Thanks for trying to help ??
I have now done that, and the logo is uploaded.
I have also tried uploading the file with the twenty twenty theme only, and then again with the plugins disabled but the correct theme. And it disabling the plugins did the trick.
What is really funny is, that the two sites in particular I manage for this person, uses the same setup. Same plugins, same theme, same settings. When I setup the second site, I used the first site as a “template”. Meaning I went through the settings menu and plugins and ticked the same boxes.
Both sites are hosted at the same provider.
Any idea which plugin could cause this?:
The following are installed:
Exclude Pages From Menu
Classic Editor
MediaElement.js – HTML5 Audio and Video (did try to disable this, as this is the only extra plugin on this site, but it didn’t restore the feature)
Memphis Documents Library
Really Simple SSL
Regenerate Thumbnails (by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond))