Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
I’ve recently (the last two weeks about) been experiencing this exact same issue. It was only yesterday that I determined that the problem was not on my end (after trying four different devices and multiple browsers on multiple networks), so I figured it must be something with godaddy, and this and other posts seem to confirm that, even though this appears to have been an common issue for everyone else 9 months ago, not necessarily recently.
What I don’t understand, though, is this business about
In the new version of Apache, if your site’s ABSOLUTE URL is referenced SIX OR MORE times WITHIN A SINGLE REQUEST, the server blacklists you briefly.
I can start fresh, on a device I’ve not recently accessed my site on, with nothing else in the browser, and still experience this problem.
I’m not very tech savvy at all, so maybe I’m confused about what is meant by “single request.”