Forum Replies Created
No problem, thank you for the reply. Issue has been moved to this Github entry. I will close the issue here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: editing thumbnail onlyWPyogi, Thanks for pointing those out. Having plugins to fix what looks like a bug (IMO, correct me if I am wrong) is not really the preferred approach (Especially if they create functionality that doesn’t port over when this is fixed) but if it gets it working then I’ll just have to make due.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: editing thumbnail onlyI agree, I’m awfully surprised this is not affecting more users. Its seems like it would be such a good feature to be able to manipulate the thumbnail in such a way so it fits with how you display your listings. I’m trying to sell our communications department on how to utilize WordPress to its full potential but its kind of hard with bugs like this. I’m really hoping someone from core sees this and gets it fixed. I find it really difficult for anyone to notice and reply to these threads.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Run CSS on specific templatesInstead of loading an additional css file why not just use the body classes to target elements specific to that type of page?
<body class=”single single-post postid-324″>
</body>WordPress inserts these tags for you so its nothing you will even need to change.
After some testing this morning it looks like this has been resolved with the latest update to the plugin (Version 5.3).
Excellent, thank you Eric, I have not had the time to look into that any deeper. Your help is greatly appreciated! Hopefully they will be able to release a fix soon.
Reverting back to 5.2.7 fixed the issue so its something exclusive to the new version. I’ll have to do some more troubleshooting to figure out what the issue is. Figure out what the differences are between versions and see which one did it. More to come.
Your comment should really go in a new separate thread (As its entirely a new issue) but all you need to do is take the download link and change the version number to the version your trying to download and that should get you to what you want.
Example (One version back 2.7): really doesn’t fix content items that are hard coded to http (like SSL insecure content fixer). It in general handles security related issues. Some https features (ex. Force admin traffic over https) are included in the plugin but it won’t replace both of those.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Protected pages with forced SSLThis issue is not related to the domain mapping plugin at all and is solely with iThemes security.
Found this on the forums. Apparently the issue is with the new way password protected forms work and the use of https. For me the issue was the opposite of what the individual who posted it was. My issue is the https has to be removed so I altered the code below to reflect that. See below:
https admin vs http site issue:
I spent a lot of time looking for a problem with our theme, but our issue turned out to be something entirely different. Maybe this post will help someone else.If your setup runs SSL on the admin portion of your site, but the public-facing site is not secured, the password cookie isn’t being recognized. If you put the “s” in “http” on the page with the password and it works, you can solve this issue by rewriting the password form in your theme’s functions.php file like this:
add_filter( 'the_password_form', 'custom_password_form' ); function custom_password_form() { $url = get_option('siteurl'); $url = preg_replace("/^https:/", "http:", $url); global $post; $label = 'pwbox-'.( empty( $post->ID ) ? rand() : $post->ID ); $o = '<form class="protected-post-form" action="' . $url . '/wp-login.php?action=postpass" method="post"> ' . __( "<h2>Enter password</h2> <p>This content is password protected. To view it please enter the password below:</p>" ) . ' <label for="' . $label . '">' . __( "Password:" ) . ' </label><input name="post_password" id="' . $label . '" type="password" size="20" /><input type="submit" class="submit" name="Submit" value="' . esc_attr__( "Submit" ) . '" /> </form> '; return $o; }
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenID] OpenID throws Catchable fatal error in WP 3.0 for new usersHope this helps but I have an update. Turns out the issue was related to a blank email address in the users table because the Shibboleth plugin wasn’t originally mapped correctly when we first started testing and allowed a user to slip in without it. This caused one of the user table searches to return a result when it searched for a blank email (Not sure why the Shibbolth plug-in does this but it does a search for a blank username and then a blank email???) and return a WP_ERROR object which was passed to the wp_strip_all_tags function.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenID] OpenID throws Catchable fatal error in WP 3.0 for new usersHaving the same issue, except with Shibboleth plugin. I did a var_dump on the object being passed to wp_strip_all_tags and it its a WP_error object that contains the text “This email address has already been registered.” Its not registered but for some reason it seems to think it is and somehow its getting passed to that function which normally only accepts strings. Hope this information helps.