Forum Replies Created
Many thanks. I had not filled out the admin notification information! It is all working fine now.
Thanks for checking. The page in your screenshot was showing the wrong heading font. I have now discovered that newer versions of Duplicator are throwing up an error when moving sites and changing the theme default font for a legacy font! I got around it by using an older version of Duplicator to migrate the site and it now seems to be displaying as it should.
Thanks for taking time to look into it.
Thanks for getting back to me. It is all of the H1, H2 and H3 fonts that are not correct as you can see in the attached screenshot. The fonts display correctly from the Gutenverse Edit Template:Front Page link in the admin menu. Everywhere else they seem to have been replaced with a default, although I am not sure what default that is.
I had the same problem and kept reading about changing the encoding in the advanced section but as far as I can tell, this option is only available in the Pro version of Duplicator. This points to something having been changed in the defaults and, as a result, in my case at least, Duplicator has become unusable.
Such a shame. It is the best plugin of its kind out there.
Thanks. All sorted now ??
So even though I now have SMTP set up correctly there is no way to get this form to work? I can of course use another form in it’s place but I would have much rather used the one built into the site.
Perhaps look at a different method of implementing the form for the next update of this theme? Give an option to use the form without the requirement for the SMTP plugin. Most hosts these days do not require it as long as you have SPF and DKIM set up for the mail account you want to use. This verifies the source of the mail to external servers.
By the way, I have now installed WP Mail and it is set up and tested to confirm it works. But the form still will not send mail and it does not even give the error message I set up in it’s configuration.
I seem to remember I had the same problem with another form on another Gutenverse site and I ended up having to replace your form with one from another plugin. Which then worked fine.
So the form won’t work unless I install yet another plugin, just to send mail? None of my other WordPress sites need an SMTP plugin to send mail and they all work just fine. Why have you gone down this road with your form for this theme? Along with requiring a rather odd format for the telephone number, it now appears that the form won’t send unless I add another plugin. This really doesn’t make any sense at all.
I like the theme and I appreciate all the work you put into supporting users but I think as a developer you may sometimes over complicate something that should be very simple.
Thanks. That now accepts the telephone number but the form doesn’t send. It sits there for a while looking like it is doing something but then just returns to the form with all the fields filled in.
I notice in the setup it keeps referring to “Please make sure you use the same email in your SMTP setup” but it is not clear if this is server side or within the WordPress site? There is no SMTP setup option within the site.
Thanks but here in the UK for example we don’t normally put any separators when inputting a mobile number. I need the form to accept at least 11 numbers without formatting but perhaps a maximum length of 14 numbers. I tried removing the initial setting but that doesn’t work. I then tried just using the first part [0-9] but that also doesn’t work. I think this should not be this complicated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Downloads Attachment Plugin Alternative?Yes, at the moment there is a downloads page with archived village magazines. These are listed with the name of the individual magazine along with a short description. There are 149 downloads in all and you can see and click on a list of 5 at a time. Using left/right clickable button to move to the next set of 5. But you stay on the same page all of the time.
I would give you a link but the plugin has been deactivated so there is nothing to see at the moment.
To upload attachments you simply click on “edit page” as you would normally to edit a WordPress page. Scroll down past the intro text and then there is an option to add another attachment. It is a very simple but effective system. As of yet I have found nothing comparable.
It would be nice to get some feedback on this. I can’t risk building any more sites with Gutenverse until I know why it was removed and if it is going to be reinstated.
Many thanks. That solved the problem ??
I used Contact Form 7 instead and that works. But I would rather have used the Gutenverse contact form. It just looks better to me.
You can check the temporary site here
I added the Prices section at the bottom below the footer so you can see what is happening. The 25% discount image appears fine but all the text is missing.