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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages getting posted "under" the menuSeems to be a float issue. Any easy solutions/explination? Im reading about it and getting confused.
“d) That was my ‘current state of play’ until last week when SitePoint Forum’s own CSS Guru, Paul O’Brien, nonchalantly pointed out that adding a ‘overflow:auto’ to the outer DIV did the trick.”
Dont know how to try that..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages getting posted "under" the menu
Im a novice but I downloaded firebug and checked it and I cannot seem to find an option to adjust height or anything. Which I assume should be auto adjusted depending on how manny pages you add like All the other widgets. Besides the “custom menu” one.
the archives above it for example adjusts it to fit one page.. and if you add another one it adjusts to that..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Migrating site content to new server, problem with imagesedit
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages automatically seems to be added to header.And I just throw my other 2 other questions in here also considirng you seem to know much. And I have your attention (hopefully)
1st: When you choose a category lets take use “Compilations” for example (only added one post in there) the video isnt embeded right away, but it takes one click to do so, I would really want them all (one for now) to be embeded right away when you chose a category, having it look like the main page pretty much.
2st: Can you post stuff into a category Right away without having them show up on the main page (lets say I create a “music” category and want to add 10 vids right away but I dont want to clog up the main page with and entire page of just music)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages automatically seems to be added to header.And I fixed the permalinks I think. Let me know if I did anything wrong! =)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages automatically seems to be added to header.Fuck when I created the new meny it god added again, hmm let me try and figure out lol
Ok, I managed that, but still the menu size problem on the right as you can see ??
The pages going “underneath” the menuForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages automatically seems to be added to header.Thank you Kind Sir. Pretty much all I had to do as you mentioned was was make a theme the “main theme” and a theme that didnt include anything (if I dont want it do) Didnt know the main theme and additional theme thing. Its not easy being a complete novice. But I figured the solution was pretty damn easy when you know what the problem was. So thx again!
I think I have another problem though. I just created the problem to show you. When I create a custom meny and put it on the right sidebar (ehich I have now) and add pages to it the, I dont know the english word but just by looking at it you will understand my point. the menu doesnt “cover the links” I think its and easy fix just adjusting the hight of the menu, but how?
Thank you soooooo much anyway!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages automatically seems to be added to header.Tried this with another theme the twentyten and it has the same problem.
When you create a page, do you press punblish right away? or can you publish the page through something else? I press publish right away and then it add’s itself directly under the header.
If you click on my page again you can see to the right “I dont want this under the header” I created a menu and added it to the right sidebar.. And I ofc want pages on it.. buit when I create a page, which I obviously have to do to be able to added it into menu. It just auto adds into the top there.
THats my only problem for now, And it makes it look bad.
And in the menu you can remove pages by adding number.. but I dont know where I can do that for under the header thing
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: PressBackup Permissions denied.OMG I finally did it lol. 777 worked. hell yes (775 worked also)
when I changed each folder myself the theme,plugins it worked
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: PressBackup Permissions denied.I brought up the ftp, looked up right clicked on wp-content folder clicken on “file attributes” (I assume its called that on english) and there I saw the “numerical value” which was 755, I tried changng it to 766 and included all the sub directories but no luck apparently.
After I right click and change it and it seems to change all the sub directories which takes a while, when its done I right click on the wp-contect and it says 755 Again right away
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: PressBackup Permissions denied.isnt there an option to change All directories at once or something?
since this included
Uploads”I assume its a bunch of changes that needs to be made?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: PressBackup Permissions denied.Thank you. Will give it a try soon. Having never seen anything php related 4 days ago to all of this is a big leap lol. Should be apps for everything ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding embeded videos directly into category? Embeded category vids?backup plugin was super easy. Just selected everything I wanted to backup (including plugins widgets etc) and then ut automatically downloded everything into a .rar file. and then when you want to use your backup file all you had to do was select the .rar on your cumputer and press upload. very simple even for me. besides the obvious issue lol.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just update WordPress 2.7 to 3.1.3 MAJOR ISSUEIm sorry. I thought the advice you got was enough since you didnt post anything more….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding embeded videos directly into category? Embeded category vids?and since I cant figure out how to edit the page and not have it affect the online page I thought I was do it fast at night, and then Do a backup of the changes. and then switch back to what I had. And keep doing that until the new page was done.. and then switch over completly ??