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  • Thread Starter theotheo


    Thank you so much! It works!

    By the way, i started using your plugin yesterday so i still have queries to be answered. Of course you may not answer if it is not easy to do so.

    My questions about the woocommerce site reviews addon:
    1. I saw that schema is automatically enabled for woocommerce products, can it be disabled?
    2. Can i use plugin shortcode in woocommerce product templates to show the review summary, reviews and review form?
    3. Is schema code added even if reviews don’t show anywhere in the product page (meaning that i have unhooked review summary, reviews and review form and haven’t used any shortcode in the template)?

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by theotheo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by theotheo.


    In addition to this, how would it be possible to hide the field until the rating has been placed. Make the field hidden unless a 1 star selection has been made.

    Is this possible?

    Thread Starter theotheo


    That’s great! Thank you for informing me about it.

    Thread Starter theotheo


    I resolved this on my own using the before/after update options within the plugin under javascript/css.

    Before update:

    After update:

    // You can add your class to any div on your page (i used ul.products).
    After having this done you can style .filters-loading class with css.
    opacity: 0.7;

    Thread Starter theotheo


    Ok, can i have a look? What version was it ?

    Also a recommendation:
    The reason full page overlay is frustrating for me is because every time you select a filter it covers the entire page and you have to wait to select the next filter…

    When disabled which i have done you can select filters one after an other without waiting each time you click on a filter.

    What i would suggest is give an option to users whether they want full page, specific div or disabled loading overlay.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by theotheo.
    Thread Starter theotheo


    Is there any way you can provide me the javascript and css needed for this (which you probably used in the previous version) or if this is time consuming for you…can you tell me which version of the plugin had overlay over products so that i can search through the plugin’s code and find the solution.

    Thank you!

    It should work since berocket plugin is using %cur_symbol% or %cur_slug% to display currency symbol or name. Your issue is probably caused by a conflict with your currency switcher plugin.

    Since there are plenty of options for currency switcher plugins try them out to find the one compatible.

    Yes you can, try the different options that you can find in the plugin’s settings.
    The function you want to play around is called: Values count and output.

    Thread Starter theotheo


    Found a solution myself.

    Go to load more products plugin settings, select javascript/css and paste this code in the After Update column:

    jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 100 //Set the distance from top that you prefer }, 'slow');

    Thread Starter theotheo


    I solved the issue myself. For anyone interested in the solution here it is:

    1. You need to have a child theme
    2. Create a folder called woo-stripe-payment in your child theme.
    3. Create a file inside that folder called card-icons.php
    4. Place the code responsible for showing icons with the addition of width in that file.

    <span class="wc-stripe-card-icons-container">
    	<?php foreach ( $icons as $icon => $url ): ?>
            <img class="wc-stripe-card-icon <?php echo $icon ?>"
                 src="<?php echo $url ?>" width="64"/> <!-- Set your width -->
    	<?php endforeach; ?>

    It is pretty simple, what we basically did is to override the card-icons.php file of the plugin with our own file where we corrected the width of the image.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by theotheo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by theotheo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by theotheo.
    Thread Starter theotheo


    Can you please remove my reply where i have provided you my status info. It would be appreciated since i request this for security purposes. Thank you

    Thread Starter theotheo


    I don’t know about how much time it needs to be developed so you know best when you can or if you start your plugin.

    Also if you haven’t posted this as an enhancement request you could also do it with your recommendations (We need to trigger the interest ?? )

    Anyone else interested in enhancing the WordPress Code Editor may also post his request with his recommendations!

    Thread Starter theotheo


    I mean sure, that’s true…as you said maybe almost nobody using wordpress looks for handcoding solutions…so they just skip this part. Highlighting and autocomplete are like a toy for them but if something is not requested it is not going to be added. For now i guess i could just use VS and copy paste the code into gutenberg but it feels weird, it could be intergrated.

    Thread Starter theotheo


    As i mentioned before, i have troubleshooted and the plugin responsible is woocommerce.

    So what can i check in woocommerce in order to identify the error further?

    Thread Starter theotheo


    Prove me wrong but the latest wordpress version has 3 options.

    Default gutenberg block editor which is basically the visual editor that you use to add blocks.

    Also in gutenberg you have the option to click on each block and edit as html which gives you the html code to modify.

    And… the code editor option which you can find by clicking on the upper right (3 dots) which gives you plain space to just write code.

    That’s why i find it weird. Since they have made this seperation which is great…why not advance the so called code editor which right now has 0 functionality.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by theotheo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by theotheo.
Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 88 total)