I just wrote Plugster that uses two tags in the plugin comment field. The hardest part about know when a plugin has updates is the way people version their plugins.
While some of us stick to a more traditional theme of MAJORVERSION.MINORVERSION system, that isn’t always the case with others (eg: 4543.beta3.refresh4.someotherrandomjunk) so I decided just to have a sequential integer as part of my system. Of course, this is a shameless plug for my system but I think something is needed and mine is simple enough to implement. It’s a first plugin from me, however, so it could be buggy as hell. There isn’t much code in there though, so it should be ok.
If you are interested, I have posted it on my own blog https://campbell-moore.com/ feel free to look at it, especially if you write plugins yourself. Comments are more than welcome but, as usual, unproductive comments will be given the ignorance they clearly demand.