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  • I’ve lost track, but we just patched the strict standards errors as they came up when there was delays in updates to this plugin. It kept working, so we stuck with that build.

    When I install the latest version it simply doesn’t download any posts. Can’t really explain it further than that.

    We do use a couple of hooks to fix Syndication issues (such as duplicates) but I don’t think they are the cause of it not working.

    We have fixed this issue. SimpleXML is not enabled by default in PHP 7 and must be configured separately.

    However I am still stuck on an old (manually patched) version of this plugin because the current release does not work when I update. Rolling back to our modified 2013.0504 works.

    We recently upgraded our AWS servers. They now run PHP 7.1.11. I am also experiencing this same issue. All feeds are showing as “FeedWordPress found no posts on this feed.”.

    This occurs even when adding fresh feeds to the list.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    It happens whenever the widget simply exists in a sidebar in the widgets admin. The errors dump to my PHP error log. I can actually see it reported by PHP with WP_DEBUG with a fresh widget instance.

    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: title in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 217
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: taxonomy in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 218
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: orderby in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 219
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: ascdsc in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 220
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: exclude in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 221
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: expandoptions in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 222
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: childof in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 223
    [18-Aug-2017 02:49:20 UTC] PHP   7. lc_taxonomy->form() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:532

    The following appear in the PHP error log with a fresh instance, WP_DEBUG reveals more though (more of the fields):

    [18-Aug-2017 02:53:40 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: taxonomy in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 174
    [18-Aug-2017 02:53:40 UTC] PHP   9. lc_taxonomy->update() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:456
    [18-Aug-2017 02:53:40 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: ascdsc in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/plugins/list-custom-taxonomy-widget/list-custom-taxonomy-widget.php on line 176
    [18-Aug-2017 02:53:40 UTC] PHP   9. lc_taxonomy->update() /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mysite/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:456

    You might have to check if the index in the array has a value !empty() etc to fix it.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Thanks mate.

    This revised version below will keep tall images from exceeding 200px height too. It is an edge case though.

    .column-image img {width:auto;max-width:100%;height:auto;max-height:200px;}

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    With the help of a friend looking at the queries with me, we figured it out. You have to firstly grab the tax_query, then apply the area query after the taxonomy query. So that the template and WordPress shows the correct information.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    This seems to work great.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Cool, I’ll check it out when I get a moment.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    I should add that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same as what I have, its just an example.

    You could allow it from your function if you wish, I use another plugin that does something similar Previous and Next Post in Same Taxonomy. But two filters that let us return a string for the SQL should be plenty.

    I think the reason my functions append to the string is because you can override the JOIN and WHERE entirely with the WordPress SEO filters.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Yes my addition to your query does just that. It selects one taxonomy, then allows you to pass in an array of terms (categories etc) to return results just for those terms.

    A filter for each of these points would suffice.

    $sql = "
    			FROM ".$wpdb->posts."
    			".tsg_join('', 'post')."
    			WHERE MATCH (post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('%s')
    			AND post_date < '%s'
    			AND post_date >= '%s'
    			AND post_status = 'publish'
    			AND ID != %d
    			".tsg_where('', 'post')."
    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Yes the code is old, we don’t actually use it anymore but it is present in a couple of themes, which is why we check if the option is off in the admin.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    I just noticed this post which seems to be the same bug from 2 years ago and another from 7 years ago!

    Additional to the problem, it does not apply the blogs default post category when it doesn’t match any local categories, and WordPress represents this with a dash ‘-‘ in the posts admin, or ‘Uncategorized’ without an active link when you view the post. This means the post is hidden from the website, and garbage data in the database.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Bug resolved.

    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Ok, so after putting wordpress into debug mode, via the config. I found out that it was an internal server error with SQL, server support fixed it over the weekend.

    WordPress database error : [Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_a46_0.MYI'; try to repair it]
    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, e.post_id, AS instance_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( i.start ) AS start, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( i.end ) AS end, IF( e.allday, e.allday, i.end = DATE_ADD( i.start, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) ) AS allday, e.recurrence_rules, e.exception_rules, e.recurrence_dates, e.exception_dates, e.venue,, e.address,, e.province, e.postal_code, e.show_map, e.contact_name, e.contact_phone, e.contact_email, e.cost, e.ical_feed_url, e.ical_source_url, e.ical_organizer, e.ical_contact, e.ical_uid FROM wp_ai1ec_events e INNER JOIN wp_posts p ON e.post_id = p.ID INNER JOIN wp_ai1ec_event_instances i ON e.post_id = i.post_id WHERE post_type = 'ai1ec_event' AND i.end >= FROM_UNIXTIME( 1378459320 ) AND ( post_status = 'publish' OR post_status = 'private' ) ORDER BY i.start ASC, post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 10
    Thread Starter thatstevensguy


    Upon further investigation, it seems to be related to this bit of code. As it effects posterboard, agenda and agenda widget, but not the others.


    Which in class-ai1ec-calendar-helper.php has quite a large SQL query…

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