Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter tfmwa


    Hi Patrick,

    Thank you very much for checking with the developers and reporting back.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    I can’t reproduce this issue anymore during additional testing. Marking as resolved for now.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    I hadn’t spotted that option. That seems to do the trick. Excellent! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I hope this will help other people in the future as well.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    Hi Manuel,

    Thank you so much again! The new code works to apply rel sponsored to the affiliate links I’m excluding.

    I did find that I had to put my excluded urls on new lines instead of separating with commas. Although maybe it was the comma+space between each one that messed it up.

    Hopefully this can help others with how to apply rel=”sponsored” to affiliate links.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    Hi Manuel,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and provide a code sample!

    When I use that code in my generatepress child theme functions.php, it produces a critical PHP Error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘if’ (T_IF) in /REDACTED/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on line 27

    I looked at the other code examples on the plugin homepage and several stackxchange solutions, but I can’t figure out why it’s not working at the moment.

    This gets exponentially worse when you’re working with columns. You have no clue where you’re at. Right now the columns block seems almost unusable.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    Thank you for taking the time to reply and for passing it on!

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    @hastibe thank you for that link and suggestion. Looks like that’s going to be the way to go.

    @caseproof thank you for confirming.

    I really appreciate both of you taking the time to reply.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    All right so that was a dud. It slowed down again.

    During my previous migration, I exported forum related data into a clean WordPress install.

    In the end I did a new migration, but this time I transferred all data and removed all content and plugins I didn’t want or need. Making backups at several key stages so I could easily roll back. I made sure to google the right documentation on how to handle upgrades and migrations for simplepress, which isn’t always easy to find.

    I probably still have some cleanup work to do regarding content I don’t want to exist in that WordPress installation anymore, but the forum runs normally now.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    I wanted to leave feedback for future searchers.

    When I first migrated the forum I was eager to have a clean install because the old website and forum were such a mess. At some point I must have decided to either not import the users and usermeta tables or forgot to do so (more likely).

    After a lot of trial and error restoring the old site and forum, I finally noticed this. I did an import of only the two missing tables. And now the forum load times are pretty normal again.

    I’m guessing the forum is trying to load (a lot) of information that does not exist for a certain duration, which causes very long load times.

    I have also limited the number of topics and the number of posts shown on a page to decrease the number of calls being made.

    So if you’re experiencing something similar, please follow the instructions for migrating and double check every step you think you’ve taken.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    Thank you. I’ll have another go at setting up the forum. I’ll move the entire old site over and see what happens when I delete everything I don’t need instead of trying to select the few things I want to keep.

    Thread Starter tfmwa


    Hi nigel01,

    Thank you very much for your fast and elaborate reply!

    Can you provide some more details about the site where simple:press is running? Statistics on the amount users, posts, forums etc would be good.

    The forum runs in its own WordPress installation on a subdomain. The forum is locked and serves as an archive of old forum content at the moment.

    Forum information (translated):

    Groups: 7
    Forums: 78
    Topics: 22268
    Posts: 157725

    Members: 20791
    Moderators: 0
    Admins: 1

    Then, data on the hosting platform – what kind of server, how many processors, ram, etc? Are other sites running on the same server?

    Shared hosting, 256mb PHP limit, plenty of disk and database space. Hosting provider claims technical specifics wouldn’t matter much because of shared/cloud setup.

    There are some erros happing in the log file for the hosting account, but this also includes the main content site on the main www. domain.

    “AH00125: Request exceeded the limit of 10 subrequest nesting levels due to probable configuration error. Use ‘LimitInternalRecursion’ to increase the limit if necessary. Use ‘LogLevel debug’ to get a backtrace.” is an error in the log relating to forum topics (there is a referrer url after that error which I’m omitting).

    I’ve been very happy with them for several years, but I am already looking into moving to a new host because of small things like this.

    I do have to say that the forum used to work fine on this hosting when it was the old WordPress + Buddypress + Simplepress combo and the forum was in a subfolder. After a few months something broke because of updates and I had to accelerate moving things over to a fresh WordPress installation.

