Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] plugin doesn't recognice my playlist idTo get it to work, I added the youtube API to my google project, then generated a BROWSER key (not a server key). Finally, I used the default play list (get the channel ID, and change the start from UC to UU) and vola, everything is working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] plugin doesn't recognice my playlist idLoaded 2.0.2, still not working. I have tried a channel, user ID, and play list. None are working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GC Testimonials] Is There a Way to Request Less Info from User?Not sure if you are still looking for the solution, but…
First, you need to have a child theme, as you will be modifying functions.php. There are a number of good instructions on how to create a child theme. The reason to do this is to allow the theme to be updated by the developer without requiring you to go in afterwards and make your changes again.
Second, you will want to copy two functions from testimonials.php – found in the wp-content/plugins/gc-testimonials directory. These two are gct_form_shortcode() and gct_get_create_testimonial_form(). You will need to give them a new name – I prepend override_ onto the function names giving override_gct_form_shortcode() and override_gct_get_create_testimonial_form().
Inside overrid_gct_form_shortcode() you will want to find the line return gct_get_create_testimonial_form(… and change it to return override_gct_get_create_testimonial_form(… This will point it towards the function where you will make all of your modifications.
Make all modifications to the style and content of the form in override_gct_get_create_testimonial_form(). Any field that you wish to “remove”, make sure you change from <input type=”text” to <input type=”hidden”, DO NOT just delete the fields. You can also restyle the form in this section. Keep in mind that everything must be appended to the $html variable.
Finally, add the following two lines to function.php:
add_shortcode(‘testimonial-form’, ‘override_gct_form_shortcode’);
This will point the [testimonial-form] shortcode to the new form.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] contact-form-7 shortcode not registered.First of all to clarify. The shortcode works in the main body (page or post) but does not work in a sidebar.
After removing all the plugins, the behavior continued. Given the complexity of the theme (Spacious) it would be problematic to convert to another theme (not just select, it requires resetting a number of sidebars).
I did change the theme, unload all plugins except WPXtreme and WPX Shortcodes Manager Light. The shortcode manager still did not recognize the contact-form-7 shortcode.