I’m having trouble with my slider since I upgraded the regular word press program 2 cycles ago. The wordpress theme I chose came with the slider so I haven’t made any changes to it.
my site is https://www.valleyofthekings3dfilms.com/
I appreciate any help
I’m having a similar problem, I had to set up the direct pay that goes straight to paypal because it seems when I had the add ti cart function set up and it went to the cart the program body is too wide and hidding half of it under the sidebar. I can see the start of the words for tax and shipping but you can’t see anything past their first letters, I’m guessing that the total button is tabbed over past them but can’t see it or the checkout button.
Thank you, I thought this theme worked for film site and was suggested by the lady who set the initial site up for me. I will gladly take suggestions of a better theme, I am totally new here.
Thank you for directing me to the correct site also