link:
frontend.min.js:3 Extension:
frontend.min.js:3 Protocol: https:
frontend.min.js:3 External: true
frontend.min.js:3 Current domain:
frontend.min.js:3 Link domain:
frontend.min.js:6 Type: external
frontend.min.js:6 Control Key: false
frontend.min.js:6 Shift Key: false
frontend.min.js:6 Meta Key: false
frontend.min.js:6 Which Key: 1
frontend.min.js:6 Target: false
clearing caches seems to resolve the issue. frustrating, but at least it works.
I’ll answer my own question with a theory based on output showing an array key “analytics_profile_name” that doesn’t exist in my other sites..
array ( 'dashboards_disabled' => 0, 'analytics_profile' => '1032redacted', 'analytics_profile_code' => 'UA-redacted-21', 'manual_ua_code' => 0, 'track_internal_as_outbound' => '', 'track_internal_as_label' => '', 'demographics' => '1', 'ignore_users' => array ( 0 => 'administrator', 1 => 'editor', ), 'anonymize_ips' => 0, 'track_download_as' => 'event', 'extensions_of_files' => 'doc,exe,js,pdf,ppt,tgz,zip,xls', 'subdomain_tracking' => '', 'tag_links_in_rss' => 0, 'allow_anchor' => 0, 'add_allow_linker' => 0, 'enhanced_link_attribution' => 0, 'custom_code' => '', 'debug_mode' => 0, 'tracking_mode' => 'analytics', 'events_mode' => 'php', 'allow_tracking' => 1, 'analytics_profile_name' => 'All Web Site Data (UA-redacted-21)', 'cron_last_run' => 1487416229, 'oauth_version' => '1.0.0', )
so i suspect that ‘manual_ua_code’ => 0, means manual was never used so it’s not broken, and ‘manual_ua_code’ => 1, means the manual code was lost to the bad plugin update and needs to be fixed.