Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Started A Video Game BlogI really like the website. The content is well written and the layout is very nice. The only thing I would say is… pick a color scheme and try to stick to it. Branding is very important and color is a major part of it. Overall the site is very well put together.
If you are looking for some opinionated content… my site has a few gaming comics and blogs on it… it is just opinions.. no real news or anything. Search Time To Rant and you will find it. I currently have a comic up about respawning.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Blog taking way too long 1-2 minutes to loadI would bet it is your server.. it took about 4 seconds before it started to load for me.. then it popped right up.
If it is still taking too long for you.. I would suggest deactivating all your plugins one by one and then activate them one by one. As you activate each one.. try and load your page. 9 times out of 10 it is a plugin that is slowing down a wordpress site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Firefox Keeps Crashingthank you klunkr for the reply… it wasn’t firefox.. it was me being an idiot. I didn’t realize the picture I was trying to upload was 2300 X 1900 I think it was freaking firefox out.. i rescaled it to 350 X 250 in gimp.. lol
thank you again.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new political humor/corporate culture websiteI agree with roostertail. Your H2 is pretty big. It overwhelms the actual post.
I agree with cleslie as well in regards to images. A few images would help in adding a visual appeal to the site.
Overall, I like the writing style and I like the colors of the site. I think if you changed the two things already mentioned you would have a very solid blog.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Just getting started, First WebsiteThe boarders around the overall text of page.. the boarders of each window (not sure of the internet lingo here). They are pretty thick.. they make it look a natgeo kids magazine. I think if the boarders were smaller it would give it more professional feel.
Like I said before.. I really like the site though. I just think those small adjustments would make really pop.
If you have time.. check out my site. [Link removed. Please post your own topic asking for a review.] I really like the design of your site and would love some feedback from you.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Just getting started, First WebsiteI really like the style and feel of the site.
There are three things that kind of get to me a little.One of the things that kind of bugs me is that it feels like a site for kids. I think it is how thick the boarders are for each window… makes it feel like it suppose to be simplified. The other thing that feels weird is the solid white background. My site (www.timetorant.com)also has a solid white background and I am trying to figure out how to change it to make it look a little better. I think your website would realllllly pop with a dark background color. The last thing I noticed is how large the advertisement section is going to be. I would cut it down by a third.. at its current size it will end up making the site feel cheap.
Overall, I really like the site. I really like the the sub catagories that when you click on them they pop out infront of the site.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for FeedbackArchitek,
You talking about the comic part? Not sure how to word shade… the BG will be changing alot.. I just posted another comic that shows how I do BGs a little bit more accurately.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Our First WP siteI like the site. The only suggestion I would have is to take your links that are on the left and bring them down to where the top edge of the first link is about the middle of the B in Boefenkunst. I think that would make the site a bit more balanced from a canvas point of view.
I didn’t read the site because I believe it is in german and I haven’t tried to read German in many years… lived there for 2 years back in 2000. Great site overall though.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking for feedback on self hosted siteI really like the layout of your page. The scrolling news at the top is very attractive. I agree with the first poster. Your logo is a bit too small and it took firefox a while to bring up the page.
In regards to traffic… it takes a long time to get a lot of traffic.. my site has been up for about 2 months now and I have had about 4,000 visitors…. far from a great number. I was able to increase my overall traffic by 30% by following the steps listed here https://www.seomoz.org/blog/21-tactics-to-increase-blog-traffic-2012
If you are bored you can check out my blog and let me know what you think.
[Link removed.]Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New SiteI actually really like your site. It is very basic, but that is a good thing. I love the color scheme and the navigation is thought out very well. The only thing I could see changing is maybe adjusting the look of the price tags. They look out of place on the page. If you could maybe use a different font and maybe a small window with a drop shadow behind it.. it really think it would make the prices look more appropriate for the great site. I would also suggest posting competitors pricing in black next to your prices in red. It makes people feel like they are getting a great deal.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: First site build, need a reviewI really like your site. I like the setup and the colors are very nice. The only suggestions I would have are these two.
Your logo kind of hurts the eyes. That blue is very intense against the grey background. I think it would look really good if you could keep the same color blue, but tone it down a bit.
I love the grey blocks used for your dates and your widget section. They really pop and feel professional. The area that kind of looses me is the author section next to the grey date boxes. I think a darker grey would bring the page together just a tab bit more.
My ideas are just little things. I realllllly like the site overall.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Site – Any Comments?I really like the setup you have. It is easy to navigate and you know exactly what the site is for the second you surf to it. The only two things I would think about changing are the current back ground color (the striped back ground) and “maybe” the Title Header.. not the image behind it.. the image looks awesome.
The background with the stripes gives your site a 50s diner feel to it. I would suggest switching it up to maybe a light blue or maybe a solid grey. Those colors will give off a more advanced feel the site.
The background image for the header is perfect.. not sure if you could make your Site Title text bold or change the text style, but it looks pretty generic because of how awesome the keyboard image looks.
Overall, I really like your site. It is obviously well thought out and if I am good judge, it doesn’t look like it is your first site. I wouldn’t change the layout at all… the two things I mentioned above are minor, but they will lend to the professionalism of the site.
swing by my site and tell me what you think.. [link moderated – please start your own topic if you want a review of your site]
I actually like your layout a bit more, but if you have any suggestions I would be thankful.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking For FeedbackI used blogolife.. it gives you like 4 color schemes I believe
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Looking For Feedbackthanks advocate… how the layout and design? any thoughts? I think I am happy with it, but I would love some outside opinions.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Check out my new Word press blog/ https://www.empowernetwork.com/kash/I like the layout.. there are two things I noticed that might make it look a bit more professional and a bit less like a huge advertisement.
First: Your sub header with the picture and the free video text is way too big. It completely takes over your blog and people will click away immediately. It is too in your face and that turns people off. Reduce the size of the sub header a bit.. You want people to click on that, but they won’t if they don’t read the content of your site… they won’t read the content of your site if they think your only goal is to sell them something.
Second: At the end of the page it has a section that is named “About the Author”. It is currently blank. If people see that they will immediately believe this is just shell website with no internal meaning to it. They will navigate away from it once they feel that the author doesn’t want anyone to know who they are.