10 years, 1 month ago
the template i am using,,, i do not edit any html,
i only add custom CSS to implement changes
sorry hpow can I do this?
I am not a master in CSS I got the above code from someone and tried to play with it
10 years, 3 months ago
i had similar issue with adsense but adsense has 2 types of codes that you might copy and paste…
one of them is javascript and the other (dont remember the name) is the one i had to copy for ads to work properly
this code is correct for sure.
It was provided to me by Yahoo and it is my ad code.
It works on the mobile phone though…. so if you open my site on your phone, just above the facebook thing you will see ads..
<script><script id=”mNCC” language=”javascript”> medianet_width=’300′; medianet_height= ‘250’; medianet_crid=’478379746′; </script> <script id=”mNSC” src=”” language=”javascript”></script>
this is what i enter in the text and doesnt work