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  • Plugin Author ti2m


    As already stated above, the plugin has become a complete mess. It needs a complete rewrite to get rid of all the old stuff which was needed to run older compositions. It should actually be pretty easy now with the latest EA update to add comps manually (at least for the meantime). Consider that as an option.

    Publish your composition as above, rename the .oam to .zip and unpack it. Upload the “Asset” folder to your server under “myproject” (maybe /wp-content/uploads/myproject). Open the contained main project .html file. Copy the

    <div id="Stage" class="EDGE-11111111"></div>

    line into your desired template. Also copy everything in between the ‘script’ tags (including the tags) and insert it into the same template. The first line after the opening script tag should read
    var custHtmlRoot="";

    Adjust that so it matches the relative project directory. E.g.:

    var custHtmlRoot="/wp-content/uploads/myproject";

    That should do it.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    DON’T EVEN TRY TO USE THIS IN PRODUCTION! Seriously, please please pretty please don’t upload this to your live site yet. This is just a really early version and I only tested it with ONE composition. I already know, that it doesn’t work for multiple comps on one page. For those of you that have a local dev setup, please try to test it. I’ll only commit changes to the Git Hub repo, SVN drives me nuts. When we have something working I’ll publish it here in the official plugin repo.

    You can download the zipped version and replace the whole edge-suite plugin folder. You need to either delete (not recommended) or move the “old/current” edge-suite folder somewhere else, don’t just rename it, that won’t work and will most likely crash your site.

    How to test: Set publishing options under “Animate deployment package”:

    * Leave all directories to the defaults
    * Enable “Publish preload DOM as separate file” (this is important!)
    * Enable “Host runtime files on Adone CDN”

    Basically, like shown on but for “Animate deployment package”

    Let me know if that works for you.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Someone sent me an OAM that I was able to work with. I think I made it work with the new runtime, need to see how to extract the exact runtime version though. Getting closer, if I have a working version I’ll post a patch somewhere first so you can apply it, this needs heavy testing.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @peter Is the option also greyed out for the “Animate Deployment package”? I only need the OAM file, nothing else.

    The upgrade hopefully might not be that complicated, then I should be able to publish a dev version at the beginning of next week. Otherwise I got to see…

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Hey Peter, thanks for the animation. The jquery might be because you upgraded it and it stays for compatibility. Don’t worry about the jquery, might work like that, but can you please enable the preloader option when publishing the OAM and reupload it. That would be helpful.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @carmdq, yes, that will do, thanks.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Please make the effort of at least looking at the other tickets in the issue queue before opening a new one. At the top you directly find the current issue update the latest update of CC introduced. Working on it…

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @carmdq sorry, but your animation already has custom JS and contains jQuery. Could someone please sent me a simple animation with an animated image and a preloader, with separate preloader file and CDN enabled. And please no jquery, I need to cover the basics first. Shouldn’t be to difficult to create. Thx

    Plugin Author ti2m



    adobe introduced some major changes to the runtime and the whole file structure. This makes total sense, but means that Edge Suite won’t work with the latest version out of the box. I need to check how problematic the changes are, but this will most likely take some time as everything happens in my free time.

    Would you be able to sent me an animation with some of the latest features, inclduing some images etc. to [email protected]? If so, could you please enable the CDN option in the export dialog. Is the “publish preload DOM as a separate file” option also available on OAM export? That would also help a great deal, maybe that files hasn’t changed that much.

    In general the whole plugin needs a complete rewrite, but the first step would be to get the latest version working somehow.

    Plugin Author ti2m



    any chance I can take a look at the animation somewhere? Ignore the .map not found errors, they just come up when you have the dev tools open (Uncheck “enable JS source maps” in the settings). This won’t be the problem though. How are you including the animation? Did you use the iframe option in the shortcode to output the animation in an iframe? If it doesn’t work in an iframe, then something is really wrong, because that is basically like calling it in a separate window.

    Another option, have you tried running the composition on a fresh installed wordpress locally? Sometimes there are other plugins that mess with headers, etc.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @codex5 Please open up new issue in these cases. You got a lot of JS errors on your page, these will prevent your compositions from loading and playing properly.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Can you try using a shortcode with id 1 and see if that works, just to make sure you got the right id.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Check the JS console, you got an error there. It is most likely a timing issue between the EA jQuery version and your jquery version that gets included in the footer. The only thing I can suggest as an easy solution is try moving your custom JS up in the header before the EA jQuery and enabling the no conflict mode in Edge Suite, that might work. Having different jquery versions on a site has always been a hassle.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    you somehow ended up with absolute paths. ‘//home/tgemmet/public_html’ shouldn’t be there. Check your upload dir settings. There are a couple of older issues which had the same problem I think, can’t find them right now though.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Try using the snippet at the bottom of the linked tutorial:

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