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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where are featured images listed?Sorry, I found it.
It looks like my sqls have some different titles, probably due to different versions of wordpress.Says wp_postmeta
with meta_key called _thumbnail_idForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change page content color<?php if ( is_home() ) {<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href=""/>} else {<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' ); ?>"/>}?>
I still may be echoing wrong… I need to catch up on PHP seriously… but at least I know this is closer than what I gave you last time!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change page content colorYeah, what is happening is that your WordPress is probably calling the same CSS file for every last one of your pages.
If you change the background color for the div of your choice, it is going to change that background color for all pages and not just one.So there is the option of creating a second CSS file and having to call it separately for that very one page, or you will have to include still a second CSS file for is_home().
There may be another way. I looked around some forums but they all seem a little more complicated than my own methods. But then again, I may also be mistaken.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Padding Left / Rightpadding: 0; margin: 0;
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change page content colorAhh sorry I was not thinking. What page do you want it on, just the index or?
I am no php master and I am not sure if there is a way to place php into CSS, so my quick fix would be to use something like <?php is_single(include ‘style2.css’;);?>I am not exactly sure if that is coded right.
See the other is_single types by scrolling down here:…. let’s say you have single.php and index.php and you want it changed for only your index.
If you are using get_header or footer, then open header.php and footer.php, copy what is in them and replace your get_header/footer with what is on their respective pages for the page you are trying to single out the green for.
I hope that makes sense.
Then, in that page you are trying to change, at the top… find your CSS and replace it with the new CSS file that includes any other CSS you may need plus the new background for the changed div.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: change page content colorI am guessing that under main_content_wrapper you are going to place {background: #4cb750;}
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Various Index Post SizesSorry you cannot Andrew.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM?FINALLY.
Went into sql and changed ANYTHING that said abandonedplaygrounds to wuhwild
It wasn’t until I reached wp_NAMEoptions and changed siteurl that finally wp-admin, css, images and all finally worked as should.Thank you for the help
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WHM Domain Change and WordPress Issues Galoreand holy cow.
I went into my sql and changed ANYTHING that said abandonedplaygroundsIt wasn’t until I reached wp_NAMEoptions that after updating siteurl did wp-admin, css, images and EVERYTHING work as it should.
Thank GOD. What a burden lifted
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM?So my progress.
To me it seems that WordPress wanted me to change some things BEFORE making the transfer – which I did not do and thus WordPress, my website and SQL are not mixing well.
I decided to revert back to the initial website, and start over.
My initial database still existed, I had all of my original wordpress files backed up in a separate folder on my cpanel. I changed the primary domain back, returned the backup folders and figured the database should naturally be recognized.
Thus.. when logging into my cpanel, will not load – nothing, not even a try.
I searched for old articles through google to try and open the site from there but nothing, google would not even try to load the site.
After many failed attempts and trying to fix my problem, I read the Caching plugins might cause this. I was using W3 Total Cache but after not being able to find any relation in about 50 wordpress pages of code, I gave up as there seems to be a LOT more to go through.
Ultimately, this morning, I decided that since neither will work, I may as well continue in the direction I wanted –
I put the primary domain back to wuhwild, redirected abandonedplaygrounds to wuhwild, reinstalled wordpress from scratch while my old files are back in a backup folder.
Everything looked good. WordPress was working, the site was loading.
I uploaded my theme. Works.
Here is the problem:
When I upload my SQL, wp-admin logs me out and wuhwild goes blank as not even Google will load the site.
I took a screen shot of the tables before uploading the original sql and then I compared after uploading. Everything is similar but no success.
So I have a website with 350 articles, having been featured on, and others… and a rather large following – all put to nothing because I wanted a .com change.
What in the world can I do???
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM?Yeah I think the reason it directed back to was due to my redirection of abandonedplaygrounds to wuhwild.
Everything is taking so long to adjust today as the redirect took at least an hour to work.But interesting! I did not realize WordPress leached itself onto a domain name. I had even read elsewhere that only the database config was the only link but I suppose it must have been on an older version.
I will read through this and let you know how it turns out. Thank you in advance!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM?I wonder if the change is still occurring in the background.
I tried again and this time, after nearly half an hour of trying this, instead of redirecting to, it simply directed to – but still not wp-adminForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM? was the original domain. is the new.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Not Recognizing New Domain WHM?Account Functions > Modify an Account – Primary Domain
I see my index page is showing all of the titles to my articles, loading my header, index and footer but it is not showing my css, wp-admin is not loading under the new site, just redirecting to the old and it is not showing the featured images for the articles.
The search bar is there so I tried searching but it is trying to search through my old domain name.
So it seems the site is 50% right and 50% not right.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: xmlrpc.php slow?WordPress comes off as more of a hassle to me than a helpful tool.
The only reason I ever chose to use it was for the search bar (php and mysql script premade), but WordPress is slow and now this… I am at a loss.