Forum Replies Created
Really Thanks for your reply.
What’s mean of the CPT ? Custom Post Type?
I inserted some sentances in “form.php” like this.
$texonomy = ”;
if($post_type == “testimonial”){
$texonomy = “testimonial_category”;
wp_dropdown_categories( array(
‘hide_empty’ => false,
‘hierarchical’ => true,
‘texonomy’ => $texonomy,
‘selected’ => $default_cat,
‘name’ => ‘wpuf_settings[default_cat]’,
‘show_option_none’ => __(‘-None-‘,’wpuf’)
) );
?>is there anything wrong?
please inform in detail.Thanks a lot!
Thanks Mrinal!
But My point is that default post category drop-down is still showing only post category whatever post type is selected.
I want to see’testimonial’ category.
please refer to the below.
Hello mariilou.
I’m having same problem and still finding solution.
Have you got the problem solved?
If so, can you let me know how to do?