Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] WPCA menu (horizontal)Hello,
Sorry for the delay.
I dont know it this is issue due incompatibility with other plugins
You could actually be right. There is probably a plugin or theme conflict. Could you first check that by following this guide ?
Also, could you open the dev tools panel (CTRL + SHIFT + i), open the console tab, and check if you see any red output error while clicking one of those menu items?
Is it possible to reinstall plugin without loss of data?
Deleting and reinstalling WP Customer Area or its addons won’t cause any data loss. However, I bet it won’t solve the issue.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Download button is not workingHello,
Sorry for the delay.
It looks like you are facing a Javascript issue.
Could you please open the dev-tools panel (CTRL + SHIFT + i) while browsing the page, click on the download button, and see if any red output appears?
Do not hesitate to also post your issue on our site, on our support forums, to be able to privately post screenshots showing your issue.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Shared file for multiple usersHello,
Sorry for the delay.
This is doable with one of our premium add-on. However, as per the’s policies, we’re not allowed to provide any detail about that on those forums.
Please post your question on our dedicated support forums from our site, in the support section, and we’ll guide you about that.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] I cannot open any of the downloaded filesHi,
Then, I guess the issue might come from the way you configured Really Simple SSL.
WP Customer Area uses your domain and protocol, so it won’t use http at all if properly configured on your site, and should only rely on https. (you can verify that http vs https is the issue by opening the chrome console. You should probably see an error like mixed-http content)
In most common cases, sites administrators actually activate Really Simple SSL, but they do not change their Site / WP URL, in WP-admin > Settings > General, and they keep the http URL instead of changing it to https.
WP Customer Area actually grabs this URL sometimes, and Really Simple SSL might not always be able to catch and update it to https on the fly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] I cannot open any of the downloaded filesHello,
- Are you using a caching plugin? If yes, could you try to exclude any customer-area/* URL from caching?
- If this still doesn’t solve your issue, could you check for a plugin conflict?
- You might also consider reviewing your PHP config (memory limit for instance).
I hope that helps,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Compatibility with php 8.3 and WP 6.5.3Hello,
You can safely ignore this notice. We just forgot to update the “tested up to” version in the readme file, in the last release. We’ll update that in the next release coming soon.
About PHP, we tested 8.2 on our side and our customers never reported anything wrong with PHP 8.3.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] PDF download issueHello there,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
WP Customer Area is actually a dynamically generated private area, which should only be accessed by logged-in users. Each page would be differrent, depending on the currently connected user.
It is recommended to not cache those kind of pages, like you do not cache your wp-admin area, or your my-account page from woocommerce.
Best and easiest way to resolve that would be to exclude any customer-area/* URLs from your caching system. I bet that, otherwise, you’ll face many other unexpected issues.
For performance reasons, you could still keep CSS compression activated, for instance, but I don’t see any specific reason to cache a whole user-page (keep in mind that all pages from WPCA are actually user-specific pages, not public pages. You shouldn’t see any benefit caching the whole page, since they are not public pages, and since they need to be computed again for each user).
However, I am not arguing your report is wrong.
If you only comment out this line, is this still working ?
//if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
Or, do you also need to comment out both ob_clean functions to let it works?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] This plugin does not appear in searchesHello,
Which installer? Do you mean the WordPress plugins installer from your site ?
If yes, this should be fixed in the next release (this month). For now, you can download and upload the plugin manually.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Projects sort orderYou’re welcome!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Can’t create support tickets in WPCA support forumHello,
Sorry for the inconvenience, we never had users reporting this issue for now.
Maybe try again later (and o not hesitate to let us know if it’s still not working) or to answer from instead: Projects sort order |
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Projects sort orderHello,
This can be done programatically by using this code snippet:
Please take a look at our code snippets documentation to know where you need to edit and place those codes:
Do not hesitate if anything is unclear.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] Compatibilité WP6.4.3Bonjour,
La réponse n’a pas changé pour l’instant, Mais nous restons à l’aff?t des changements du WP Core qui pourraient éventuellement affecter le fonctionnement de WP Customer Area. Nous n’avons rien noté qui pourrait affecter le fonctionnement du logiciel depuis les dernières releases mais ne pouvons le garantir. Ce pourquoi nous vous invitons à mettre à jour le plugin sur une instance de staging/test dédiée, et de vérifier le bon fonctionnement, avant déploiement en live.
Des mises à jour à venir sont en cours et valideront la compatibilité, mais d’ici là, nous ne pouvons la garantir. WP Customer Area reste toujours en évolution et nous prendrons soin d’indiquer la compatibilité dans les releases à venir.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] User can view other user private filesYou’re welcome.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] User can view other user private filesHello,
I am actually not sure about the checkboxes I see there, because I don’t understand this language. But I suspect the translations from the’s translation contributors to not be really correct.
Could you please try this:
- temporarily switch the main language of your site to English
- go back to this permission table and uncheck “View any private files” permission for the subscriber role
- switch the main language
Do not hesitate to confirm if it fixes your issue, so we’ll be able to update those strings to be clearer, more understandable, and better translated from the community.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Area] User can view other user private filesWell,
You are actually showing the “Private Pages” permissions while it seems you are experiencing an issue with the “Private Files”.
Could you check the “Privates Files” section instead?