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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Does the job!Thank you for your feedback!
A small remark: for some sitemaps, depth 2 is necessary. For example, Yoast and “XML Sitemap & Google News” have 2 layers of nesting, which means the min depth to warm the pages should be 2.
I have added this note to the settings page during yesterday’s update, so hopefully it will be easier to use for non-technical people now.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Documentation please@mbv Sure, we will make a guide!
The plugin is a bit technical, so it just visits your site pages. It makes a tree of links from the entry point of the specified depth;uses specified user agent, cookies; URL params etc (if needed).
For the basic use only entry points and depth will be enough. Also you can enable “Add sitemaps of entry points as entry points” checkbox on “Entry points” tab if you have a sitemap on your site, and you can also check the “Add all public posts (of any type) and taxonomies of this site as entry points” checkbox. That will get the list of the pages from WP and visit the pages directly without creating the tree (should work faster). You can enable both checkboxes actually, shouldn’t be redundant (it visits a page only once).
But can be hard to understand for non-technical person for sure.
I have made a video of the basic example of how to use the plugin (by default, just clicking one button should be enough, and waiting a few minutes before it starts):
Please let me know if it does not work for you, I’m always here to help and assist you, if you still any questions or something does not work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] User Agents@cptkoolbeenz Sure.
How would you like it to work? So let’s say you enter 3 user-agents (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) – then you would like every page to be visited for 3 times (once per UA)?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] 500 pages limit?@cptkoolbeenz Strange indeed, shouldn’t stop at 500. Could you give me your site URL (you can email to [email protected] if you don’t want to disclosure it here), and I will check what could be the reason.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Setting up a cronjob@thomdj Is it catching the sitemap now?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Setting up a cronjob@thomdj Maybe you could give your website link in the meantime where you have this sitemaps plugin installed? I will check it out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Setting up a cronjobHi @thomdj
Thank you very much for your feedback! I will investigate this.
I will respond to this topic when it’s solved.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Interval Setting?@loyukfai
About time drifting: this is how Action Scheduler works, it has some kind of an enqueue to run tasks in the background, so the drifting is expected to happen. It actually will even happen with the scheduler run time you requested. The drifting is about 1h, based on the number of the tasks in the enqueue (if curious, you can see it on this page: /wp-admin/tools.php?page=action-scheduler&status=pending). And I have no control over it, unfortunately.
The feature you requested solves another issue: transparency. If you request it to run every Monday at 12:00 then you can expect the warming to happen at about this time.
I will work in this direction this month, it’s a very useful feature.
The first thing I want to do is to add transparency to the current interval logic, I think I will make a table with columns like:
Scheduled to run at | Run at | Status (pending, completed, skipped (because another warm was running)) | Link to the log
And I also want to add an option to shift the run time. Because currently it’s attached to the time you save the interval setting on, which is very opaque and inconvenient.
Maybe that will even be enough to suit your use case (e.g. run warming every Monday at 12:00).
But scheduling I suppose will be more about non-symmetric one-time runs. E.g. schedule on: Jul 1 12:00, Jul 2 15:00, Jul 5 19:00
I think this is not what you actually want, but rather a transparent interval with the option to shift it will be a better option for your needs.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Setting up a cronjobYou could consider implementing a real cron job at the server level, which can call the WP-Cron system at regular intervals regardless of site traffic. This ensures that all scheduled tasks, including the Action Scheduler, are run as expected. This could be done through your hosting cPanel or equivalent or by setting up a cron job via command line if you have SSH access to your server.
Here is a sample command line cron job that hits the WP-Cron system every 12 hours:
0 */12 * * * wget -q -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
Remember to replace “” with your actual website URL. This will trigger WordPress’s cron system (which starts Action Scheduler) every 12 hours, ensuring that tasks are run even on low-traffic sites.
Action Scheduler used by this plugin is a robust scheduling library and is designed to work well even with lower traffic volumes. If your site gets at least a few hits per day, the Action Scheduler should operate without issue; it’s used by WooCommerce for example.
You can try it and let me know how it goes. If something is not working, I’m always here to help you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Resize Image Before Upload] create_function() is deprecated@mnelson4 Maybe he can try my plugin ?? It has to work, tested.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Interval Setting?@loyukfai yeap, 1440 minutes is 24 hours. It looks correct to me. A new warming starts every 24 hours, and therefore a new log entitiy for it is created.
Or maybe you want me to clarify something for you? Feel free to ask, I will be happy to answer all your question.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Setting up a cronjobWe are using Action Scheulder (Tools -> Scheduled Actions), not WP Cron?system.
Why would you like WP Cron instead of Action Scheduler? I can add such a setting if you want, but I just would like to know if the current way doesn’t work for you.
About scheduling: you can schedule a warming interval in Cache Warmer -> Settings -> Autorun IntervalForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Some problems with the plugin.@cuongpham259 Thank you for the report.
No, 1k of pages is not a lot. Let’s go over the points one by one:- Report not working: might be related to the issue with the tables you know about. I will implement a more robust tables creation logic this month, hopefully that will help. But you can provide me with more info, and I will try to investigate:
- Is anything shown in the “Logs” tab for this warm-up or it’s also also empty?
- Is anything shown in the summary? If it looks like the below screenshot, that might mean the warming didn’t even start. It’s scheduled with Action Scheduler, and can be seen on this page: Tools > Scheduled Actions > Pending (tab) (URL: /wp-admin/tools.php?page=action-scheduler&status=pending), it’s called ‘cache_warmer_process’. You can try to hover over it and click on ‘run’. That might help in case you have some issues with Action Scheduler. Or if it’s failed, then it will be in the “Failed” tab with the error description, you can check that one also.
- You can copy the debug data, and send to me (via email or here).
- Does not work with Redis Cache and use object cache setting enabled: I also have Redis Cache, and warmings work with this option enabled for me. Maybe it’s related to the previous issue you mentioned? You can also send to me the debug data for this one, and check Action Scheduler — I will take a look.
- Exclude a page: For pages exclusion there are two modes: by substring match, and by RegEx. By default it’s by substring, but if you check the checkbox, then it will be by RegEx.
So the one you provided “/user/(.)“ is certainly a regex, and not a substring, so you should enable this checkbox. If you want to go with plaintext, then just use ““. If you want to go with regex — stick with “/user/(.)” or try “domain\.com/user/*” (which is more specific). I use this site to test regular expressions.
- User-Agents: I didn’t understand this one. What is your idea? To have several user agents specified at the same time (instead of the current limit of 1), and warm with all of them? Like: first visit with desktop UA, then with mobile UA?
P.S. If you want, you can ask my by email or give me your messanger (Skype / Telegram), and I can take a closer look at your site to figure out why the errors you encountered were happenning. But of course you can also respond here, and I will be happy to help ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Table ‘production.wp_cache_warmer_warm_ups_logs’ doesn’t exist@caranibieros @hargums @cuongpham259
I’m sorry for the problems guys.
I will implement a new tables creation logic this month, which has to be more robust. If possible, I would appreciate to know you WordPress MySQL and PHP version in the meantime. I will notify you when it’s released…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cache Warmer] Can I use this plugin?@shirtguy72 Thank you for your feedback!
The pagination for blog posts is released. Feel free to let me know if you need something else.