Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 77 total)
  • Thread Starter timbalada88


    Nesse caminho no vendedor n?o aparece nada da Juno, ent?o n?o teria como o cliente mesmo alterar o Token.

    1 – Para configurar o WCFM, precisa acessar a página “Store Manager” do menu frontend.
    2 – Depois, acessar o menu de Configura??es;
    3 – E depois o menu de Pagamentos;
    4 – Inserir o Token Privado da conta do vendedor nesse campo;
    5 – Salvar as configura??es.

    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Ent?o, essa op??o do vendedor colocar o próprio token n?o encontrei, eu mesmo insiro pelo wp-admin, como seria essa op??o? Onde ficaria?

    Estou usando o WCFM, na verdade aconteceu com dois clientes, quando aconteceu antes pensei por ter tinha um gerado um Novo Token na Juno, mas n?o foi esse o caso.
    Pior que o site levou 1 semana para vender, e eu testei a 1 semana atrás ent?o n?o sei ao certo quando aconteceu, vou come?ar a conferi todos os dias ai consigo trazer mais detalhes.

    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Hello David, good morning, thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

    What I am concerned about is knowing that my absolute path is exposed in the source code of the page, if it only showed / wp-admin / font / …

    Another question how do I delete these sources? I’m not using them.

    Thank you friend.

    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Olá Fernando, na verdade já resolvi, n?o era problema eu que tinha visto errado as coisas no Painel, já entendi como funciona e está tudo OK.

    Uma dúvida, teremos Juno Split e Pix ?


    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Olá Fernando boa tarde tudo bem?

    Aparentemente sim de tudo certo, estou no Sandbox, em breve mudarei para produ??o e testarei novamente, acredito que deva dar tudo certo afinal o sandbox n?o deve influenciar em nada.

    Muito obrigado.

    Essa nova update tem alguma data? Será que teremos o Pix com Split futuramente?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by timbalada88.
    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Esse é o Segundo Log que o erro gera.

    2020-09-28T14:46:30+00:00 INFO API Version: 2
    2020-09-28T14:46:30+00:00 INFO Requesting payment for: Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 7563 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-7563
    [1] => wc-order-7563
    [2] => wc-order-7563
    [3] => wc-order-7563
    [4] => wc-order-7563
    [5] => wc-order-7563

    [amount] => 18.67
    [installments] => 6
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 19.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => TESTE TESTE
    [document] => 367529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1

    2020-09-28T14:46:31+00:00 INFO Response status: 400
    2020-09-28T14:46:31+00:00 INFO Response received: stdClass Object
    [timestamp] => 2020-09-28T11:46:31.069-03:00
    [status] => 400
    [error] => Bad Request
    [details] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [message] => A soma dos valores ‘charge.split[].amount’ deve corresponder ao valor de ‘charge.totalAmount’ ou ‘charge.amount’ X ‘charge.installments’.
    [errorCode] => 439999


    [path] => /charges
    2020-09-28T14:46:55+00:00 INFO API Version: 2
    2020-09-28T14:46:55+00:00 INFO Requesting payment for: Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 7563 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-7563

    [amount] => 112.00
    [installments] => 1
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 19.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => TESTE TESTE
    [document] => 367529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1

    2020-09-28T14:46:56+00:00 INFO Response status: 200
    2020-09-28T14:46:56+00:00 INFO Response received: stdClass Object
    [_embedded] => stdClass Object
    [charges] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [id] => chr_C32C8193724EE4AAA8EB1BCA2E718781
    [code] => 136001604
    [reference] => wc-order-7563
    [dueDate] => 2020-10-01
    [checkoutUrl] =>
    [amount] => 112
    [_links] => stdClass Object
    [self] => stdClass Object
    [href] =>





    2020-09-28T14:46:56+00:00 INFO Credit Card NOT STORED
    2020-09-28T14:46:57+00:00 INFO Payment response received: stdClass Object
    [transactionId] => 3051461c0effa8
    [installments] => 1
    [payments] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [id] => pay_D99247C988FBE052
    [chargeId] => chr_C32C8193724EE4AAA8EB1BCA2E718781
    [date] => 2020-09-28
    [releaseDate] => 2020-10-30
    [amount] => 112
    [fee] => 4.75
    [type] => CREDIT_CARD
    [status] => CONFIRMED
    [failReason] =>


