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If I understand you correctly,I think you mean you want to keep My Calendar not seperated from wp_posts.Why?Is that bad to have wp_my_calendar?
Finally,I figured it out.
The wp_my_calendar on my RDS was using InnoDB storage engine which doesn’t support the My Calendar search query ‘MATCH’SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM wp_my_calendar WHERE event_flagged = 0 AND MATCH(event_title,event_desc,event_short,event_label,event_city) AGAINST ('audience' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND event_status = 1 ORDER BY event_ID DESC LIMIT 0, 20
I changed its storage engine to MyISAM
alter table wp_my_calendar engine=MyISAM
Now I am able to get search result from My Calendar,but only in English,Multi-byte like Korean,Japanese,Chinese doesn’t work.
I checked how wordpress itself get search result.Wordpress uses LIKE search query which is perfectly working on InnoDB or MyISAM storage engineSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=1 AND (((wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%audience%') OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '%audience%'))) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'future' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'draft' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'pending' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'private') ORDER BY wp_posts.post_title LIKE '%audience%' DESC, wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 20
I would suggest you change My Calendar to ‘LIKE’ search query istead of ‘MATCH’
Odd thing must got a particular reason.
When I search ‘test it’ on My Calendar,this SQL log generated on RDSSELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM wp_my_calendar WHERE event_flagged = 0 AND MATCH(event_title,event_desc,event_short,event_label,event_city) AGAINST ('test it' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND event_status = 1 ORDER BY event_begin DESC LIMIT 0, 50
What is event_flagged for?
BTW,when I created events,wp_posts got all wp_my_calendar’s things,is this redundency necessary?Yes,Wp-config set to RDS,so My Calendar is using the same RDS without setting it on plugin.
It is odd too that I am able to search my posts from my wordpress since you believe my RDS is too odd to get the normal search query for My Calendar.
I mean my wordpress itself is connecting a remote datebase,that’s the reason why I can’t get search result from manage events page and event search in the sidebar widget both.
If I use my wordpress itself to connect a local datebase,there is no such issue.Geez,I thought I should have manage events pages if I am using the remote datebase connection code on my theme’s function.php.Maybe my calendar did connect to the remote datebase since I misunderstood it.
Anyway,it’s no point to use extra remote datebase for getting the My Calendar search engine works since I don’t have manage event option for that.
Why not you try using your wordpress to connect the remote database,and see if you can get search result from My Calendar search engine?
Is it possible the reason we can only use My Calendar search engine to search local datebase only?
I think the support request on the My Calendar Help screen doesn’t give you the report that I am using a remote datebase for my wordpress,hehe,I just switched to use the local datebase,now I can get search result from the My Calendar search engine.
So the issue is crystal clear now,because I am using remote datebase for my wordpress,I can’t get any search result on My Calendar search engine.
I turned on the option to get data from a remote database on My Calendar management and added the datebase coonection code to my theme’s functions.php,but it seems doesn’t work at all.I don’t see any sign the My Calendar is connecting to the remote datebase.Yes,the events show up on the front-end.
I am using XAMPP to quickly set up MySQL,PHP for wordpress on my window 8,so I am just like the host who got root access to the environment.
I just installed the wordpress on a real linux server environment,this time I am able to search and browse the database from wp_my_calendar on PHPMyAdmin.But still no any search results on My Calendar search engine.
If I search “good”,the result is the same to search “good to test it” on My calendar search engine.I tried to create a lot of events,and search a little bit,but nothing comes up so far.
I suspect the second problem causes it,and I have no clue about this issue,on PhpMyAdmin I can search and browse any results from datebase normally except from my calendar.
O.oAs I said,it’s a brand new wordpress without any plugins installed except My calendar.
I created an event called “good to test it”,then I searched “good to test it” but the result turned out like this:There are no events in the database meeting your current criteria.
Then I go to search results for “good to test it” on database by using phpMyAdmin.I see 1 match in wp_my_calendar,but when I clicked “browse”,it gives me this report:
Error in Processing Request Error code: 414 Error text: Request-URI Too Long
anyway,if I select the form of
,i can see the event_tiele of “good to test it” there as well as event_desc of “bad to ingore it”.Exact match?I try to search the exact key words now,but still nothing turns out.Are you sure if the search function is working fine on the latest version of WordPress?
Actually,it will.The screen option allows us to set the number of events for one page.Nice
But when I was trying to search one event I have already created,it gives me the report there are no events in the database meeting your current criteria.
Is it a bug?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Sidebar] Suggestion,let us get posts with this tag by idYes!I got that,thanks (:
uhm…if we have shortcode for posts in sidebar,it would be much more powerful and handy,right?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Starbox - the Author Box for Humans] Language / translationhey,go and modify this file: