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  • Thread Starter the_webscaper


    OK, so I bought Pro and configured the redirect page, and now i”m getting errors whenever uploading. We need to get this out there ASAP, this is for a virtual school event on Friday since all schools around here are closed.

    Everything was working fine, we just needed to redirect because it makes NO sense to have a My Gallery page when we can toggle off the requirement for users to log in to post. If they don’t have to have a user account to post, they can’t view the My Gallery page. The My Gallery page requires a login. So we purchased Pro so we could redirect as you suggested. After installing, and configuring a redirect page, we now get this error:

    Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

    Here is a screenshot:

    I have tested this repeatedly and if we have a redirect page set, this happens. If I set redirect page to No Redirect, it works fine.

    Here’s our page:




    Hi Stephen –
    Just saw this thread and probably (almost certainly) this feedback should go to feature requests or somewhere but I’ve forgotten to mention this for years now so I’m quick writing it here….

    I would suggest making the checkbox for “automatically clear expired signups” UNchecked by default when folks first install the plugin rather than have it checked. I have many clients using your plugin and have a big note in my new site setup checklist to uncheck that whenever I install SUS. My clients have gotten really stabby with me if I forget to uncheck it — the first time they use SUS, their signup data is deleted and like the OP here, they wanted/needed the list of who volunteered for one reason or another.

    I can understand that keeping the database clean is a great thing but maybe set this to delete that data after a month or X days or something – but not so soon.
    Just some friendly feedback after receiving it from my clients using your plugin… which as always we love and appreciate all you do! ??

    Please do feel free to move this to feature requests – haven’t seen much activity on that thread so wasn’t sure if anyone was still looking there. I’ll post there regarding my views on a Pro version! ??

    One other note — to your suggestion of possibly adding the single-table back as an option. I would like that, particularly if it were on a sheet-by-sheet basis, rather than global all-or-nothing.

    Throwing two cents in here (maybe this isn’t the place?). I get why it is the way it is now. I also don’t love it from an ease-of-use perspective, but do like that it fits better column-wise. I wonder if there were different formatting, or formatting options for those that can’t/don’t want to edit CSS, that would make the date and task title stand out better. I personally would have swapped the order of the task and the date; put date FIRST, then task 2nd. Date set as a heading (similar formatting as it was in the old version, and then the task name set in bold. Right now, having none of it formatted as anything other than text makes it harder for the date and task name to stand out.

    I have it on my to-do list to go into all my client sites and manually edit the CSS to do this, but figured I’d throw it out here. I think swapping the date/task and adding formatting might mitigate some of the resistance to the new separate table format. Just a thought.

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Happily DONE!

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Stephen, you are WONDERFUL. As I acknowledged, I DO know this wasn’t your problem to fix but your consideration for our issue and willingness to help speaks volumes. I very much appreciate you creating this work-around for us and your other plugin users who are facing this issue. Worked like a charm. Kudos.


    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Hi Stephen,

    Revisiting this issue, because it’s happening again on my client website: The last time we had the time display issue, a plugin Ultimate Auction Pro was the culprit. They do a major auction fundraiser once a year; last time this happened, there was no auction so we disabled the plugin and Sign Up Sheets times were fixed.

    Now it’s auction time again. The auction plugin has since been entirely rewritten and now integrates with Woo Commerce, and is now called Ultimate Woo Auction Pro. Our hope was the new plugin wouldn’t incorporate whatever code was the issue last time. Unfortunately, as soon as we installed the plugin, the times for our Sign Up Sheets went wonky again.

    I DO understand your explanation that this isn’t a problem with Sign Up Sheets. I DID open a ticket with the developer of the auction software. I bring this to your attention today because we are between a rock and a hard place. My client needs both plugins.

    I did just install the 3.0 update of your plugin, hoping that maybe that contained a solution to the issue – but, times are still incorrect.

    I can wait to hear back from the auction plugin developer – but wanted you to know this is still a problem rearing its head, and if that developer can’t or won’t help, I am looking for any advice I can get here. We really need both plugins…

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Found the culprit on one of the sites! Plugin called Ultimate Auction Pro which I have had massive issues with before………..
    So at least ONE of the sites is fixed now.
    That plugin isn’t on the other, so I need to go one by one on that site to find the next errant plugin.

