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  • Thread Starter Davidian


    Well it happened again.. I have no clue what is making Jetpack intermittently stop working.

    I have just gone to the debugger and got the message

    It looks like your site can not communicate properly with Jetpack.

        [headers] => Array
                [server] => nginx
                [date] => Sat, 27 Sep 2014 11:17:32 GMT
                [content-type] => text/plain;charset=utf-8
                [connection] => close
                [x-pingback] =>
                [expires] => Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
                [cache-control] => no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=60
                [pragma] => no-cache
                [x-hacker] => Jetpack Test
        [body] => {"error":"Can not resolve your domain \"A record\"","error_description":"We were unable to resolve the A record for your domain. It is likely that you have recently registered your domain name. It takes several hours for new or transferred domain names to start working, so please come check back later. If you're still having the same error after 48 hours, please contact your web hosting provider."}
        [response] => Array
                [code] => 400
                [message] => Bad Request
        [cookies] => Array
        [filename] =>

    I've had this domain for ages so I am not sure what is going on.

    It is frustrating because I had a good run of Jetpack working and it is annoying it has stopped again.

    I have sent the debug info in a support request to you as instructed previously


    yes, same with one of my sites.

    I don’t think the plugin is supported anymore seeing as I raised a request about 3 months ago and it still doesn’t have a response.

    Thread Starter Davidian


    Hi Jeremy – I was going to run this but it is working again.. it did 3 posts without working and on the 4th it started working again.

    It is strange for sure.

    Out of curiosity is there ever going to be a “republicize” option, a Weekly/monthly summary of posts, or something like that?

    currently I have created a few bits that reshare old stuff to twitter, facebook and linked in in the realms of 1 week ago, 1 month ago, 1 week ago, and 10 days ago (not all used on everything I do of course just specific things) using pipes and twitterfeed

    it doesn’t reach all my networks though so when posts are missed I have to make sure I manually add them to the others.

    also is there a quick way to refresh all connections or see if there are any issues with a particular connection?

    I think the issue was with the google + connection… but for some reason because there was an issue with that it blocked all other sites.

    Thread Starter Davidian


    Hi – since the last update, the last 3 posts I have made have not publicized.

    This seems to be a common occurrence when I install a jetpack update it stops working

    Then the next one comes down and it starts working again…

    when will the next update be?

    Thread Starter Davidian



    Managed to solve the other issues as well (not jetpack related thankfully)

    Keep up the great work!

    Thread Starter Davidian


    oh I forgot to add – turning off the extras I didn’t use has reduced the overall impact of jetpack in a few tests it has been 35-45 and hasn’t gone back up to the 60% it was before

    interestingly though the plugin impact on the site has gone up above 79% for the first time to 83%

    Perhaps one of the things attributed to jetpack was actually reducing another plugin

    good news is page load times seem to be greatly reduced by turning off those extras too – so again, thank you for pointing that out to me

    now if I can just find what is causing the memory leak hehe

    Thread Starter Davidian


    haven’t experience that one myself – sorry.

    Thread Starter Davidian


    There is a tab on P3 that looks at Theme vs wordpress vs all plugins

    plugins take up 79% of my site load time

    of that 79%, 60% of it is taken up by jetpack

    so 47% of my overall site time is Jetpack :/

    but unfortunately this still isn’t telling me where the memory leak is coming from and I doubt it is jetpack but at least I am more aware of what is doing what on the site and can make efficiencies where possible

    You have already helped me by pointing out something that I was not aware of (all the plugins being active)

    before the face lift I had to manually turn the plugins on if I wanted them on – it seems when the facelift came in there was a chunk that turned themselves on.

    Just installing the update which I have been notified was released today too.. which is odd because I thought 3.1.1 had already been released and I had updated…

    I’ll continue testing and hopefully make the overall thing more efficient

    I look forward to further jetpack developments – thank you!

    Thread Starter Davidian


    Indeed they are all disabled except for maybe the additional widgets module as I was using them for a while then decided less is more.

    I’ve actually had it go up to 60% of page load times now.

    It is a shame there isn’t a smaller version of the plugin available but I do understand what you are saying around the applications with the social media networks.

    I will try what you said with the manual loads to see if that changes things

    Also in checking Jetpack there are suddenly loads of plugins activated that were deactivated before.. like beautiful math for example, however there were a couple I forgot I did actively use like the stats, because I like comparing them to the Google stats and the WP short links

    but yes it seems an extra 15-20 that were not active before the interface change are now active.

    I’ve deactivated most of them and will start reactivating them as I realise which ones I actively use.

    use the P3 profiler:

    This can help you detect the biggest plugins.. though this mainly works on page load times.

    W3 should be reducing server load but there is every chance that improper set up or the bugs could be causing the high CPU usage.

    If the scripts are not running correctly or closing off it could loop round a large number of times eating up RAM + CPU

    Recently I have been having to restart my VPS every 2 days and I am starting to think it is W3’s fault.

    The only thing you can do is Disable plugins one by one and check your CPU usage.

    Another plugin that I’ve seen recommended for general housekeeping:

    WP Otimize:

    I haven’t tried that one yet though – but I think I will ??

    They have said in the past that it is nothing to worry about and will be fixed in the next update

    that was 2 years ago.. few updates since and no fix

    they don’t seem to be active on the WP forums or anything

    tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if the plugin dies (becomes unsupported by WP) and we end up using something else.

    I was thinking of switching to WP super cache… although I was advised for my VPS Varnish would be the best.. but that hasn’t been updated in ages…

    yeah I get loads of these errors constantly

    its a bug that has been round for years that the dev team say to ignore

    but it is hard to ignore the constant emails and notifications that pop up

    and also the memory leak my server seems to have that I can’t put a finger on what it is… other than the fact that there is a bug in this plugin that hasn’t been fixed.

    yeah I get loads of these errors constantly

    its a bug that has been round for years that the dev team say to ignore

    but it is hard to ignore the constant emails and notifications that pop up

    and also the memory leak my server seems to have that I can’t put a finger on what it is… other than the fact that there is a bug in this plugin that hasn’t been fixed.

    yeah I get loads of these errors constantly

    its a bug that has been round for years that the dev team say to ignore

    but it is hard to ignore the constant emails and notifications that pop up

    and also the memory leak my server seems to have that I can’t put a finger on what it is… other than the fact that there is a bug in this plugin that hasn’t been fixed.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [GD Star Rating] Removed?

    it also doesn’t work..

    Meant to reply to this ages ago to let you know

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