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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce Variations won’t loadTry turning debug to true in your wp-config file.
I’ve noticed some issues with products getting converted from 2.6 to 3.x, sometimes the attributes get messed up and the products need to be recreated… You might try rebuilding one of your products and see if the new product behaves the same way, if not then you know your old products didn’t move to the new Woo properly and will have to remake them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] redirect to .html fileHey Yana,
You’re really close ??This will fix it for you:
1. Go to Settings>Permalinks and change structure to custom = /%postname%.html
2. In Redirection change your redirect to the following =
Source URL: /(\d*)/(\d*)/(.*)
Target URL: /$3
3. Done.You could skip the permalinks step if you wanted, or if you have it set to “postname” then you could set the redirect to “/$3.html” to get the .html at the end of the post name url ??
ThaneForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress StatsHey pasq,
That’s not a feature of WordPress, it’s either something your hosting co. adds to their WP sites or it is a plugin you installed.usually people use jetpack connected to their accounts for stats, or a dashboard widget that connects to your google analytics account.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] Groups causes SLOW admin orders list page..Hey Evan,
I would recommend this plugin for memberships: just set that up for one of my clients and it was ezpz… It allows restricting content by roll, I can’t remember if Woo’s subscription plugin creates “subscriber” role? I thought it did, if so you could definitely use this free plugin to give your subscribers access to restricted pages… As for the buyers of certain products, not really sure how your setup looks to determine how easily integrating this plugin would be, I imagine it should be pretty easy since it allows for so many different ways of restricting content/pages…
If you have money to spend, Woocommerce’s membership plugin for $149:
Only caveat to this one is, you might need to get more plugins to extend the functionality (that’s how wc ‘gets’ ya lol)UltimateMember is supposed to have a premo plugin for connecting to woocommerce subscriptions as well, might be cheaper to investigate than official woocommerce plugins, but I would guess less support.
Since you’re not tied down to Groups, you could probably test and experiment a bit to see what works best/cheapest, worst case scenary is you have some unrestricted pages during your tests, no biggie – you can always turn Groups back on after the tests.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] Groups causes SLOW admin orders list page..Hey Evan,
There’s a lot of similar plugins- members, s2member framework, Woocommerce even has some official extensions for running subscription/membership sites… I think any of those would be preferable to Groups – at least you would get support lol…As far as the downloadable permissions go, I would think if someone ordered your product 2+ years ago that they won’t need the download permission still, or at the least if it is a recurring subscription there will be more recent orders that have granted download permissions – unless for some reason your digital products are something that people have lifetime access to?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce themes vs other themesHey Gibbon,
Yeah I’m a bit sour about Woo lately since they just released 3.0 a couple weeks ago… Most updates are smallish, don’t cause much of a rukkus as far as compatibility with other plugins go… But WC 3.0 changed everyyyything, HUGE incompatibilities with other plugins and themes – and when I say huge I mean HUGE. I’ve always been a big fan of Woo up until this update, it just seems that the new owners of Woocommerce (automattic) decided on a whim to rewrite the entire plugin and change so many functions in the plugin that it instantly became worthless to millions of people overnight.Maybe in 2-3 months patches will come out and fix all these problems, I mean heck Woocommerce itself has had 4 big patches in the last 2 weeks alone since launching 3.0, so you can see they rushed it out the door and even ITSELF wasn’t ready, not to mention the hundred of plugins that are built for it or the hundreds of thousands of themes that are using it… imagine you earn your income running an online shop, then one day an update for your shop comes out, you don’t want hackers getting into your site so you click update, BAM your store is now offline. 90% of regular people won’t know what to do in that situation – and I wonder how many people lost “everything” due to this recent update, I bet a lot.
So it’s not really about whether wc is better than others options or not, just to be safe and smart about things… If you’re just starting out maybe Woo is your ticket since it has minimal costs to operate, but if you do go with wc just make sure that when you grow to a reasonable amount of sales some day GET YOURSELF A WEB DEVELOPER TO BE YOUR MAINTENANCE/TECH SUPPORT PERSON, or you’ll end up sorry you didn’t lol…
I happen to be one of those tech support ppl, and I’m all jaded and grumpy about the amount of craziness this recent update has caused, spending hours debugging, just bugging the heck out of me.
Before this update though, wc was stable as they come ??
Maybe in 6 months it will be stable again for the majority of themes/plugins out there… In the mean time, and to get to the point of your original question, it is a lot safer to get a theme that doesn’t ‘support’ woocommerce, and just use woo’s default template files that come with it, then you’ll always be safe from updates crashing your site ??
And when getting plugins that are woocommerce related, try to get the official ones from so you can complain at them directly when they release an update that crashes everything lol
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] Groups causes SLOW admin orders list page..Hi Evan,
Yeah reducing the number of orders stored in the database is pretty much the only option at this point, unless you replace Groups with a different plugin… Either way it’s time to get this database I’m working on cleaned up, there are currently over 10 million rows – mostly coming from 130,000 completed orders. I’m moving the order to Trash with this sql query:
update wp_posts set post_status = ‘trash’ where post_type = ‘shop_order’ and post_status = ‘wc-completed’ and post_date < date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 year);This is removing any completed orders that are older than 2 years to the trash bin, then I’m using the Woocommerce Orders section – going to Trashed orders – and using the button to ’empty trash’ – this part is slow BUT it gets rid of ALL the order meta data – thereby completing the cleanup process.
