Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to Make PART of the Theme Header Clickable?Where exactly doI put the code? I have another question too.. maybe this will help you help me…
CSS Code: <style type="text/css"> dl.image_map {display:block; width:960px; height:278px; background:url(; position:relative; margin:2px auto 2px auto;} a.BLINK {left:958px; top:276px; background:transparent;} a.BLINK {display:block; width:202px; height:17px; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; font-size:0px;} a.BLINK:hover {background:black; border:1px dashed white; color:white; font-size:9px;} </style> <dl class="image_map"> <dd><a title="Image Map" href="">Mapped @ Image Mapper</a></dd> </dl> HTML Code: <div style="text-align:center; width:960px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <img id="Image-Maps_1201003082242487" src="" usemap="#Image-Maps_1201003082242487" border="0" width="960" height="278" alt="" /> <map id="_Image-Maps_1201003082242487" name="Image-Maps_1201003082242487"> <area shape="poly" coords="842,2,799,108,894,145,948,1," href="" alt="" title="" /> <area shape="rect" coords="958,276,960,278" href="" alt="Image Map" title="Image Map" /> </map> <!-- Image map text links - Start - If you do not wish to have text links under your image map, you can move or delete this DIV --> <div style="text-align:center; font-size:12px; font-family:verdana; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:960px;"> <a href="" title="Untitled">Untitled</a> | <a href="" title="Image Map">Image Map</a> </div> <!-- Image map text links - End - --> </div>
You can see the pic I am trying to make part of clickable here (link will expire in 24 hours):
I am trying to make the phone in the top right clickable.. and then make it link to the contact area of my site. I already followed the instructions tomake the phone clickable I and got that code.. now I am stuck.
Please help by telling my where to put or what I do with the code above…
Thanks So Much
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing Temporary Folder; php.ini not accessibleWell if you had BlueHost hosting it wouldn;t be a problem…. in fact it is verrrry simple to fix. This may work with your host as well –
First you need to find the php.ini file as mentioned above. This will usually be in your main “public_HTML” folderon your server so you’ll need to use your FTP to locate it. A lot of times you won’t have one. That is why I said it is cake if you have BlueHost, because they will create one for you and then all you have to do is edit it. If you have BlueHost just follow these instructions.
Then when you are done, just go to your FTP, locate your new php.ini.default file and then download it to your hard drive. Now open that file using Notepad C++ ( a great free text editor) or any other text editor… I used Notepad C++ because it lays out the text in an understandable manner (it’s not cluttered) and plus you can use the search function at the top left side to find the little piece of code you need to edit which is – “memory_limit = ”
To find it in the php.ini.default file just use the search function in your text editor and search for the term “memory” and it should show up. Then type in 250m to the right of the equal sign. I.E. if your file currently says “memory_limit= 32M” then you would need to change it to memory_limit= 250M”.
Now save the file, and then rename it to “php.ini”. Now upload that file back to the same folder you downloaded it from. I.E. if you downloaded it form your Public_HTML folder, then you would upload it back to that folder. Make sure the file is named – php.ini!
That;s it you’re done! Hoped this helped! If you have trouble you can call BlueHost support at any hour of the day… another reason why I use them! ??