Ahh okay. I wasn’t aware it took time.
The problem is, I’m not sure I’m inserting the correct information in the right place for it to show correctly on Google.
For example, I want Google to show:
The Makeup Book – Beauty Blog
The Makeup Book is a Beauty Blog where you will find makeup and skin care reviews as well as tips, advice and information related to beauty.
What it is actually showing is:
A post name of one of the posts
and no meta description.
I have updated the Titles and Metas (Home Page) as well the Home Page via the Dashboard.
This is what is showing on Title Template:
%%sitename%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitedesc%%
I’ve also tried deleting this and then actually typing the name in.
Not sure where I am going wrong? Hope this clarifies my issue a bit more.