Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Blocks not rendering on Single PostsThe JSON error went away
The main issue as to why the blocks weren’t rendering was because I wasn’t filtering the content in my
fileI changed
echo stl_table_of_contents( get_the_content() );
echo stl_table_of_contents( apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ) );
The woocommerce blocks render on the frontend now
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Blocks not rendering on Single PostsHi @ckadenge
I ended up adding a ssl certificate so that SSL error is gone now.
However I get a JSON response error now
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Blocks not rendering on Single PostsHere’s the system status report:
WordPress Environment<br><br>WordPress address (URL): https://sports-technology-labs.local<br>Site address (URL): https://sports-technology-labs.local<br>WC Version: 9.3.3<br>Legacy REST API Package Version: The Legacy REST API plugin is not installed on this site.<br>Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.8.1<br>Log Directory Writable: ?<br>WP Version: 6.6.2<br>WP Multisite: –<br>WP Memory Limit: 256 MB<br>WP Debug Mode: –<br>WP Cron: ?<br>Language: en_US<br>External object cache: – Server Environment<br><br>Server Info: nginx/1.26.1<br>PHP Version: 8.1.29<br>PHP Post Max Size: 1,000 MB<br>PHP Time Limit: 1200<br>PHP Max Input Vars: 4000<br>cURL Version: 7.77.0<br>(SecureTransport) LibreSSL/2.8.3<br><br>SUHOSIN Installed: –<br>MySQL Version: 8.0.16<br>Max Upload Size: 300 MB<br>Default Timezone is UTC: ?<br>fsockopen/cURL: ?<br>SoapClient: ?<br>DOMDocument: ?<br>GZip: ?<br>Multibyte String: ?<br>Remote Post: ?<br>Remote Get: ? Database<br><br>WC Database Version: 9.3.3<br>WC Database Prefix: wp_<br>Total Database Size: 39.41MB<br>Database Data Size: 27.86MB<br>Database Index Size: 11.55MB<br>wp_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_order_items: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.02MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Data: 0.08MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_tax_rates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.06MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB<br>wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine 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71<br>product: 66<br>revision: 135<br>shop_order_placehold: 32<br>videos: 3<br>wp_block: 1<br>wp_font_face: 33<br>wp_font_family: 12<br>wp_navigation: 2 Security<br><br>Secure connection (HTTPS): ?<br>Your store is not using HTTPS. Learn more about HTTPS and SSL Certificates.<br>Hide errors from visitors: ? Active Plugins (16)<br><br>Advanced Custom Fields PRO: by WP Engine – 6.3.10<br>AffiliateWP - Lifetime Commissions: by Sandhills Development<br>LLC – 1.6.2<br><br>AffiliateWP: by AffiliateWP – 2.27.1<br>AffiliateWP - Affiliate Landing Pages: by AffiliateWP – 1.3.0<br>AffiliateWP - Direct Link Tracking: by AffiliateWP – 1.3.2<br>SnappyPay Credit Card: by SnappyPay – 5.5<br>DFin Sell Payment Gateway: by DFin Sell – 1.0.4<br>edebit-direct-draft-gateway: by eDebit Direct LLC –<br>Health Check & Troubleshooting: by The community – 1.7.1<br>Jetpack: by Automattic – 13.9.1<br>TaxJar - Sales Tax Automation for WooCommerce: by TaxJar – 4.2.3<br>WooCommerce eGiftCertificate: by YnloUltratech – 1.0.9<br>WooCommerce Shipping: by WooCommerce – 1.2.1<br>WooCommerce: by Automattic – 9.3.3<br>WordPress Importer: by wordpressdotorg – 0.8.3<br>WP File Manager: by mndpsingh287 – 8.0 Inactive Plugins (6)<br><br>AutomateWoo: by WooCommerce – 6.0.25 (update to version 6.1.0 is available)<br>Gravity Forms: by Gravity Forms – 2.8.18<br>Gravity Forms HubSpot Add-On: by Gravity Forms – 2.1.0<br>RocketFuel Payment Gateway: by Rocketfuel Team –<br>Upsell Order Bump Offer for WooCommerce: by WP Swings – 2.4.2<br>Upsell Order Bump Offer for WooCommerce Pro: by WP Swings – 2.3.6 Dropin Plugins ()<br><br>advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php Must Use Plugins (1)<br><br>Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: by – 1.9.2 Settings<br><br>Legacy API Enabled: –<br>Force SSL: ?<br>Currency: USD ($)<br>Currency Position: left<br>Thousand Separator: ,<br>Decimal Separator: .<br>Number of Decimals: 2<br>Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)<br>grouped (grouped)<br>simple (simple)<br>variable (variable)<br><br>Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)<br>exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)<br>featured (featured)<br>outofstock (outofstock)<br>rated-1 (rated-1)<br>rated-2 (rated-2)<br>rated-3 (rated-3)<br>rated-4 (rated-4)<br>rated-5 (rated-5)<br><br>Connected to –<br>Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ?<br>HPOS feature enabled: ?<br>Order datastore: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\OrdersTableDataStore<br>HPOS data sync enabled: – Logging<br><br>Enabled: ?