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I fixed it. For anyone else, if the keyword isn’t the only text in the cell you might be missing:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Wishlist] How do i get wishlist url in templateCare to share the answer?
I’ve decided to hard code the info in instead of using variables so I can keep using TablePress and the speed is fine now but now I have two questions:
1. Is my table still too large?
- 289 entries + about 50 per year
- 8 columns (2 hidden)
- Each entry will soon have a 70×45 image.
2. I still use variables on other pages but only about 8 variables per page. The variables table, however, is still very large. Does using the shortcode to call only 8 cells from a large table slow down my page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Display X number of rowsIf you’re still looking for a solution to your last comment, I think I have one figured out.
Between every event, insert 5 rows (or however many you have visible at a time not including your head/footer). Then in the 1st row include the “No Further Events” text and set the date of all 5 rows for the day before the next event. Then the “No Further Events” will show between the two event dates.
Then, to hide the other 4 empty rows, use this extension: (Tobias, not sure why I can’t find this on the Extensions page. It’s the most valuable in my arsenal.) Now include a keyword like keyword-empty in those 4 blank rows and add the CSS .keyword-empty {display:none;} Then write your table’s shortcode like this [table id=123 highlight=”keyword-empty” /]
I’ve played around with it and have a usable workaround with the Row Filter Date plugin using filter_date=”future” with only one compromise: past dates won’t be available for Search. Plus, every year I’ll have to adjust the year in the sorting column to the current year. So for the Declaration of Independence I have to put the date as 7/4/2016 instead of 7/4/1776 but it’s a hidden column so no big deal. Just noting it for anyone looking for a similar solution. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Lightbox] The fix for "Lyra's Static Cling" still doesn't work for meI got Visual Composer as part of a paid theme so I don’t qualify for VC’s support forums. I can’t be the only Simple Lightbox user using Visual Composer. VC is highly popular.
The reason I preferred Shortcoder over other options was because of the shorter shortcodes. Replacing : with name= puts it on par with other plugins. Also, if I have to go back and change every instance of my shortcodes, I might as well do it with a new plugin that’s more future-proof so I don’t have to do this again next year.
Stopped working for me too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Lightbox] The fix for "Lyra's Static Cling" still doesn't work for meI disabled all plugins and re-enabled them one by one and as soon as I re-enable Visual Composer, SLB quits working. The thing is, they work together on every other page and there is absolutely no difference between the pages and styling. It’s only the homepage that’s not working.
You could edit your tables on a spreadsheet instead of within WordPress and then import it as a .csv every time you make changes. For example, in cell A1 you could use the formula:
="[table-cell id=123 cell="&A2&" /]"
…to include the contents of cell A2 within cell A1. It sounds like you’re wanting multiple cell contents in one cell so you would just add an & and then the formula for the next cell:
="[table-cell id=123 cell="&A2&" /]"&"[table-cell id=123 cell="&A3&" /]"&"[table-cell id=123 cell="&A4&" /]"
This makes cell A1 contain the contents of A2, A3, and A4. Then when you add/delete rows in the spreadsheet (unlike in TablePress via WordPress), your shortcodes are automatically updated. Don’t forget to save your spreadsheet with the formulas as .xls or .ods because when you save a copy as .csv it doesn’t preserve the formulas. So you will have two copies: the one you edit with the formulas and the one you save over and import.
Yes! This is perfect and since it works outside of tables too it’s saving me from digging into tutorials on databases and PHP PDO and saving me tons of time. My site wouldn’t exist without TablePress and I’m quickly growing an appreciative audience so I’ll be sure to donate whatever amount I can. Especially for the numerous support threads I’ve started. I think I’m set now and won’t be bothering you anymore for a long while. Thanks so much!
Also, would using PHP variables instead of Javascript fix this or will I have the same issue?
I have a separate .js file that contains a bunch of variables in this format:
var bookOrderA = "5";
And then in the table cells I have:
<script>document.write (bookOrderA);</script>
…which returns 5 so I only have to update the .js file instead of going through every table and editing every instance individually.I have a dozen tables and some contain the same values but I only want to make one edit.
Also, doesn’t this solve the problem? It’s all gibberish to me but it seems to address the issue and provide a solution. I just can’t make sense of the solution in regards to what I can do on my end:
Then how could I use variables for my cell contents? The info is changing all the time and the only way to keep it consistent without going through my entire website and finding every instance of that value is to use a variable.