Hi there,
We can not reproduce the issue. Can you test on our system (with WP 4.4 and Yoast SEO activated) and confirm the issue is still or gone? https://pagewidget.codeandmore.net/wp-admin
user: demo
pass: t4VFyWE)Qh#&DmRKzLDQGuuf
The Pagewidget is working fine with WP 4.4 and Twenty Sixteen theme on our end.
Click on the screen options https://awesomescreenshot.com/0a05ipyh22
Click on the Help button https://awesomescreenshot.com/0845ipyi7e
So we think it might conflict with the theme or plugins you are using. Can you provide names of the theme and plugins list, or provide a test account so we can check on your system?