Some of the other things I did to get the pages workable again was also to optimize mysql, I gave Innodb a hefty boost to its caching power (+5GB ram), and I converted all the MyISAM tables over to Innodb.
Just moving those orders to Trash and optimizing mysql have made moving between the pages doable, I figure once the trashed orders are deleted and the database as a whole has shrunk to an acceptable level it will go super fast again.
If you can’t trash old orders, I would reconsider why you’re hoarding that old data… I mean, if you REALLY need it you could just dump the old data into a CSV so you’d still have all that data available that you could plug into another program to review stats/etc, so really no point in clogging up your server’s database with a bunch of old orders. In my case there are orders going back 6 years – I figured keeping 2 years of records is sufficient, especially if it means restoring performance…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Woocommerce themes vs other themesThe theme’s that “support” Woo are actually the ones that will break during an update before a theme that has zero support… The thing about “woo supported themes” is that the “support” is just custom templates for all the pages woo uses, those custom templates style the pages to look cool/functional versus vanilla woocommerce… Woocommerce comes bundled with its own template files, the “vanilla woo”, getting a woocommerce supported theme just means the theme has a /woocommerce/ folder where it stores its custom templates that override Woo’s own templates… So if Woo has an update (like it did recently) where lots of things are changed, those “custom templates” might not work – and until the theme author fixes the theme your SOL unless you fix the problems yourself or pay someone to.
All in all, you’d be safer just to use the default woo, and use CSS to customize the look so your site will never have issues, though there’s always a chance you’ll get a plugin that will conflict with woo updates and cause mayhem… So your kinda screwed either way… With the latest wc 3.04 version, I would say maybe 30% of woo compatible themes are *really* compatible, even less for plugins… Even official plugins/extensions are buggy AF on the latest Woocommerce version, so yeah… LoL
(vote me for most helpful post of the year award)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Call to undefined method APCu_Object_Cache::incr2()Try turning off object caching…
In your hosting account, go to /wp-content/ and rename object-cache.php to object-cache.php-bak
Then test.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Safe to downgrade to 2.6.14 after Db updater?wc 3 changes the database, so you need to roll the DB back as well… You did perform a backup of the plugins and db before upgrading right? For big updates that should be your first step, so you can update – check if it worked – and roll everything back… On production sites that are busy, I would disable checkout as well so you wouldn’t lose any customer data from sales that happened during the test… If your situation is dire you might as well try rolling back the plugin sans a db rollback just to see if it works, can’t get any worse at that point… Other option if it’s a production site is to stick with wc 3, disable offending plugins and hope those authors update their plugins… If the offending plugins are critical to your store, I would look for a compliant substitution that you could set up to capture future orders from (im thinking of subscription plugins at this point, but who knows maybe it could be some other crazy addon you got from some indian company that will never be compliant and there are no substitutions – in which case SOL, lel).
What plugins are you using, whats your website, and what are the main problems? Functionality issues will be harder than theme issues, you can always get another theme – or strip the woocommerce templates from your current theme and allow woo to use its own, then you can customize the woo templates as needed for a quick fix…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Cart URL’s of product images are Stripped of https:If your site is locked down with an https redirect on the hosting environment the wc 3 urls will work with https… Having url’s as // instead of https:// or https:// pretty much makes them compatible either way, if your server has an ssl redirect to enforce https then it wouldn’t be a problem regardless where the links were accessed from as the destination page would always use https, if you don’t have ssl set up with a redirect and just changed your Settings>General>Address entries to https it wouldn’t be enough to load pages as https, if you have the redirect and it’s not set in Settings>General/Address then I could see that possibly making things weird… How is your ssl set up on your server/website?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Blank product’s admin pageHave you performed a lot of sales? What plugins you use? When did the problem happen? What did you do right before it happened? What kind of host do you use? What version Woo?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Checkout Page Not LoadingTry another theme, preferrably a non-woocommerce theme lol
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Customers not able to checkout – Woocommerce 3.04Hey Jenny,
In Woocommerce>Settings>General in the field for “selling locations” do you still have those State’s listed and enabled?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] Groups causes SLOW admin orders list page..Hi Evan/Kento.
I can confirm this is an issue coming from Groups, especially in sites that have larger databases of old orders. If you have a database of 100,000+ completed orders, this plugin is going to cause mayhem trying to query all those orders while loading the woocommerce>orders page…The query:
SELECT wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts WHERE 1 =1 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'shop_order' AND ( ( wp_posts.post_status = 'wc-completed' ) ) AND wp_posts.ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE ID NOT IN ( SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'groups-read' ) UNION ALL SELECT post_id AS ID FROM wp_postmeta WHERE wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'groups-read' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value IN ( '1' ) ) ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC
Of course it times out on big databases. The wc-completed orders will grow to be the biggest as well when the site is being used with Subscriptions – since subscription will create a new order on every subscription renewal interval.
100,000 completed orders takes 112 seconds to load – if it doesn’t crash or timeout before that. With Groups enabled showing 201 queries for the woocommerce>orders page, with Groups disabled showing 92 queries. It also appears the legacy mode sends a larger query against the db as well, so turning that off may help.
Currently working on cleaning up the database, presuming once completed orders are down to a manageable size the page will load properly… First need to deactivate Groups so the Orders page is accessible, then set up an sql script to start moving wc-complete order statuses to trash by year so I can try saving last years orders and get rid of the rest, I’ll also move them to trash so I can use WP ’empty trash’ function to clean up all the meta data for all the orders from their respective tables. If someone has a cleaner method of fixing this LMK ??