    2020-09-28T14:52:37+00:00 INFO API Version: 2
    2020-09-28T14:52:37+00:00 INFO Requesting payment for: Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 7564 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-7564
    [1] => wc-order-7564
    [2] => wc-order-7564
    [3] => wc-order-7564
    [4] => wc-order-7564
    [5] => wc-order-7564

    [amount] => 16.67
    [installments] => 6
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 7.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => TESTE TESTE
    [document] => 367529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1

    2020-09-28T14:52:38+00:00 INFO Response status: 400
    2020-09-28T14:52:38+00:00 INFO Response received: stdClass Object
    [timestamp] => 2020-09-28T11:52:38.293-03:00
    [status] => 400
    [error] => Bad Request
    [details] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [message] => A soma dos valores 'charge.split[].amount' deve corresponder ao valor de 'charge.totalAmount' ou 'charge.amount' X 'charge.installments'.
    [errorCode] => 439999


    [path] => /charges

    Thread Starter timbalada88


    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:30 – Recuperando vendedores por pedido: #4574
    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:30 – Há 1 vendedores no pedido #4574.
    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:30 – Parametros do pedido #4574:Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 4574 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-4574
    [1] => wc-order-4574
    [2] => wc-order-4574
    [3] => wc-order-4574
    [4] => wc-order-4574
    [5] => wc-order-4574

    [amount] => 18.67
    [installments] => 6
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 19.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => CLIENTE TESTE
    [document] => 67529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1


    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:55 – Recuperando vendedores por pedido: #4574
    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:55 – Há 1 vendedores no pedido #4574.
    09-28-2020 @ 11:46:55 – Parametros do pedido #4574:Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 4574 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-4574

    [amount] => 112.00
    [installments] => 1
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 19.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => CLIENTE TESTE
    [document] => 67529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1


    09-28-2020 @ 11:52:37 – Recuperando vendedores por pedido: #7564
    09-28-2020 @ 11:52:37 – Há 1 vendedores no pedido #7564.
    09-28-2020 @ 11:52:37 – Parametros do pedido #7564:Array
    [charge] => Array
    [description] => Pedido 7564 do (com Cart?o de crédito)
    [references] => Array
    [0] => wc-order-7564
    [1] => wc-order-7564
    [2] => wc-order-7564
    [3] => wc-order-7564
    [4] => wc-order-7564
    [5] => wc-order-7564

    [amount] => 16.67
    [installments] => 6
    [paymentTypes] => Array
    [0] => CREDIT_CARD

    [split] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [recipientToken] => 5434946069C7E8FE5269AE88B320A00ADED24BCB2E2D52327CDC71A99CFE3C4D
    [amount] => 93.00
    [amountRemainder] =>
    [chargeFee] => 1

    [1] => Array
    [recipientToken] => C53FE57EEB44A95B351C059B04094C37C26B6C20646AC094F0E23FD5251B4C96
    [amount] => 7.00
    [amountRemainder] => 1
    [chargeFee] => 1



    [billing] => Array
    [name] => CLIENTE TESTE
    [document] => 67529899074
    [email] => [email protected]
    [phone] => (11) 00000-0000
    [notify] => 1


    Thread Starter timbalada88


    A venda é sem Juros no Cart?o vou enviar o Log que gera.

    I have same problem. =(

    Olá Guilherme na loja em quest?o n?o foi alterado NADA na URL continua com WWW. como sempre foi, fiz isso fui na configura??o da Integra??o e Salvei novamente, vamos ver o que acontece!


    Estou com mesmo problema, sem retorno automático para pedidos via boleto bancário.
    Percebi que a Juno n?o está devolvendo as informa??es via API deles, muito estranho isso, você entrou em contato com eles?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by timbalada88.
    Thread Starter timbalada88


    Hello thanks for your reply. I’m adding a sub-menu, I noticed that this happens when I get 299 items in the menu, after that it stops working.

    I tested it by removing 10 items from the menu, and tried to add 10 new items that I wanted before, and it worked, when I tried to add others that I removed earlier it was an error.

    The error is: He does not save the menu, and I am directing to another menu.

    Apiki quanto vocês cobrariam para criar essa integra??o com WCFM?

    Discount Web Designer!

    Hello, I noticed that this error happens when you have many options in the menu, my case is more than 200 and it crashes, with less than 200 it works normal, your menu has many options too?

    I have the same problem I can only add 2 in 2, when I put many it does not work, and comes back different menu. There is no error message in the Log.

Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 77 total)