    When you see the timeouts, are there errors in the debug.log file?

    Timeouts are only reported by pagespeed tools like GTMetrix, Webpagetest and Pingdom so far. As a user/visitor I don’t get a timeout, it just takes very long to load.

    I set the following in wp-config.php
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );

    I then tried to load a forum topic as a user and through a pagespeed tool.

    See this pastebin for debug.log content:

    After enabling debuggin, I started seeing the errors below on the frontend. However, after updating Simplepress to the latest version, these errors are gone again. I’m leaving them here in case they help troubleshooting.

    “Notice: Undefined index: can_use_iframes in /subdomains/forum/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-api/sp-api-auths.php on line 29 ” (shown 3 times across the forum topic page)

    “Notice: Undefined property: spUser::$user_id in /subdomains/forum/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/private-messaging/template-tags/sp-pm-send-pm-button-tag.php on line 31 Notice: Undefined property: spUser::$adversaries in /subdomains/forum/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/private-messaging/template-tags/sp-pm-send-pm-button-tag.php on line 32 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /subdomains/forum/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/private-messaging/template-tags/sp-pm-send-pm-button-tag.php on line 32” (shown once on the forum topic page)

    I did run an index rebuild for a single subforum yesterday. However it has 1461 topics and 11221 messages. After 6 hours it still wasn’t done and I shut down everything for the day. Not smart, I know. But I figured it had just timed out as well and I’m prepared to re-do the export and import of the forum content to start over.

    When you moved the data over to the new site, how did you do the move?

    As far as I can remember I manually (no plugin) moved things over following this guide:

    I exported all sf tables + users + usermeta from the old database and imported them into the new one. I don’t remember specifically which FTP folders I downloaded and reuploaded.

    Definitely possible that I missed something important here. I have no idea where or how the “indexes” would be stored.

    Do you have an object cache such as MemCached or Redis? This can help with duplicate database queries and is especially useful when loading wp-admin.

    Not that I’m aware of. Any recommendations?

    What version of Simple:Press are you running?

    Wordpress 5.4.2 (latest).

    So apparently I was running Simplepress and not 6.5.1. Is there a reason why I wouldn’t get a notification to update the plugin in the WordPress backend?

    I’ve updated to 6.5.1 and changed the plugin folder name to be without the hyphen it used to have.

    Next steps

    I’d be grateful for your advice on how to best proceed.

    I’m perfectly happy redoing the import of the forum using Updraft Plus following any recommendations you have if that is the best way to go.

    The forum has been inactive/locked down since the acquisition so there are no issues with losing data in that regard.

    Thank you again for taking the time to have a look at all this information.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by tfmwa.

    Right so my brain only just came up with the genius idea of wrapping any type of footer content or after content widget in a little div with an ID like “stop-sticky”. And use that as a stop target. Maybe you can use that as well @jamiek47

    Still, would be nice if we could just enter classes as well as IDs.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by tfmwa.


    Is there a reason why you only allow us to enter an ID and not a class?

    I run into this issue with quite a lot of themes that use a class for their footer and not an ID. It’s quite a bit of work to modify the theme file and css references just to get a sidebar widget to stop with a bit of white space above the footer.

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents to this.

    My images stopped working.

    I did not change any Wordfence settings and I have it set to automatically update the plugin. At the time of writing the last update of Wordfence according to the changelog and plugin depository was two weeks ago.

    But I have to assume the update/change happened two days ago, because of a massive swandive in my affiliate clicks, most of which are generated through image links, while my analytics remained stable.

    I found a htaccess file in the uploads folder. Made a backup. Deleted it. Images were back. Host said they block ‘Option ExecCGI’ for security reasons.

    Hope this helps other people googling and maybe it’s useful to know for the Wordfence team that a relatively large hosting consortium called applies this security rule for their customers.

    Thanks for creating and maintaining a plugin that protects our websites. The Wordfence mailing list is awesome and I highly recommend people subscribe to receive notifications about compromised plugins.

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