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful help even though this wasn’t your plugin’s fault!

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    I just found this thread — I assume your plugin is not using date_default_timezone_set which seems to be the common issue for other plugins experiencing this problem, see here:

    So I think finding what plugin(s) are using this and deactivating would fix (and of course then cause me other issues since we need these plugins… ). I’m checking that next.

    This is insanely frustrating. A patch to 5.3 would be great but I wonder if they would, if it’s “bad” plugins being the problem not the change made by WP? </rhetorical>

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Thank you for the detailed explanation ??
    At this point only two of my client sites are experiencing the issue. Trying to determine common denominator as far as plugins on these two that do not exist on the other sites. They are all Genesis theme. All hosted by SiteGround (separate individual accounts, not the same server). All are running WP 5.3.

    As for server time – I checked it from the Settings > General page on each site, and all of them are showing the correct time. I assume this is coming from the server, anyway?
    As shown here:
    They’re all matching my own local time.

    I appreciate the thought you’ve put into this. I realize this isn’t a problem with your plugin specifically. I just really am at a loss, and of course this client needs to send out the info for the sign up sheet *today.* ?? ??

    I’m going to try deactivating all common plugins and see if magically that fixes it and figure out what conflict is going on here!

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Hm. This is odd. On ONE of my sites, if I change the time zone, the times displayed do vary (but still off by 6 hours). On the other site, changing the time zone has NO effect on the display.

    Really bizarre!

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Thank you for the reply. I’m still at a loss for what I can do here. I tried changing the time zone to see what would happen; didn’t matter what time zone I set, the times were off by 5 hours (on one site. On another with this issue, it’s off by 6 hours). So the time zone in Settings doesn’t affect the display of time.

    My question – you said when you changed the code to the new format, it WAS displaying times based on the time zone. Wouldn’t that be preferable? If it’s not determining time by the time zone set in Settings, where is the time being pulled from? The server? (I know you explained it but I don’t quite understand). I’m not sure how to affect server time since these are shared hosting accounts, but that’s going to be my next stop, see if there’s anything the host can do?

    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Hey Steve,
    Just wanted to follow up for closure purposes. It was caching as we both suspected. Even though I was turning off caching (first through the SiteGround plugin, then by going to the SiteGround control panel itself), it turns out caching was still occurring through code inserted by SiteGround in my .htaccess file. I’m not sure why that code was not overridden when I was making changes at SiteGround and/or how the caching code from SG ended up there (was that an old method maybe and their new tool doesn’t do it that way? No clue). Regardless, when I deleted the code out of the .htaccess file – poof, problem went away.

    Appreciate your quick responses and willingness to help even though it wasn’t your plugin causing the issue.


    Thread Starter the_webscaper


    Hi Stephen,?
    That was actually my initial thought, so I already tried that —turned off caching for all pages under Sign-Up Sheets. I’m using SiteGround as a host, and using their caching. Here’s a screenshot to show that the pages underneath /sign-ups/ are being cached (with one of the sheets as the example TEST as “not cached.”):?
    I even purged the full cache after as good measure, but the issue is still occurring.? The only other type of caching offered by SiteGround is Memcached, but that is OFF, I only have dynamic caching on.?

    After that didn’t work, I turned off ALL caching at SiteGround -not just excluding the sign-ups section, but ALL of it. Still having the same issue.?

    I’ve gone through all my plugins and am not seeing anything else that could possibly be doing caching. I know SiteGround changed their entire back end very recently – though again, can’t see how if I’m turning off their caching, why this would still be happening (unless there’s some browser caching in addition – but there are a LOT of people who aren’t able to sign up).

    I do believe you’re right though – it’s the whole page that’s not refreshing, not just the SUS portion — which makes it nothing to do with your plugin, and therefore, also not your problem to fix. If you happen to think of any other ideas/suggestions, though, feel free to send my way. I appreciate your quick response!

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