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  • Plugin Author ti2m


    Yes, makes total sense when looking at it this way. The user would be pretty confused when having an option for a separate preloader file on OAMs.

    I’ll check if we can make it work without the preloader file when not having a preloader. Will take until end of next week though as I’ll be away next week.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    I think this might be solvable in a different way. Can you do me a favor and sent me an OAM with a set preloader and downlevel stage, but WITHOUT the separate preloader file option enabled.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Wow, thanks for the detailed testing, I didn’t know that. Just to make sure I get this right, the setting under “Web” for “Publish preload DOM as separate file” decides if there is a separate preloader file in the OAM or not???

    This then means we need to tell people to publish their files with theses options, this isn’t intuitive at all. I’ll check again how much work it is to parse the needed information from the .html

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Thanks for the screenshot! You can ignore the web settings, what about the “Animate Deployment Package”, that’s what is relevant for the OAM.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    ‘all have the option for “Publish preload DOM as separate file” greyed out.’ Do you mean you can’t enable it or just didn’t enable it? Edge Suite will fail without this option for the described reason, so that is not a bug itself. It would just be really bad if for some reason you couldn’t enable this option.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Yeah, would be great if you could try that. I think most animations I saw up until now didn’t have a preloader set, but EA still created a preloader file with an empty preloader, dowblevel stage and the other settings.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Oh, so the animation doesn’t upload at all when a preloader isn’t set? We have to distinguish between the preloader within the animation and the preloader file, which aren’t directly related. Can you create an animation without a preloader, set the separate preloader file option in the publish settings and see if that OAM really doesn’t upload. If so it would be great if you could put it in your dropbox.

    It’s actually not that complicated, it was all just a bit hacky before, therefore I tried to comment a lot that I still know why I needed certain parts of the code. The codebase will be a lot smaller once support for older EA version is dropped, but that will happen only in ES2

    Plugin Author ti2m


    The preloader.js used to be the main file which triggered all other file downloads. It contains some info which is still needed by the new version of edge suite if you use a preloader or not doesn’t matter. If you don’t use the preloader option then EA shifts some stuff into the .html. I can’t include the .html as it is, so I would need to do some heavy parsing which will most likely introduce bugs. Therefore, to get there faster, I still rely on the preloader.js. That as background info.

    You can ignore “Auto detection of stage dimensions failed: Unable to spot stage variable.” this stopped working in EA4, but I parse the info out of the .xml file within the oam. I need to clean up the messages.

    I checked your uploaded file. If I just open the standalone animation, meaning the logo-1.html, I get the same behavior. So that the animation doesn’t repeat correctly doesn’t seem to be ES related.

    I’m glad to hear that the overall uploading worked for you.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Why did you have to uncomment a line in the plugin? Can you make sure that you follow the instructions in to publish animations created in EA5. Otherwise I’m not sure what might happen.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    When testing the plugin, it is really important that you follow the steps described in the previous comment. Most important, publish with option “preloader as separate file”.

    If you have done that and you run into problems please upload your composition somewhere so others can test it.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Thanks for the quick feedback and for offering your help, I really appreciate it!!! @shoalinagent already started answering in some other threats, that’s awesome, seriously!

    For those of you not to familiar with git, here is direct download link for the current version of the updated plugin:

    You can always just have one edge-suite.php in any plugin directory, so make sure you move existing edge suite folders anywhere else. Upload any composition you have through edge suite and see if shortcodes work. You can’t place to compostions on one page yet, still have to figure that one out.

    About the testing:
    @carmdq, whatever is easiest for you, subdomain might be great as I could look at it if there are any bugs.

    @grafiksman: That’s perfect, exactly what we need. You don’t need much experience with animate as the plugin should be usable by anyone in the end. See if you can install the version from the link above and try to get your compositions to be playing on the site.

    @shoalinagent, any testing helps, local setup or separate installation would be best at this point. We can probably soon be moving on to trying it on live sites.

    @wayne, great! Same as for the others, see what you can get to work. Especially interesting if you have some more complex animations.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    Thank you for your support and offers for donations. To be honest funding isn’t the problem for me, time is. The coding doesn’t even take up so much time, but answering simple questions in the issue queue which would be answered by the FAQ or by trying to get detailed information on a bug. People often don’t even come back to mark the issue as resolved, I gave up on keeping up with it. A tone of people seem to be using the plugin, but no one cared for a long time to star the plugin. That only happens when I ask for it specifically. Overall I’m quiet frustrated as people in the issues are often even very demanding. Therefore I ‘m not willing at all to take funding or charge for the plugin. The amount of work / time that I put in could hardly be compensated by funding. What I really need to keep this plugin going is help! Help from you. Maybe I haven’t done this in a clear matter before, so here it is:

    I need people help me test and answer questions in the issue queue! Right now I need people willing to test the updated plugin on their site. Best to be a local copy of your site. I know this is bad in wordpress, which makes plugin dev hard, so otherwise testing on a fresh install with your animations would help a great deal. Test older animations, new animations, updated animations. If that works we can see start to test on a couple of real sites.

    BUT I also need people to stay on longer as this issue. I’ll mention you as a co maintainer, if you want we can direct donations to you, whatever, I need people, not funding for myself. You don’t need to have special programming skills, a good overall wordpress site building knowledge would be great, but everything and everyone can help if they want.

    As mentioned at the beginning of the threat, the plugin needs a fully rewrite, which might take two or three days. It would be a lot cleaner then and fix couple of major issues with file permissions and multi db instances which can’t be fixed in this version. But I’m not doing this without any help for testing and one or two dedicated people.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @bmsinc, thanks, works for me though through the plugin. Guess we need more people testing this to see what’s going on.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    That is as it’s supposed to be. ” /wp-content/uploads/edge_suite” is mean as the relative path from your wordpress root.

    Plugin Author ti2m


    @bmsinc Can you sent me your OAM file with the described settings? Then I can check up on it.

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