WP have the hooks for this problem:
To change your E-mail, you need add this code to file function.php in your theme:
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'my_mail_from_in_wp_mailer' );
function my_mail_from_in_wp_mailer( $email_address ){
return '[email protected]'; /*your mail*/
// You will get the title: WordPress <[email protected]>
To change your Subject, you need add this code to file function.php in your theme:
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'my_subject_from_in_wp_mailer' );
function my_subject_from_in_wp_mailer( $email_subject ){
return 'MyName'; /*your Name*/
// You will get the title: MyName <[email protected]>
And if you will use both hooks, you will get this title: MyName <[email protected]>