Excellent, excellent! You are a genius! ??
Now … one other thing that is bothering me. I’m using the Content Title for the Date (Thursday, 11/24/11) but just below that title the blog scripting or coding calls up today’s date as November 24, 2011. You don’t see it because I have it whited out. What I would like to do is remove that coding altogether so that I can reclaim the line space being taken up by the November 24, 2011 and raise the first line of the content text now being shown as “Happy Thanksgiving!”
I can’t find that coding or don’t know where to look nor what to look for and remove. Could you be helpful again and point me to it?
I thank you so much for all of your help. I’m on the road a lot and must use my iPad to add and edit each day’s post. Without the page editing done on this holiday from my home computer, I would have had to wait to make the changes. You’ve helped that along nicely. ??