<br>Handler: Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Logging\LogHandlerFileV2<br>Retention period: 30 days<br>Level threshold: –<br>Log directory size: 147 KB WC Pages<br><br>Shop base: #127 - /shop/<br>Cart: #128 - /cart/ - Contains the [woocommerce_cart] shortcode<br>Checkout: #195652 - /checkout/ - Contains the [woocommerce_checkout] shortcode<br>My account: #130 - /my-account/<br>Terms and conditions: #192518 - /terms-of-service/ Theme<br><br>Name: Sports Technology Labs<br>Version: 1.0<br>Author URL:<br>Child Theme: ? – If you are modifying WooCommerce on a parent theme that you did not build personally we recommend using a child theme. See: How to create a child theme<br>WooCommerce Support: ? Templates<br><br>Overrides: sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/archive-product.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/cart/cart.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/loop/header.php<br>sportstechnologylabs/woocommerce/single-product.php Admin<br><br>Enabled Features: activity-panels<br>analytics<br>product-block-editor<br>coupons<br>core-profiler<br>customize-store<br>customer-effort-score-tracks<br>import-products-task<br>experimental-fashion-sample-products<br>shipping-smart-defaults<br>shipping-setting-tour<br>homescreen<br>marketing<br>mobile-app-banner<br>navigation<br>onboarding<br>onboarding-tasks<br>pattern-toolkit-full-composability<br>product-custom-fields<br>remote-inbox-notifications<br>remote-free-extensions<br>payment-gateway-suggestions<br>printful<br>shipping-label-banner<br>subscriptions<br>store-alerts<br>transient-notices<br>woo-mobile-welcome<br>wc-pay-promotion<br>wc-pay-welcome-page<br>launch-your-store<br><br>Disabled Features: experimental-blocks<br>minified-js<br>product-pre-publish-modal<br>settings<br>async-product-editor-category-field<br>product-editor-template-system<br>blueprint<br>reactify-classic-payments-settings<br><br>Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2024-11-02 18:10:04 +00:00<br>Options: ?<br>Notes: 70<br>Onboarding: completed Action Scheduler<br><br>Canceled: 3<br>Oldest: 2024-10-03 03:07:22 +0000<br>Newest: 2024-10-28 03:44:53 +0000<br><br>Complete: 6,794<br>Oldest: 2024-10-02 00:22:17 +0000<br>Newest: 2024-11-01 22:35:44 +0000<br><br>Failed: 16<br>Oldest: 2024-10-15 16:11:14 +0000<br>Newest: 2024-11-01 22:35:44 +0000<br><br>Pending: 6<br>Oldest: 2024-11-01 22:50:44 +0000<br>Newest: 2024-11-30 09:00:14 +0000 Status report information<br><br>Generated at: 2024-11-01 22:48:23 +00:00<br>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Blocks not rendering on Single PostsI added the storefront theme with the woocommerce plugin only and I get a JSON error when trying to add a woocommerce block to a post
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Order Pay does a 302 redirect for SubscriptionsThanks for the recommendations
This is what I’ve tried so far
I’ve already gone through the WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions Docs
I’ve even asked Chat GPT and it gave me the same examples as those docs
I’ll try to reach out to a few more developers I know
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Block Filter addFilter doesn’t work with woocommerce blocksThanks! I’ll check it out
I think this’ll help
okay thank you that answers my question
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Change components based on form mail 1 or 2 templatesOk, I’ll check those hooks and functions out.
Do you think
might be a better option? Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] Save incomplete forms on submissionThank you.
I think that’s all I need.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] Save incomplete forms on submissionok I think that works
Just to clarify when someone presses the submit button and they get a form error because they forgot to fill out all the form fields that attempt can still be saved in the database?
Is that correct?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Group field disappearing after updating postI just realised something. I don’t have the Meta Box Group plugin. I didn’t know it was a separate plugin.
I thought the MetaBox Group fields came with the core plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Group field disappearing after updating postSo I think the issue has something to do with how the group inputs are being saved. Let me know if this is correct. Here’s a screenshot of the inputs and it’s name.
It will save it into the first key of the array.
I think it’s saving all the individual group fields into the same key and it’s being overwritten each time.This is a screenshot of phpmyadmin.
It has one saved field from thesplash_location_schedule
.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Group field disappearing after updating postOk,
I’ll check out the max input vars and see how that works.
I’ll let you knowForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Map Block for Google Maps] Remove info windowThis is something that I was looking for as well. Where you can edit the infowindow the way you want it. I’ll look through the code and see if I can add this feature.
I’ll let you know if I got it working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Map Block for Google Maps] Get Location from metafieldHey, I’d love to extend this plugin and develop a feature where you can pull the address or any data from postmeta
If I get it working I’ll let you know